Part 25: Steamer NPC Chatter 5
Welcome back to another totally-not-severely-delayed NPC chatter update!
Yep, more text on the bridge after you go on deck for the first time.

: What are you saying, Sue? This is so much fun, so why would we want to escape!? Hmm, maybe I should make a model of the Ghost Ship?

: Aren't we going to board the Ghost Ship with Feena!?

: Yikes! He-he-help me, o Spirits! (Rattle, rattle, shiver, shiver)

: But it's true!

: Hey, boy! Don't be saying ridiculous things and teasing adults. They'll say you're crying wolf.
This is the first time the compass's text has changed. Just, y'know, in case you were curious.

: Wow! The needle is spinning around!

: Is the Ghost Ship doing this too?

: Good place for an adventurer to shine!
Whew. So with all that, we're finally done, right?
Ha ha ha ha

: I can only think it's cursed by the power of evil spirits. Evil spirits! We're doomed!

: The power of evil spirits? Sounds interesting! I'm going to find its secrets!

: What should we do!? My wife and children back home.... Argh! Please help us!

: A Ghost Ship! Gotta do something! Gotta save the passengers' lives! All right! I'll go, too.

: Wow. There is someone like you. OK, let's board the Ship together. We'll all bust the Ghost Ship!

: Um, well, I, uh.... My clothes will get dirty... um... I know! Let's all draw lots. OK? OK?

: I've been a lookout for years, but I've never seen such a ship, a surprisingly old style of ship.

: As an adventurer, I couldn't miss this!

: Don't be ridiculous! You're just an apprentice sailor. You're being ludicrous.

: Just a little danger.... Danger always accompanies adventurers!

: Eh? What is this? A boy like you shouldn't be so cheeky!

: A Ghost Ship? Oh, no.... Huh? Justin... you're an apprentice so stay in your cabin! We don't need an apprentice here. You will be able to help some day, but not this time.

: But Sue and I are mates on this ship!

: Mates? Now I see. If so, then do what you feel is right, but don't overdo it. Understood?!

: We'll be all right. If Justin goes overboard, I'll be sure to stop him.

: Every ship that has met that Ghost Ship has sunk! We're doomed. It's the wrath of the Spirits!
And now Feena joins us. Which changes some more dialog again.
I mean, yeah, it's annoying to hunt down and transcribe all of it, but it's pretty damn impressive just how much dialog is hidden away in innocuous objects and NPCs at random plot events.
Not sure if these guys have new dialog, because you can't talk to them with Feena in the way. Unless I missed something.

: Sir, you're not lucky.

: But Feena and me, we'll do something about it!

: Wha-what are you saying? Feena and you, too... don't die for nothing!

: B-board that Ghost Ship? Forget it! You guys are better at swabbing the deck!

: Now that's rude! Despite how we look, we are pretty strong.

: Puff! Puff-Pufft!

: Wow. In-in-incredible. Never seen a Ghost Ship. This will remind me of the voyage.

: Um... Sir, aren't you afraid? A Ghost Ship....

: I-I-I'm scared, but I'll be all right. Feena is with us. Hahaha! I'm so glad that Feena came aboard this ship... Hahaha... hmm, glub-glub.

: He's trying to be strong.
Man, I'm gonna need to use "Are you sane!?" at some point.
And this guy didn't even exist until Feena joined the party.

: Sure. I'll be sure to solve the mystery of that ship.

: Don't forget that I'm coming too!
And from bow back to stern...

: Wow. They must be really strong ghosts.

: Cut out the ghost talk!

: There's got to be a cause.

: Just looking at it won't help, right? Let's go find the cause!

: Your mind's made up, right!? Or have you chickened out on me?

: Doing such foolish things and causing a panic is even more dangerous! Come, let's go to the Ghost Ship!
Funnily enough, the balcony and map have the same text. As do both sets of tubes.
The compass and captain's picture have the same text as before Feena joined, so now we head....
.... belowdecks. To talk to more people.

: I can't understand someone who loves danger! Don't you know you might die?

: I have always won so far. I doubt this will kill me. He. Perhaps it is because I seek thrills every day that I can stay calm no matter what happens.
In some ways, it's even worse that it's only a few NPCs who have new text. Means you have to pay close attention to a lot of the same dialog.

: Hmm, that is a problem. Since I'm a sailor maybe I'll swim over?

: You don't know Sailor's Lesson 13? "A sailor... needn't be able to swim!"

: You mean you can't swim?

: A ship with good sailors like me will never sink. So I'm fine even if I can't swim! Understand, apprentice! A sailor needn't be able to swim. As long as he's a good sailor.

: OK, sir. Leave it to me.

: Justin!? This isn't a walk in the park!

: No good, huh. I thought something from the Ghost Ship was a good idea.

: You can buy lots of gifts in New Parm.

: Don't worry, sir.

: Just leave it to us! We'll do something about the Ghost Ship!

: That's right. As adventurers, we have to do something.

: I'll do what I can. You guys do what you can, OK.

: The Ghost Ship is a SUPERSTITION!

: I'll find the cause and prove it's a superstition.

: That's right! An adventurer would board her and solve it! This location is attractive.

: But we gotta board the Ghost Ship!

: I just thought there might be a ghost in the machine. So I was looking in.

