Part 46: New Parm NPC Chatter 10
Geh, almost lost track of who I have and haven't yet spoken to.
If all NPCs were as brief as this guy, this'd be a lot easier.

: Welcome! It's a special sale today. After all, Feena's got herself a boyfriend. A good reason to celebrate.
... Um?

: I'm very grateful, but I can't take this food with me on an adventure. It'd be nice, but it would spoil.

: Well, you'll just have to wait until I have some dried fish. I can make it from fish left over after a few days.

: An adventure TOUR? Not quite, mister. We're going on a REAL adventure.
With blackjack. And hookers.

: Really? That's unusual these days. Then you should have a bamboo pot. It's guaranteed to be useful! Look, this bamboo pot is light and inexpensive. And it's great for making bamboo-flavored rice!

: What!? Bamboo-flavored rice? Does that taste good?

: Really? You don't know it, Justin? The rice has the aroma of fresh bamboo. It's delicious.

: And, uh... one more thing: you can use it as a washbowl when you take a bath. You can also use it instead of a bag to carry stuff when you go out. It's amazing how useful this pot is. So, what ya think? Pretty nice, huh?

: Hmm... if you look at it that way I get the feeling that anything would be considered pretty useful.

: Wa-wait just a minute. There's more! If you're suddenly faced with danger put it on your head and... voila! It's a helmet!
Too late, Justin's already wearing a pot on his head.

: Also, you can... uh... (Mumble, mumble).

: Umm... mister? Are you OK?

: Well, anyway, what's done is done. We still had a good time. Not the kind of thing you see everyday.
Fresh fish! Guaranteed to liven up any wedding!

: I've got it! If you two go to the wedding, then these ready-to-sell fish won't go to waste.

: What do you mean?

: Can't you two just quickly go to the wedding? I could sell the fish-- it would really help.

: What?! That's ridiculous. Hey... hey, Justin. Say something to him.

: We, uh, we don't do that sort of thing. I mean, we're adventurers, right? Ha ha.

: Oh, well, that's too bad, then. If you were getting married, I could sell you these fish.

: Yeah, I guess so, but... I still don't get what you do here.

: You need a vendor, a customer, a delivery man and a shop to deliver to. Since I do it all I don't need anyone. Now, pretending to be a customer can be hard, you know. I can't let any other customers notice.

: The way he's describing it. It doesn't make any sense, does it?

: Hah! You're so naive! To do this, you have to go all-out. Then it works. Hey! It's the Sure Success Law again. Anyhow, it takes an incredible amount of talent and skill to do this. Ha ha! I guess it means I'm a genius!
I, uh... I don't recall the streamer guy selling this before?

The "special drink 2" sounds good.

: Wow! The flavor expands in my mouth. But it's not at all heavy. This juice is delicious!

: Heh heh. Well, it's a new product. It's a specialty of the house. What do ya say? Have another glass?

: Thanks! Funny, though; it tastes just like orange juice.

The "milk" might be great, too.

: Know what? That's sheep's milk. It comes to us fresh every morning. It's full of nutrients.

: Yes, it has a nice, distinctive aroma. Sheep's milk is the best. ♪

: When I was in Parm, people were always saying how good the cow's milk is. You like it right away, that's why.

Actually, I'll have the "lime juice".

: Wow! That's sour. This lime juice sure is hard to drink when there's no sugar in it.
I-is that an overscore?

: Be careful, though-- time flies by so quickly when you're here. You can never see everything you want.

: I really like this town. This is my kind of town, too. It's buzzing with activity, and people are so energetic.

: It's true that I love New Parm. So much so that it hurts to think about having to leave.

: The boy really loves this place, which is OK, except that he's always badgering me to take him here. Still, I can't resist-- it's worth it to see his happy face. Good luck. Coming tomorrow, too?

: Good luck to you, too, mister. They say that children who need more attention are more lovable. ♥

: Ha ha ha. Very funny.

: Hmm. Considering what we're about to do, I think I'd better buy some decent weapons.

: Yeah, you're right. But I think it's better if we buy them somewhere else, no?

: Really now, Feena! That can't be true. Looks like you're trying to interfere with business.

: Hey, can I help it? These weapons are useless. And this guy overcharged me before.

: Hey, it's Feena. Would you like to buy some secondhand clothes? I've got some very nice things here.

: So I see. Maybe I'll buy something. But not today, I'm afraid. It wouldn't work, since I'm going on an adventure.

: Is that right? Oh, well. Be sure to come by when you get the chance. I've got clothes for you, any time.

: Thanks for the other day. You found the jar at the ruins. It's great. It'll hold lots of fruit.

: What? That jar is an artifact from the ruins!?

: Hmm... Sue, I, uh... about that jar... since it's an artifact from the ruins, I kind of want to have it now.

: No way, Justin. Remember? It's too much to take on an adventure.

: Hmph! Now Sue's the stingy one.

: Ha ha ha ha! Justin's not really keeping his mind on his adventure, is he?

: Why should that jar be so desirable? I mean, it's just a jar.

: Hmm... well, since it's your treat. So you said....

: Wait! Hold on! If I hear "adventure", I can't help myself. One Adventurer's Curry!

: Hee hee hee. OK, coming up!

: Umm... uh, this is curry, all right. But the sauce is so red. I've got to eat it or I'm a wimp! Chomp chomp... munch munch. Ah! Ah! Th... that's some spicy curry!

: What? Too hot to work?

: They'll be back once the weather cools off. Still, New Parm is so hot now, I have no idea when they'll be back. Yeah, I suppose you have to admit, it's a real scorcher today. I think I'll go home and take a nap.

: If they don't work when it's hot, this store must not be open very often, don't you think?

: Ha ha ha. You can't let that sort of thing get you angry. That's just not acceptable here in New Parm.

: It's the perfect hotel for a cute couple of newlyweds like you. ♥

: Boy, people sure like to jump to conclusions here.
Huh. Same priest, I guess.

: ...... ... Oh, never mind.

: Huh? What?

: Anyway, it's over and done with. Our god has more important things to worry about than that! Hah hah!
Seriously, he's locked eternally in combat with Zogmar the All-Consumer. If he gets distracted, all is lost. I wonder... do you folks believe in our god? There are no formal rules or anything like that, you know.
Her dialog hasn't changed at all. Did I miss a sidequest somewhere?

: Now I can start an adventure that is truly an adventure!

: That's right! Except that, well, a true adventure is bound to be rather dangerous. Now that we've fixed the Adventurers Society, I can have my kind of adventure. It'll be kind of scary. I've got to go on a REAL adventure. Even though I'm afraid it's going to be rather dangerous... hmmm.

: I can't stand it any more! Come on, be a man and make up your mind!

: You're with the Adventurers Society? Are they really allowed to sell stuff named after Justin?

: Sure, it's no big deal. I sell whatever people want to buy. That's how the souvenir business works.

: Still, you don't expect me to put up with "Justin pastries", do you?

: What's wrong with them? They'll make you famous!

: So? Aren't you supposed to be working?

: Yeah, mean ol' Feena would go and say something like that. It's your fault that my naps have been.... Feena! I need your help! Please patch things up with Pakon, or I'll never get my nap.
Welp, on that note, I probably have some stuff to do.