Part 24: Steamer NPC Chatter 4
Timely and not at all late in the slightest NPC Chatter update!
On the other hand, I actually proofread this one!
Welcome back!
Yep. This model gets a different quote after swabbing the deck.

: Swabbing the decks WOULD be easy, but nobody'd be able to fit inside.
Next time things change is when Feena shows up.

: You ought go say hello!

: Ugh! I'm just as fine as her.

: You, huh. Don't give me that. If you wanna compete, then first get better at your ship work. Go try and talk to Feena. You ARE adventurer wannabes, right? You might learn something.

: Hey, this isn't the time to be talking about that. Don't the clouds look odd?

: Huh? You're right. I'm amazed you noticed. Hmmm? The clouds do look bad. Not like the clouds before a storm.

: Isn't that your imagination? The weather looks fine.

: No, no, no. You'll never be a full-fledged sailor like that. Watch for changes in the weather and be very sensitive to changes. A sailor mustn't forget this.

: How about when I arrived!? What about me!? Tell me!

: Hmm... ... When Sue arrived, it certainly did get lively.

: Lively, you say. More like pandemonium, I think.

: Women sure are curious-- just being here can change the atmosphere.

: "Elizabeth" is so sensitive. If I pay attention to anything else, she gets so cranky.

: If I can't have the President of the Adventurers Society, I'd go for the greatest adventurer of New Parm. They say, three times is a charm, so something else bad is bound to happen. What'll I do?!

: I'm gonna interview him. I bet he's a huge man with a beard and scars, but a kind heart.
Yep. Those two were the only people with something new to say at this point.

: What? You're a strange one.

: Bow, was I surprised! I never imagined a girl!

: Hahaha. I bet you were surprised. But Feena's ability is the real deal. That's why the Spirits like her. They say the Spirits are fond of skilled adventurers. Of course they'd like Feena.
Thankfully they didn't make those into minigames as well.

: Maybe this portends something-squeak.

: Now that you mention it. I've heard of that. Rats deserting a sinking ship.

: There were over 7000 rats. Now I can't find a one. Something's gonna happen-squeak.

: 7000 rats!? Surely you jest.
Nobody else down there has anything new to say, so let's head to the Bridge.

: Aye-aye! This is... huh? Hey! You're not the Captain, so don't be using the speaking tube!

: Yow, chewed out again.

: Yow! Yikes! He-he-help me, o Spirits! (Rattle, rattle, shiver, shiver)

: Eek! What IS that!?
We've really been making some progress this time. Too bad that's gonna stop right about now. Just about everyone has something to say about the Ghost Ship.
Examining it again just shows the normal poster text.
Examining this one again, though...

: "Young Platz" was just so cool.

: Argh! Justin, what about the ghost ship!?
Next up is the first-class section.

: Looks like Puffy has taken to the gentleman!

: That's right. Puffy just loves nice people and people who feed him. ♥

: Puff-Puff Pufft♥

: A Ghost Ship!? Wah ha ha! No matter what comes, I'll be all right!

: Puff Puff

: Oh! Worrying about me? You're too kind. Exactly like my boy!

: That Puffy has really taken to the gentleman.
Back in the hall...
Sue yells at you for reading the "best food" award, but not the painting.
And in the next cabin...

: Uh-uh. I don't know any details at all.

: You don't know either. Is there anyone on this ship who can help?

: All right! I'll drive off that Ghost Ship!

: As a porter, you are not quite persuasive.

: I never imagined we'd run into a Ghost Ship here. I wish the Garlyle Forces were here.

: We don't need any army. Don't worry, the adventurers Feena and I are on this ship!
And now for the lounge...

: Wow! He really is jittery!

: But he does seem to be having fun. He hasn't noticed the Ghost Ship.

: Hi-De-Hi-De Hi-De-Ho! Hi-De-Hi-De Hi-De-Ho! Why don't you dance with me? I know dances of many lands but there is nothing that can top the jitterbug!
I dunno. Jitterbug is better than Tempting Tango, but it loses out to Swords Dance.

: Look, Sue, that is him. He starts dancing his Hi-De-Ho as soon as he drinks coffee.

: You there, what are you saying? The me you see right now... Is the real... me... OK! Hi-De-Ho, HA! Hi-De-Ho, there. How about it? This magnificent step.
Unfortunately, the bar has no associated text from this point on.

