Part 32: New Parm NPC Chatter 2
And one more, mainly for the spiel at the end there. Regular gameplay update to come next, I promise!
Welcome back! Hopefully we'll be able to wrap up New Parm before we get to the next village.

No, I don't know about Mana Eggs.

: What! Well, this is serious, then! You better listen up good while I tell you all about 'em. When you get hold of a Mana Egg, it's the same as if you learned a new magic spell! Just take your Mana Egg to a store that sells magic spells, and you can get yourself a new kind of spell. See that icon way in the back of the shop? That's where you get spells. Ya got four types of magic spells: fire, earth, wind, and water. Each works differently from the others. Have a long think before you decide which type to buy and where to buy it. They don't take no exchanges! I'm tellin' you this for yer own good: If you already got strength to spare, you'd best get the fire spell first. Once you get a new magic spell, don't forget to raise your skill level with the spell, all right?
Or, if you want the tl;dr version...

: Hey,
I know that much! They're like money that can be used to buy magic spells?

: Well, yeah, I guess you could put it that way. In this shop, you can buy them way in the back over there.
Over in the hotel...

: So now I'm trying to look just like a local. What do you think? Do I look like a New Parm local?

: Yeah, you sure look like a local to me.

: Really? Heh heh. That's great. I thought I should start by changing my looks. I guess it worked! OK, my next challenge is to get used to eating that red-hot spicy food the folks here like so much.

: I came to see how they run. Boy, they are fast! I guess they really are like camels. I never thought those creatures could be useful to people. But they could be a real gold mine! I'm thinking of betting everything I've got to see if I can make money off of them. What do you think?

: But what surprises me about this town is that none of my knowledge from past trips seems to mean anything here. But that's a good thing. After all, it's fun to learn about things that I don't understand yet. So, where shall I start? I've got so much material to go through. It's a bit confusing.

: What's the matter, lady?

: Today, when I was cleaning, I spilled some water from the bucket on a guest. I've got to stand here as punishment.

: Oh, how clumsy of you. Still, they're making you stand here? What is this, a grammar school?

: My boss is an ex-school teacher. So I have to stand here whenever I fail at anything.

: Oh, I see.
Hey, you know what's been missing for quite a while?

: Yup, the Steamer had only canned food.

: I'm just glad the food is hot here!

: Ha ha. Right!

: Sometimes, the captain gave us some nice fresh-baked bread, though.

: Fresh-baked bread!?

: Huh?! How come I never got any?

: I didn't know there was fresh bread!

: Yes, of course you didn't, Justin. That's 'cause you slept in too late. By the time you got up, Justin, the bread was already cold.
And that's the end of Sue's conversation. Selecting Justin at this point...

: So why didn't you wake me up?!

: Yeah, but if I asked you to wake me, I'd have to hear your "You can't do anything without me" speech again. Anyway, that's water under the bridge. Nothing we can do about it now.
If we choose to end dinner before hearing about Justin sleeping in...

: The food here in New Parm is a bit too spicy for me. It makes my mouth sting.
And now, into the town proper.
There's no need to feel down! ♪

: when ya come to town, go see the church on the west side. It's the finest building in town.

: Oh yeah? Really?

: But I don't like those church ceremonies.

: This church is in a nice building but it's not formal. Heck, even the priest likes to party.

: What? You don't know the Samba? You're kidding. I can't believe it! In New Parm, Samba is just about the most popular music there is. I mean, why did you come to New Parm if not to see the Samba Festival? Oh well, I guess I'll have to explain. It's a carnival with a Samba parade. Beautiful young women get dressed up in glitzy Samba outfits that they wear only during this parade. They parade through the streets, singing and dancing for a boisterous crowd. Everyone dances all night. ♥

: Hmmm. Sounds like fun! I love being part of a boisterous crowd!

: We Samba Team girls can hardly wait for the Carnival day to arrive. We're practicing every day for it.

: I think Feena went back to her house after she got off the ship. Excuse me, do you know Feena?

: Yes, I suppose I do. So I guess she got back OK. That's good. That's good. Feena helped me out before. I was waiting for her to return so I could thank her.
Oh god, that roof has EYES!

: T-T-Tourists? Isn't it a society of adventurers?

: What are you saying? From the Society's point of view, the adventurers are tourists. Anyway, if you want to be an adventurer, you shouldn't go and offend the president.

: There are several places on this continent that are known as "rough spots". For example, the End of the World, the Misty Forest, and the Dom Ruins. Where will you go on your adventure?

I want to go to the End of the World!

: Ha ha. That's easy to explain! To get to the End of the World, you have to cross the Misty Forest. Since no one's been all the way there, nobody knows what it's like. After all, it's where the world ends.

: A place where the world ends? Can there really be such a place?

What about the Misty Forest?

: The Misty Forest is surrounded by mist all year long. An eerie forest--it is said that once you set foot in that forest you'll never live to tell about it. It's the roughest of the rough spots.

