Part 42: Herb Mountains
So, in conclusion, cut the chaff, stick NPC chatter on the Test Poster, and see about updating more often. Let's get started on that, then.----
Welcome back!

Still got this injured kid here.

Long story short, kid's got an infection and needs a special Red Sulfa Weed from the mountains behind Feena's house or else he'll die.

I don't think that fence would stop any of the monsters we've seen this far.

It does almost manage to stop Justin, though.

Dirt, rocks, weeds, and narrow passages. Not quite as exciting as the Dom Ruins.

Yep, saw these guys back at Marna Road. Other returning enemies include Roadcrawlers and purple slimes.
Yes, the slimes have actually gotten weaker since last time. The vast majority of the enemies here get splatted in a single hit.

This dungeon's gimmick is that the items are all herbs, antidotes, and other weed-type items.
... Jesus, that sounds like a terrible Pokemon romhack.

It even introduces three new weeds.

White Sulfa is pretty decent to keep around, though.

Especially when these guys show up.


Notable features include two items, three decorative weeds, and another DungeonScope to the north.

You know you've been following the Unterwegs in Düsterberg thread too closely when your reaction to this is "Sweet! Revival items!"

But nope, they just cure confusion.

Seriously, this is pretty much the experience of this dungeon.

Oh wait, forgot about this. These guys hit like a dump truck full of rabid grizzly bears, especially when you remember that Feena is decked out in Ganymede armor. The beetles are easily the beefiest motherfuckers in the dungeon.
... That is not a sentence I thought I'd ever have to type out.

On the plus side, Sue quite appreciates the chance to use some water magic. This dungeon is short enough that she can afford to top up everyone's HP after each fight and not run out of MP.

A weed to the west, a Sulfa weed to the south, and a bread to the north.

Literally, just some weeds. I'll probably find a use for these at some point.

Both of the MP from that water level went to level 3.

I suppose in a world where you can eat a handful of grass to recover HP, it makes sense that a species you can't use as a medicinal herb would still be usable as an emergency healing item.

Shit, forgot to distribute the stuff from last time. Or give out the Mana Egg.

Fuckin' beetles.

Fuckin' beetles!
... Oh well. At least they're not rainbow birds.

And it's not like this is an insurmountable issue or anything.

I must say, though, that I prefer the "Holy light glows from within" animation to the Final Fantasy-style "Cherub pops up over your head".

After getting destroyed by a bug, Justin decides that maybe the apron isn't the best choice.
Nothing else gets to hit him for the rest of the dungeon

Wait, what's that red splotch off to the west?

I am in no mood to deal with this.

Fuck all of you!
Yeah, Random Hurl involves Feena jumping into the air and throwing knives in every direction.

For a pretty hefty chunk of damage.

Eesh, only one +2? And it's HP? You're slipping, Justin.

It even gets a unique icon!
Great, so we're done, right?

Still nearly ten minutes to go? Is there a boss I forgot about?

Nope, I just have a shit-poor sense of direction on the best of days and spend ten minutes trying to find my way back out.

Eventually I remember the compass points toward the current destination, so that helped.

It's amazing how much text can be cut out when you're not obsessing over showing off each and every dialog box, complete with all the random portrait changes.
Levels gained:

Hmm. Perhaps this wasn't the best update to start this with. There wasn't much that I wouldn't have cut out normally.