: What are you talking about? No such thing as ghosts.

: C'mon, let's go.

: The ghost must be strong to be able to stop this machine.

: I see. Brace yourselves, OK!
And then the Ghost Ship happened.
Not now, sailor man, we've got more people to talk to! Two or three more times, in some cases!

: I see. Everyone was worried about you. Don't overdo it, though. Resting is a fine job too.

: Thanks to the Sea Spirits and you guys!

: See! What about us now? ♥

: Looks like the Sea Spirits ARE fond of you now.

: Of course! They've got to be fond of a beautiful lady like me. ♥

: Hee hee. Good job for some newbies! I see you in a new light!
Y'know, I can't help but imagine every conversation starting off like this.

: Wah hahaha. You already ARE a great sailor AND a great adventurer!
Aww, c'mon, guy, stop enabling the poor kid.
Don't I say, or do I say?

: Even if he was a monster, I can't stand losing a tug-o-war with a SQUID. Gotta retrofit the ship, I guess.

: Hmm, the pride of workmanship....

: Ee hee hee. Listen, you squid. Next time I'll drag ya all the way to New Parm.

: Sir, you're scaring me.
Given what we know about New Parmians, they'd probably call it Días de Los Calamares and start partying.

: Hang on, Justin. You go touching that and you'll break it for sure.

: Can't I twiddle with it just a little?

: I didn't do it just to save the engine, though.

: I just wanted an adventure!

: Don't forget my great derring-do, too!

: If you get back to Parm, look me up. I'll give you a ride with the best equipment.

: Justin, aren't you hot? I'm sweating all over.

: Think she'll marry my son? I think they're a good match. A strong woman like Miss Feena will be able to protect my son!

: You got it wrong, I'm a full-fledged adventurer!

: Hmm, now i see. Then, Justin, tell me the rules of adventurers.

"Can't adventure on an empty stomach."

: I can understand that one. Like "A ship can't sail on an empty stomach."

: They say sailors and adventurers are like brothers, but...

: They're really gourmand brothers. ♥

"Live with soul".

: Hmm, that is pretty profound. I don't quite understand but does it mean to have passion?

: Actually, I don't quite know.

: But I must be following it. After all, I'm an adventurer.

"Open up new worlds".

: Ah, now that's a good saying! It was us sailors and adventurers who discovered the New World!

: Hee hee. Of course! You do get it, sir!
And no matter which choice you pick, you wind up here.

: Anyway, you're quite a man. I'm praying for you, my brother!

: Say, do you know what type of man Miss Feena likes?

: Hmm... I don't think she's too particular about types.

: But definitely no mama's boys.

: What are you saying? I'm not a mama's boy! I'm just really close to my mama!

: You can say that again.

: I just really love my mama. Isn't that normal?

: Of course! It was a great adventure.

: That's just great! Can you tell me all about it? An adventure on the Ghost Ship makes a wonderful travel story. Can't that be a gift?

: Just leave it to me...

: ... or so I'd like to say, but I got so involved I don't remember a thing.

: Ah ha ha. Just like you, Justin.

: Aww, too bad. I'll have to think of something else, then.

: Don't worry, sir! I'll tell you the story later.

: I'm only an apprentice sailor.

: I'm already a full-fledged adventurer!

: Wah hahahaha. Now I see. I guess there's almost nothing more I can teach you. Hey there, apprentice. Listen well. Be a good and nice sailor. That's the best thing I can teach you.

: Hmm, hmm....

: Man's worth is decided by chest hair! Chest hair is his greatest treasure!

: Listen. Chest hair makes a man. Work hard and grow chest hair like my nice chest hair.

: Sir, what did you pray for?

: I wished that our work would get easier. Well, in such a pinch, I suddenly thought of my hard work. Even my prayers changed.

: C'mon, you gotta pray more seriously. Your life might depend on it.

: I think I'll pass. Being put through the wringer by you sounds worse than the giant squid.

: Anyway, I'm gonna be an adventurer! I'm not cut out to be a soldier.

: Too bad. The Garlyle Forces need a few good men like you right now.

: But even if Justin became a soldier, he'd be chewed out all the time.

: An adventurer never gives up no matter what.

: Justin is just repeating what he read in a book.

: Hee-hee. Justin, you'll do fine even on the New World.

: Ha. Hahaha. Sir, you really have made friends with the rats. I can't even imitate you.

: Oh, yes, yes. You two ought to make friends-squeak with the rats. Yes, squeak-squeak-squeak squeak.

: Mr. Ship's Doctor, please don't give me a shot.

: An adventurer wannabe can't be afraid of a shot. Well now, I'll give you three!

: Yikes! I'm OK, OK!

: Anyway, Justin, you've become quite a man of the sea.

: Now am I good or what? The rest of the voyage will be safe with us here.

: Oh, Justin. You always go overboard!

: Many perils still await before my love cam bloom. Good luck, me!

: I'm so jealous of this girl with her romantic love. ♥

: Of course I will! I'm an adventurer after all!

: Justin always gets carried away!

: Justin, you might just be a really big player. Maybe too big for the New World, or maybe not. Hahaha.

: Who is "that man"?

: The man who stole my apple pie. When I find him, I'll throw a pie in his face as revenge!
She will later go on to star in her own spin-off game.
See you next time!