Part 37: New Parm NPC Chatter 4
Oh dear, I've been a bit behind on NPC chatter updates, haven't I?
Anyway, we last left off after having spoken to Pakon about joining the Adventurers Society.

: What?! Feena's house? To get there, take the Merrill road. Head east after you leave town.

: Look, there's all kinds of adventures. How about the "Treasure Trove Tour"? Or the "Ladies' Man Tour"? You can go on any kind of adventure. Whaddaya say? Aren't you interested?

: I'm not interested in fake adventures.

: I came here to go on a REAL adventure!

: A REAL adventure!? Hah! You must be kidding! Nobody goes on those anymore.

: I don't care if they're not in style. I want to go on a REAL adventure.
If we talk to him again...

: A REAL adventure!? Nobody goes on those anymore.

: Ouch! Little girl, that's mean!
Most of the others have nothing new to say, but the guy by the entrance gets a few interesting lines.

: it means that old geezers like me can have fun enjoying a safe trip and get a little taste of adventure. In fact, I think my next adventure'll be the "Secret Hot Springs Course with Hot Springs Nymphs ♥"!
Grandia: Making fun of bronies since ten years before bronies were a thing.
A lot of the dialog changes in the town itself are just the normal NPC quote with Justin or Sue making fun of Pakon afterwards. Like this guy here, who still talks about the various nearby locations.

: After all, Pakon's the one who took a run-down Adventurers Society and made it healthy again.

: But with such fake adventures, I couldn't help it.

: But no adventures were happening. Anyway, Pakon is the savior of the Society. He got it back on its feet.
That's one way of putting it.

: His goofy looks and funny way of talking, and he's so humble. We can hardly keep from laughing.

: Huh?! You really think Pakon is like that?

: You see, the way Pakon looks, it's very easy to misunderstand him. He's really a very nice, kind person.
Justin is being unusually tactful.

: Sure, I went and I can understand why you didn't like it.

: Why, indeed. First, I can't believe that Mr. Uh-yup is the Adventurers Society president! I don't know about your town, but in this town, calling someone an adventurer is not a compliment.

: They don't do any real adventures. It's all "adventure tours" now.
One thing I really like is that the NPCs each have their own opinions of Pakon.

: Why is someone like that acting as president of the Adventurers Society?

: I guess it's because he's rich and generous. It doesn't take much to get spending money out of him. So he gets the most respect at the Adventurers Society because he doles out money to everyone. Even so, there are some members who truly respect him, not just for his generosity. I don't get it.

: So, have you tried any of New Parm's famous adventure tours yet?

: Not THOSE kinds of adventures. They're too safe to be real ones. Everyone goes in neat little groups.

: Well, I guess they have no choice. Aren't places like the Misty Forest and the End of the World dangerous? Not like they used to be. People enjoy risk-free adventures at those places now. That's OK, eh?

: It's true people here are so perky. Still, I don't like that Pakon dude. I oughta give him a knuckle sandwich.

: Are you crazy, Justin? He's got a tough bodyguard with him. You'd get a knuckle smorgasbord back. His bodyguard is Master Chang. A very strong man, indeed. Mess with Pakon and you're in big trouble.

: Huh? It's you! Pakon! You're the one who just got me!

: Eh? You really think I look like Pakon? That's great! I'm so happy! I'm not Pakon, but I admire Pakon so much that I always try to look and act like him. The way I figure it, Pakon is just pretending to be a fool. That way, he can keep his cool no matter what happens. It's good discipline training!

: I want to be like Pakon, too! It'll make me strong and brave! Oops! I did it again. I keep forgetting to talk like Pakon. Uh-Yup yup yup yup...

: Even if you develop nerves of steel, I still don't think it matters any.

: "What are you talking about?!" Your idea makes no sense at all!" I wonder how he manages as president. I tried so many ways to explain the canal idea, but he just says "Feena's the prettiest." What's in his head? Since there's no money, we can't build the canal. I'll think about it over dinner at the theater.

: He was really something. Even now, I can hardly believe it.
Sue is being unusually tactful.

: So, he's quite a guy, huh? You know, I just can't get the hang of saying "uh-yep yep" like he does.

: Hey, what are you saying!? A nice guy wouldn't treat my letter of introduction like that!

: Well, that Pakon IS really something. People are really catching on the cool way he has of saying "ah-yep".

: Well, whatever anyone says, I think Pakon is great. I really do!

: That's why I always thought my older brother shouldn't think of Pakon as his rival.

Well, I think it's pretty obvious.

: Isn't that right? I mean, our family is richer than Pakon's family. And I think my "yup-a-doodle" sounds even better than Pakon's "uh-yup", right?

: Well, neither one is, really.

Don't you agree?

: But hey, how come everyone likes Pakon better? I know he's got that "uh-yup" thing going, but I think my "yup-a-doodle" sounds even better than Pakon's "uh-yup", right?

: I wonder what's the difference.
... That felt like something out of Final Fantasy 7.

: It is you who is wrong! Pakon is a prominent, wealthy person. Whatever the details, you're wrong.

: Must be one of Pakon's supporters. Let's go, Justin.

: You can say that again. I came all the way from Parm just for this.

: Oh, it was great when Pakon's father, the former president Gauss, was here. All the adventurers were great then. We thought that Pakon would grow up to be a great adventurer like his father, Gauss.

: Oh, but that wouldn't be easy, would it?

: Have you met Pakon, President of the Adventurers Society? He's the best guy for the job.

: What! Him!? Ha! He's nothing! Not even an adventurer!

: Bbb... but... what makes Pakon best as President is that he has established adventures as a business. Back when Gauss was President, the Society was always in the red.

: But adventures are not supposed to be a business!

: We've let it stay that way, so it's no wonder today's youngsters are so....

: That's it exactly! Look, mister! You should tell off Pakon!

: No, I'm not inclined to do such things. And besides....

: Besides what? Huh?

: I'm not some old "mister"! I'm only 20 years old! I can't believe how rude young people are these days.

: Well, in that case, you're still a young man, aren't you?

: I am what I am. Still, I can't stand how rude you youngsters are now... (grumble).

: We're going to Feena's house to ask her about all this.

: Huh? What!? You're going to Fee... Feena's house? Oh, I'm so envious. Excuse me, but what is your relationship with Feena, anyway?

: We're friends. We went on an adventure together, in fact.

: Really?!! An adventure with Feena? Oh, now I'm REALLY jealous. Feena is so incredible. I'm one of Feena's biggest fans!

: Ju... just a minute, mister! Puffy is NOT a sheep!

: Huh? Oh, you're right. He's kind of white and fuzzy, so I thought he was a sheep. Ever since I was a kid, my family has raised sheep. But, over the years, the monsters prowling outside of town have eaten up most of the sheep. What can we do now? Unless we do something, all of the sheep will be eaten. So... what can we do now?
And one last NPC outside.

: No more talk about Pakon! My father was an adventurer, but he was fired from the Adventurers Society because of Pakon.

: I was so disappointed when I heard Pakon has become their president.
Next time: NPCs that are indoors!