: O Sea Spirits! O Mountain Spirits! O Bath Spirits! O Tomato Spirits! Any spirits at all, help MEEE.
While this woman calling on Bath and Tomato spirits is silly, this next conversation needs to be seen. As such, I have screenshotted the whole thing, so you know I'm not making any of it up.

Now I'm disappointed that Chestnut Sea Urchin Guy isn't a party member.
Blue Hat Kid, though, would make a terrible addition to the team.

: Why, thank you. ♥

: But Justin is with me, so I'll be all right.
Other way around, Sue.

: What!? What's wrong with me!?

: Justin might be an apprentice sailor right now, but he is quite reliable.

: Argh. I have no chance against an adult, but I'm gonna be a reliable man some day.

: Everyone else is panicking but sir, you're awfully calm.

: Of course, I am a gambler. I must be calm and collected at all times. He he he.

: The commander of the Ghost Ship might be a handsome young captain envious of the beauty of the Spirits. Ahh. ♥

: I doubt he's such a wonderful man. Maybe a bearded old codger?

: No, no that can't be! I think a bearded face is beautiful! You don't value my sense of beauty! Ahh. Wonder if a handsome young captain is in command. ♥ It's just so exciting. ♥

: I told you, don't get your hopes up.

: Ugh. She's not listening at all.
This would be so much less confusing if they didn't have two identical NPCs right next to each other.

: I just can't stand ghosts. Tell me about it later!

: Of course we can't let you! It's really dangerous! I think!

: A photographer can't be bothered by danger! Let me up on deck too. I miss this chance and I'll never get to shoot a Ghost Ship, right?

: A Ghost Ship, for heaven's sake! We're doomed for certain! We're lost!

: You're an adult, so pull yourself together!

: A little girl like me who has never experienced love can't die in such a place!

: (Giggle) You're right. We can't die in such a place! I still have to have my torrid love affair! I can't die yet!

: A Ghost Ship? I've never even seen a ghost in all my life. This fuss is not a trifling matter.

: I've never seen a ghost either.

: Actually, I wanted to, though.
And with that, we're done with the first-class lounge. For now.

: I should have been better every day. I'm sorry. O Spirits, forgive me.

: No time for that! A Ghost Ship has appeared. Can I be bothered by lessons!?

: What, what, what did you say!? These are the times when a sailor's strength is tested. Do you know Sailor's Lesson 35?

: Wow. There sure are a lot of those Sailor's Lessons.

: I don't know. Tell me number 35.

: That one's... "Don't be embarrassed to be afraid of ghosts".

: Yes it's true. Saw it with my own two eyes.

: A Ghost Ship's gotta have huge piles of gold and silver and treasure. I know! Think I can bring back a pendant as a gift for my daughter? What do you think? Can I get on somehow?

: Ah haha. You oughta forget it.

: Leave it to me, the adventurer!

: Hey, hey, sir, get ahold of yourself! You're gonna make me cry!

: Justin, you're so hopeless.

: So strange - Justin seems almost reliable compared to this man.

: How rude! The only time we broke the rules was when we got on the ship!

: Sue... that's not something to be proud of.

: A Ghost Ship? Could this be the wrath of the Sea Spirits? Or did someone break the rules of the sea?

: My son is so naive I'm sure he'll get scared and cry. Gotta go hug and comfort him! My son is so naive you have to be nice to him or he'll be hurt. ♥

: At this rate we're gonna overheat. Aw, curses!

: Huh, engine trouble?

: Um, Sir? It's not going to blow up, right?

: There's no danger of an explosion now. We can fix 'er. But go on deck and you'll see the paddlewheel's stopped.

: I wonder if this ship'll make it to New Parm.

: But isn't there something else you should be worried about?

: Anyway, don't you worry. I'll fix the ship good as new so we can finish the voyage.

: You sound awfully reliable. The words of an experienced engineer do carry weight.

: Ugh. Are you finished yet?
And if we examine it again...

: Now is my chance!

: Juuu ssss tiii nnnn DON'T DO IT!

: Looks tough, but good luck! I've just gotta get to New Parm.

: But we got trouble with cams, cranks, everything. Makes me want to cry. My dear Jennifer, you just have to get better.

