Part 52: Military Train 1
Welcome back! Last time
Ahh, Mullen, always there to recap and exposit. Mullen's a bro.

: Yes, Colonel. But....

: What is it, Leen?

: N-nothing. Nothing at all.

: Very well, Lieutenant. Have Nana and the others trail the boy as planned.
Wait, what.

: Yes Colonel! She will be ready in 15 minutes!

... is how I'm sure the game expects you to react. They've been hinting at this in some of the optional NPC dialog throughout the game, which is normally a good way to foreshadow something.
Except, in this case, they kinda... blantantly revealed it right there in the intro.
On the other hand, the airship is massive, looks like an insect, and is covered in guns, so I won't complain too much.
And we've successfully been on the run long enough for the sun to come up.

: Oh, Feena, good morning!

: It looks like we got away from the soldiers OK.

: You've been driving this train
high on cocaine all night, Justin, you must be tired. I'll take over if you like!

: Nahh, I'm fine. A first-class adventurer would never get tired this soon. How're Rem and Sue doing?

: They're each sound asleep in their own cars. They're so cute when they're asleep.

: Yes. But I hope they'll be up soon. I've got so many things to ask Rem!

: I understand your frustration, but let's let him sleep a while longer. He had a very rough day yesterday.
I didn't see him getting poisoned by nerve gas balloons.

: OK, OK!

: Oh, no, that's OK. I'll do it!

: Well, then who's going to drive the engine?

: Oh, uh... umm....

: A ha ha ha! Tell you what, I'll drive while you shovel the coal.

: OK, you win! Now uh....

: Just pull on that lever over there.
D-did the train seriously run all night on just the coal that was already in the boiler?

: Let go of it, Justin! That was the brake!

: Heh heh! I uh... I was just goofing around!

: Oh yyeeeaaah?

: Yeah!

: A ha ha ha ha!
Here's somthing that a lot of stories forget to do. If the party is supposed to all be good friends,
actually fucking show them shooting the shit and having a good time together.

: Uh-uh, not really. I couldn't sleep much. But you know, it's my first time to ride on one of thse things! I like it! It's so fun!

: This thing is called an engine! We've also got engines like these where I come from.

: Pufff! Puuufff!

: I wonder why little boys always dream about riding on things like this?

: A ha ha ha! That's just like Justin!

: Ha ha ha. But did that really happen to me? Maybe.

: By the way, Rem! I've got a lot of things I want to ask you about!
We'll take it straight down from the top.

Who hurt you in the Misty Forest?

: I was walking through the Misty Forest when these scary soldier ladies started chasing me.

: I'll bet it was those three ugly ones.

: I was running away as fast as I could and then I stumbled and got hurt.

: But why would the Garlyle Forces do something like that to you...? I wonder if my sister was involved. Hmm... I hope not.

You ever see the End of the World?

: The End of the World...? Oh, you mean that big ol' wall? Of course I've seen it! A long time ago, people used to live on the other side. My mother told me that.

: Really?! People on the other side?!

What's your home village like?

: My village is called Luc Village. It's hidden in some very thick mist. So thick that outsiders can't find us! I have to admit, I wasn't supposed to go outside of the village. But I had to see the world out here!

: Rem, I think that's because you're an adventurer by nature! Isn't that right, Feena?

: Sure, even more so than this guy Jus.... A ha ha! Just kidding! Just kidding!
Come to think of it, both Rem and Justin's first adventures started off with running afoul of the three sergeants, then going deep into a location filled with troops and being interrogated by Colonel Mullen, then running into the boss on the way out.

: Hey, I know what! You guys should come see my village! I'm sure everyone there would give you a big welcome!

: Luc, huh...? Maybe they could tell us more about the End of the World.

: OK, let's go to Luc! Lead the way, Rem!
A sudden boom shakes the train.
Yep, in addition to the
Star Destroyer Grandeur, they've also got
TIE Fighters Kites to chase us down.
Oh, and shoot at us. Can't forget the shooting.
Y'know, if they had boarded the train without shooting at it first, they'd have a good chance of catching everyone by surprise.
And with that, we're given control. Only thing to do is go back to the front of the train, I guess.
Oh, and pick up this treasure chest. ... Wait.
Shit. For some reason, I thought there was a Stashing Place here. Guess we're stuck with the current weapons and items until we get to Luc. At least we had that chance to rest and rec-
-over nothing at all?
Well, fuck, things are finally starting to get interesting. And, y'know, the length of an update. Tune in next time for...
... Fuck it, let's make it a double feature!