Part 28: Merrill Road
Welcome back! Last time, we dealt with the clown that runs the Adventurers Society, and decided to go blow him off and hang out with Feena instead.We'll get back to real adventures soon, I swear.

Merrill Road here is... well, almost, but not entirely, quite unlike Marna Road from the beginning. It's the same sort of monster-filled pathway between two locations with some hidden treasures, but that's where the similarities end.
But we'll be getting to that in due time. As of right now, we pick up some money. This is helpful, as I blew 1700 gold on a new axe for Justin, some shiny new earrings for him and Sue, and a couple of antidotes in case the earrings didn't do their job.
Not on that shopping list: new armor.

So, Merrill Road has these snake monsters.

If you're at all familiar with RPG cliches, or even basic biology, you can probably guess what these guys' gimmick is.


Anyway, Diggin' has a pretty elaborate animation for a basic spell. The caster shoots up a column of light...

Causing a crystal to appear.

The camera even holds steady during that last part, making it gif-able.

So. Stat levels. I don't remember if I've mentioned them before, but if I did, I probably did a bad job.
Each of the four applied stats (attack, defense, action, and movement) can be temporarily modified in battle with certain skills or items. The stat changes go in levels, from base to +/- 7. Each stat level increases the stat by about 1/14. The math is a bit more complicated, as the earlier levels give more of a bonus, and the later ones less, but it works out to a 50% bonus at level 7 either way. I haven't spaded out the values for negative stat levels yet, but I'd assume it's similar, halving the stat at level -7.
Granted, getting hit by MOV debuffs seems to reduce it all the way to 0, so that could be wrong.
In addition to the four base stats, Max HP can also be modified in this way, though it is much rarer. Justin's Spirit Stone is the most reliable way to buff it until the end of the game. In theory, it's a great way to increase survivability.
In practice, it grants just under 5 HP per use, on average. Sure, it adds up, but so does the damage you could be doing.

The rest of the fight passes without incident. A Diggin' from Sue to start off, and combo attacks from both of them thereafter. Lather, rinse, repeat.

A little ways down the path, there is this spider, posed to ambush you. If you know anything about RPG cliches or biology, you can guess these guys' gimmick, too.

Remember the comment I made above about how negative move levels are really noticeable? Yeah. These guys will make you feel it.

For completion's sake, here's a Spitting Cobra doing what Spitting Cobras do.

The damage on Justin was from him having been bitten by the other one. Their poison attack isn't AoE, thankfully.

Sue gains a Mace level this battle.

And Justin follows up with an Axe one next battle.
And then this happens.

Justin got hit twice by the same Gummy Fluid, bringing his movement level down to -5.

Past those spiders, we find another bag of gold.

Back along the path, we run into the third inhabitant of Merrill Road.

The Glug Bird.

Their attacks hurt, they come in groups of four, and have enough health to occasionally shrug off a combo. They almost made me wish I had put some actual armor on.

Back Kick does twice the damage of a normal attack, with half as much again added due to the counter. That was more than a third of Justin's max HP, in one attack. If I hadn't been using Diggin', Justin would have died there.

An important thing about items is that they take time to charge up. Not terribly long, but it can screw you over if you were expecting it to be instant.

And that 40 HP keeps Justin in the game. The rest of the fight goes smoothly.

This cave here is a shortcut to the end of the area. Given this game's strong themes of exploration and adventure, cutting short the trip is almost never worth it.

See? By taking the long way, we found more gold! And another monster!

The Roadcrawlers. Green worms. Can cast a more powerful version of Diggin', buffing their defense by two instead of one.
Naturally, with their upgraded defense, killing them takes longer, allowing more time for another Diggin' to go off. It's like using Tackle on a Geodude.
Fortunately, killing them off before they can cast it isn't too difficult.

Justin gains a level next battle. Note that it's taking almost as much XP for Sue to go from level 5 to 6 as it is for Justin to go from 7 to 8. Another reason why I like to give her a lot of magic early: it helps to compensate for her slow levels.

This DungeonScope is... less helpful.

This is where the cave from earlier leads to. Also, that item is another Earrings, bringing our total to 3.

Back down the other path, we find more Glug Birds, more gold, and the exit.
We'll be ignoring that last for a little bit.

Look, I need to amuse myself somehow while writing these updates.

Axe, Mace, and Earth levels all in one fight. Incidentally, this brings both Justin and Sue to 27 strength.

Sue also gained +2 MP from the Earth level. In this case, it was split between levels 1 and 3. In my test run, she got 2 level 2 MP. It's possible to save and reset for "optimal" MP growths, but that's boring.
Continuing on...

Roadcralwers can drop Antidotes. Not often enough that you can rely entirely on the drops, but often enough to help in a pinch. Earrings, while they do resist poison, don't prevent it.

And soon enough, we find this curious object.

Yep. Took us the entire game up until now to get our first, and they dump another in our laps for just poking around. We will be finding the vast majority of Mana Eggs from exploring. I think that the one we got from the Squid King was the only non-field item one in the game.

There's a snake hidden on the other side of these rocks.

And, in our next encounter here, Justin gains another Axe level, boosting his strength back above Sue's.

Justin gives her the Chocolate to bring her HP up in preparation for the final battle.

With another Mace level, the Glug Birds are dealt with and we are ready to proceed.

Living way out in the wilderness. Sounds like an adventurer all right.

It's a fence, Justin. That fence, oddly enough, is the only examinable object on the entire map. So, let's head into the hut.

Okay, I lied. You can also examine the stove, but there's no text.

Funny enough, you all voted to cover my weaknesses for the segment where the hint is "If you never change your weapons, you'll only boost, like, two stats".
Anyway, to proceed, we examine the pink shorts up on the line there. They actually sway slightly if you stand still.
Oh, and a warning, this is where the game starts to get really anime.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
Anyway, predictably...

Too bad I've already done the "Phrasing!" reference.

It's a little hard to tell, but Justin is blushing here, too.
... And yes, his face is as red as his hair, and it's hard to tell. Mainly because his face is the same color as his hair.

Remember, just yesterday she called him a pervert and slapped him across the face for bumping into her in the dark.

Feena is about as subtle as a king-fu bodyguard with boxing gloves delivering a tornado punch to the face.

Let's try option two.

Either way, both conversation paths lead here.

Unlike the previous choice, all three of these options are required to advance the plot.
Also, if you're looking for something funny... I dunno. Replace every instance of "adventurer" with "Dracula"?

Again, sprite changes to match portrait.

I'd gif these animations if they were actually animations and not just "suddenly sprite is in a new pose".

Justin and Sue run onto the scene, hidden behind Feena's portrait. If you look carefully, you can still see Puffy.

The camera shakes here, too.

Because muttering to each other is totally inconspicuous.

Everyone turns to face in the direction the camera pans. They're on-screen for exactly half a second, and they still turn to face the proper direction.


And we'll get to that next time!