: Cool! That's where I want to have my adventure!

Hmm... How about the Dom Ruins? ♪

: The Dom Ruins -- The rumor is that relics from ancient, legendary items remain undiscovered. The relics are not very valuable. In fact, only the Garlyle Forces go to places like that.

: Garlyle Forces? What about Sult then?

: Who, me? No, thanks.

: I don't like tea, but I can tell that you do.

: Of course! That's why I sell tea! The aroma, the warmth, ahhh.... Ha ha ha! In this town, we don't sweat the small stuff. Ha ha ha!

: I want to catch the bouquet that the bride tosses out at the end. If I catch it, I'll be next to be married.

: I've heard of that! Isn't that a wonderful custom! I'd want to catch the bouquet, too. ♥

: So, is someone getting married? I'm going to stay right here until the bridal bouquet falls into my hands!

: If there's anything you need to know, just ask me. I can tell you everything about this town.

: Why, thanks! Actually, we've just arrived here, and we don't even know what to ask about.
I wonder if we can visit the hidden passage early.

: I'm rather busy right n-o-w. I take the underground p-a-s-s-a-g-e to go clean the church b-e-l-l. Haven't cleaned it in a w-h-i-l-e. Gotta go ring... ring the b-e-l-l.

: That's odd. I feel kind o-d-d, kinda w-e-i-r-d talking to that p-r-i-e-s-t.

: Oooooo, don't w-o-r-r-y. Haven't used it for a w-h-i-l-e. Strange things in the p-a-s-s-a-g-e. Lots of strange things t-h-e-r-e!
Now, you might be thinking that this priest is the same one that was hanging around by the Port, or the one who officiated the wedding. But neither of them had that verbal tic. Meaning there are two, possibly three priests for this one church.
Speaking of...

: The priest told me he'd clean up the storeroom in back. I wonder if he's finished.

: You know it! Look, mister! Look at my courageous face!

: Your face is OK. Where's your pass? What? You don't have a pass? You can't be an adventurer without it. Whatcha gotta do is go to the Adventurers Society and get a pass.

: This doctor, he's not very good at killing diseases. Killing patients is his specialty.

: Are there really doctors like that?

: Don't think of him as a doctor. Instead, think of him more as a messenger from the world beyond.

: You're an adventurer?! That's amazing. And you've seen the End of the World!

: It was an Adventurers Society tour, but that experience is what mattered. It's something to remember always. I'd go again if I got the chance. But anyway, that first view of it is set permanently before my mind's eye.
Hmm... Keep this guy in mind for later.

: Neither. We came here to go on an adventure.

: Came for an adventure, huh? Well, so you're sightseeing, right?

: No we're not! I came here to become a true adventurer!

: Huh? You wanna be a true adventurer?! Yeah, right. Tell me another good one.

: Wh... what the? What makes you think you can talk that way to us!

: So, do you really expect me to believe you want to become a true adventurer? Well, I don't believe it.

: Are you sure you're not overdoing it? Is it OK?

: Of course, ... ... it's not OK. Tomorrow we'll have to start living on day-old bread. Man, these New Parm folks really go all out for festivals and other special occasions.

: How do you know that?

: Ha ha ha. Anyone can tell that! We can tell by the odd way in which you run around town. Local folks know that running around in this heat will wear you out. The climate's so different from Parm's. That puffy little guy there seems rather hot. How about shaving his head?

: Puff! Puff!

: Hmm? Cute? Oh, really?

: Hey, you over there. What do you say? The best shows and beautiful waitresses too! Come check it out!

: Oh yeah?! Wow, I'd sure like to, but...

: the Adventurers Society comes first!

: don't worry, Puffy. He's OK. He won't bite if you don't bother him.

: Huh? Sparkling water?

: Nah, I don't need any.

: But, what a waste! This sparkling water is not easy to find, you know! This "Phantom Mist" brand is made from spring water that comes from the "Misty Forest" far east of New Parm. No one has gone to the Misty Forest and returned to tell about it. That's why my sparkling water is so precious!

: If no one ever returns from there, how do you get the water?

: Oh! Ummm... well.... A-anyway, are you sure you won't buy a bottle of my extremely precious sparkling water?

: If adventures are your hobby, you should go meet the president. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. The president is not a bad guy. At least he pays his employees well.

: So what do you think of Elencia? Pretty nice place, huh? Watch out, though. Some areas are dangerous.

: That's my kind of welcome! You see, I'm here for an adventure!

: Heh heh heh. You've got spunk, kid. With an attitude like that, you should like it here just fine.

: Me, I've known her since she was just a wee little kiddo. She's just like my own daughter.

: We're all friends with Feena. We were on the Steamer together.

: She's been such a perky kid, ever since she was a baby. I always thought she'd be a good adventurer.

: Well, you were right! She IS a good adventurer!