: Who's Jennifer? Is someone sick?

: Oh, Jennifer is the name of the ship's engine. Named her myself.

: That's an odd thing to do. It's an engine, not a doll.

: But don't get too excited about naming the engine. Get the repairs done too, OK. ♥

: Ha ha. Sue, you got a sharp tongue. OK, OK, just leave it to me. I am an engineer, you know.
Back in the crew quarters...

: I want to board the Ghost Ship. I want to look around that ship.

: Forget it. You'll just risk your life. Newbies shouldn't go overboard. You and that girl are mere children. You shouldn't be doing such dangerous things.

: I know it's dangerous, but if I don't go, everyone's in danger. And I'm gonna be an adventurer!

: The Sea Spirits WERE angry at the stowaways after all! Aaah! We're done for!

: Don't give up already! We'll board that Ghost Ship!

: Do-don't be ridiculous! Go against the Sea Spirits and you've got big trouble! Stop! I TOLD you
about stairs not to anger the Sea Spirits... but still!
And now for the second-class cabin.

: Um. We're at sea here.

: But the guts of a Garlyle soldier make the impossible possible. I can't wait for my leave to end. Then I'd make an all-out attack on that Ghost Ship or whatever.

: A one-man all-out attack sounds pretty strange, sir.

: Don't say "end". It's unlucky.

: I know we'll be safe.

: A ghost ship!? When the rats left, I thought it was something like that-squeak!

: Animals do have good instincts.

: Did Puffy notice something?

: Puff? Pufft Pufft?

: I guess not. Puffy's pretty laid-back.

: Only my rats can sense danger to the ship-squeak. That funny creature can't do it.

: Don't call Puffy a funny creature! That's rude.

: Ghost ships are not my specialty. Try another doctor. The young ones now are such scaredy-cats. You can't depend on 'em.

: Ghost Ships? Leave 'em to me. I can take on one or two!

: I like you. You have a backbone. I'll fix any wounds of yours. Go take on one Ghost Ship.

: Of course. I plan to!

: So the Ghost Ship really exists. Now I've seen quite an unusual sight.

: Sir, are you sure you can be so laid-back about it?

: Grudges over food are terrible. Ah! Eye for an eye! Pie for a pie! I'm gonna throw a pie in his face. ♥

: Huh? Say something? It's so noise I can't hear. Have we reached the New World? The Steamer is stopped!? I have to get to the New World and get revenge on the man who stole my apple pie! OOHH, it makes me SO angry! Maybe I ought to throw a pie at the Ghost Ship too! Yes?

: Anything that stands in the way of my love, even a Ghost Ship, only makes me realize it more.

: Miss, you've got quite a dander up.

: But an amateur shouldn't tangle with a Ghost Ship.

: All right. Good luck. Justin and Sue, I leave my quest for love up to you.

: Hee hee. That's a heavy responsibility, but I'll try.
Stowaway guy has nothing new to say.

: Don't you know we're being attacked by the Ghost Ship?

: I've decided. I'll learn the art of navigation at merchant marine school and become a sailor. I'm gonna be a sailor! I can't be scared by this. I can't be running away!

: That's right! Adventurers and sailors should never run away!

: Ju-Justin! I-I-I'm not s-s-scared at all!

: All right, just wait! I'm definitely gonna solve the mystery of the Ghost Ship!

: A GHOST SHIP you say? Oh no! Never heard of that! I remember New Parm....

: Hang on, sir! This isn't the time to be lost in memories!

: It's no use, Justin. This man must be one of those escapists.

: Cactus, pretty wooden houses, beautiful dancers at the theater.... I can't die until I see them again!

: The ship has stopped. Is something wrong?

: Didn't you know a Ghost Ship appeared?

: A Ghost Ship? That's it! This ache in my chest is love for the Ghost Ship! This ache in my chest is... love. Yes! It's LOVE! Even now a sweet and sour feeling is welling up in my hart... (Urp!)

: Eew! Don't barf on me!

: Aah, my head is spinning and my chest aches... Aah, so this is LOVE!

: It's just seasickness.

: They said a Ghost Ship appeared! Oh, what to do? I know! I'll turn the beating of my heart into a song.

: What!? A SONG!?

: ... Miss, you are very composed.
See you next time!