: There's this lovely silk scarf, an authentic pearl member's badge and a poster of Sherry in a bikini! All ya have to do is pay your first year's dues, and all these are yours! What a deal, eh? So? What do ya say? I'll be ya wanna join now, eh? Eh? Are ya ready to sign up?

: N... uh, no thanks... I'm gonna pass on that.

: Aw, c'mon. Well, uh... I'll even throw in a glossy photo of Sherry! So sign up, OK? Please? Psst, just between us. If ya join, ya get some private time with Sherry! So? Join the fan club, why dontcha?
And with that, we've talked to everyone. Everyone outside, anyway. Starting at the north end of town and moving southward...
Fun fact: If you come here before going the the Adventurers Society, this is the first time the name Pakon shows up.
What a pleasant gentleman.

: No matter what, I can't help remembering those days. Hic! H-Hey, you brats! You wanna play? Go to the Adventurers Society. A bunch of brats like you... that place will suit you just fine.

: I'm going no matter what! I've got an intro letter here.

: A theater? This is no place for a gang of kids like you! Hey! Hey, go on home now!

: Boy, Justin, you just don't understand women, do you?!

: Excuse me, yes you, the pretty one over there. May we order now?

: Coming! Yes, what would you like? ♥

I'll have a "smile", then.

: OK, one smile, coming up. How about this? (Grin!)♥

: ...... Huh? That's all?

: Ah well, um, let's have it to go.

: Uh, uh, ya can't do that. ♥ Only my husband can have a smile to go. ♥

I'm hungry. I'll have the sausage.

: OK, one sausage. I can recommend the sausage. Everyone says it's delicious.

Hmm... I don't know what to order.

: All right, Justin. Enough already. Time to make up your mind.

: I must say, Justin, you'd be lost without me along.
Presumably by "city" she means the rich part of Old Parm? Or somewhere else on Messina.

: You ought to become one of her fans before it's too late! Don't wait until it's too late! ♥

: Heh heh heh. Well, should I?

: But I don't have time for theater. I'm busy with my adventure plans!

: Oh, really? That's too bad. Well, I guess that means you're a fan of Feena the adventurer. ♥

: So, which is it, heads or tails!? Your odds are 50-50!

Of course it's heads!

: Magnificent! It's head! Well, then, let me buy you something to drink.

: All right! I'll take you up on your offer. So, what should I have....

Waitress... orange juice, please!

: Hey, Sue! No fair YOU ordering!

It's gotta be tails! Tails!

: This kid is tough! It's tails! TAILS! So, I'll buy you something to eat!

: All right! Thanks, old man! Heh heh... now what should I order?

: Puff! Puff!

: OK, I know, Puffy.

: Waitress! One slice of apple pie, please!

: Hey! No fair YOU ordering...!
And after either one...

: Ha ha ha! Persistent, aren't you? A plucky little guy like you, you'll be a big shot some day.

: It's all due to the actresses who have come from the big city. But look, the rest of the audience is a bunch of old men! I wish I had a handsome guy with me.

: Miss Milk is like a lovely flower blossoming on stage. Aahh, I'm a sucker for her smile. I would gladly give my life for that beautiful smile.

: Is she an actress from the big city? Mmm... I could watch her all day, all day long. But I've got to order something to stay here. If only I had money. Ahh! What should I do? C... could... this be love?

: Without you, my dear, the world has no meaning. Please, please take me along.

: What!? Where are you going?! On an adventure? An adventure, huh?

: Justin, don't be silly. Hey, it's just an act. It's theater!
And finally, let's wrap up this update with what is probably the most important non plot-critical conversation in the town.

Stranger danger, Sue! Stranger danger!

: Sure. Thanks! What a charming guy!

: There's a train yard in this town. In the past, many trains would depart to go all over the New Continent. I've even heard that the tracks kept going until they discovered the End of the World, far to the east of here.

: There were no more frontiers on which to adventure. Since then, they've got a new pastime: enjoying the theater.

: Oh.... But....

: Th-that can't be right! I don't know how it is, but it can't be like that!

: Ha ha ha. Why don't you go see the End of the World? Then maybe you'd understand how we feel.
We've gotten a few lines on the End of the World throughout the game, but no clear info on it other than "nobody's been there, they all die in the Misty Forest on the way". Everyone who's seen it has been close-mouthed about what it looks like, only mentioning that it is, indeed, the end of the world.
Normally I try not to analyze and dissect NPC chatter like this, but the End of the World almost-instantly putting a stop to adventuring is kind of a huge deal in this part of the game, and a lot of the build-up has been happening gradually. Even Gantz, back in the very first update, mentioned how the End of the World meant that there's no more need for adventurers.
One of the adventurers in the Cafe mentioned it, someone on the Steamer talked about it... The game has been spending its time trying to get you to realize the End of the World is a big friggin' deal. Normally it does a good enough job of this on its own, but normally players don't take four months to get to this point, so the early bits are still fresh in the mind.
So keep that in mind, going forward. The End of the World, as far as adventurers are concerned, really is the end of the world for them.