Part 60: Luc Village NPC Chatter 2
Welcome back!

: By the way, as much as we'd like to host you here, I'm afraid I must ask you to visit the Village Chief first. You see, you must have his permission before you are allowed to stay overnight in this village.

: Of course!

: Good. So, I hear you're traveling to the End of the World? Please feel free to ask the Village Chief any questions you might have for him.

: Since you're going farther on in your adventures, you should get some advice from the Village Chief.

: What's the matter, ma'am? Why don't you answer me? ♥

: That's why!

: Huh? What did you say?

: Don't talk to me! You're stubborn, aren't you?! Well, I've got no choice, I guess. My grandpa told me not to talk to you. He said that you outsiders use love words to make us freeze so you can bite our lips! Is that right?

: Love words? Lips? Are you talking about kissing, maybe?
... Oh.

: Yeah, that's right. But please don't think of us as kids. We're seasoned adventurers now!

: Adventurers? I dunno what that is, but I reckon if you're calling yourselves adults, you must be good hunters. OK! So let's have a little hunting contest. We'll see who can catch a certain animal within three days!

: Wait, I've never even hunted before. And anyway, how can we hunt with all this thick mist around?

: It's no problem hunting in the mist. Just listen for the God of Light to tell you where you and your game are. To hunt, ya gotta use more than your eyes. If you use all your senses, you can get around fine in the pitch dark.

: Hey, I just noticed that you guys don't have any horns. Maybe there's no sun where you live?

: Come on, now. I can't imagine anyplace that has no sun. And what's that got to do with horns?

: We use our horns to find the light. They lead us to good, warm light. You didn't know that? Long ago, the good light was taken from Luc when a mist came to hide Luc from too much evil light. But people can't live without light, so our ancestors sought out the light. The good, warm light. With their thoughts turned constantly up to the sky, seeking light, their thoughts took physical shape as horns. I guess even now the people of Luc are still seeking light. And we're still protected by the thick mist.

: Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about the world out there?

: Oh, are you the ones who helped Rem? I'd imagined you were a bunch of big, tough types, not a bunch of kids.

: Kids?! Believe it or not, we're adventurers!

: Nope, you're kids. I can tell: you don't have any bee sting scars.

: Huh? Bees? What do bee sting scars have to do with it?

: When boys in this village get to be adults, they are put in a small hut with bees and they must not cry.

: Wh... what?!

: Ha ha ha ha! Sounds scary, eh? But, heh, I managed it OK. I didn't fret a bit when I got put in that hut with the bees. Of course, I'm a real grown-up.

: Heh heh. My husband'll tell you that he's real tough. But the truth is, he cries like a baby when he gets stung.

: Yeah, that's us. How did you know that?

: I'm the prayer leader of Luc Village. I offer prayers to the God of Light for healing, rain and good hunting. Even more than offering prayers, I also tell old tales to the kids, and I tell people's fortunes.

: Long ago, we lived in the ancient Land of Dreams, a land with no day or night and no old or sock folk, no poverty. Then, one day, a certain ancestor met a young woman who could not forget her sorrow after her husband died. So this ancestor created day and night so that time would pass and the woman could eventually forget her sorrow.

: But then everyone started growing old and dying. The others became upset and banished him from the Land of Dreams. The people from the Land of Dreams built the End of the World to keep him from returning. The legend says they are always building it higher.

: So, the legend says your ancestors came from the other side of the End of the World, eh?

: First, you must go talk with the Village Chief. It is our custom here.
I guess it makes sense that the naturey forest village would have far fewer NPCs indoors than out. Anyway, a few people get something new to say after you talk to the Chief for the first time. Starting with the guy right next to him.

: You folks might think it's rather strange, but it is an old custom in our village. Once you are accepted by the God of Light, you will officially become members of our village.
I think this kid's dialog here isn't new, but rather he also shares conversation state with another NPC.

: Guess what, I climbed the tree at the shrine once and from up there I could see a gigantic wall!

: A gigantic wall...? That must be the End of the World.

: My grandpa says when he was little he could even see the top of that wall. But I couldn't see the top when I looked at it.

: I wonder if that means the wall is still getting higher?
And now back in town with the nectar.

: just like us. Take the divine nectar to the elder's place.
That one only happens while the nectar is in your inventory, before you drink it. The rest wait until afterwards.

: You said "What"? Hey, don't you guys know how to listen? I don't care whatcha brought. You're outsiders.

: I heard that if we eat a certain nut, we can talk without taking the nectar.

: No, the Communique nut will enable you to understand only our words. You need the nectar to understand our feelings.

: Well, I'll take your word for it. Anyway, it means we can be friends now, right?

: Ha ha ha. Yes, that's what it means. The God of Light bestows many blessings upon us through that nectar, and we are very grateful.

: The adventurers who came long ago, they went back into the Misty Forest and headed for the End of the World. But none of them ever came back here. We don't want that to happen to you, not after what you've done for Rem. When you drank the Nectar of the Gods, you became a Luc villager. I welcome you all. However, I want to warn you that some villagers may be rather unfriendly. Please excuse their rudeness.

: Those mushrooms would be "slime mushrooms", which are a black and mysterious type of mushroom.

: The mist didn't let us see much! But the black slime mushrooms. Aren't they a poisonous type?

: Right, you can't eat a slime mushroom. But we use it as medicine. We apply it like slime, which explains its name! ♪

: Well, all right.

: Yay! I'm saved!

: You're saved?

: On, yeah, well... you see, if you don't come, my Dad'll punish me!

: Oh, so you got his permission? That means you can be our guests now! Please make yourself at home. We're very grateful for what you've done for Rem. Still, we need to think of a proper punishment for Rem, since he broke a law of the village.
So, much like some of the NPCs outside, Rem shares a conversation state flag with his father. Here, though, it's actually put to use to allow a conversation that flows.

: You see, my Dad, he's... he's kinda scary.

: What's the punishment? He doesn't whip you, does he?

: No, no... nothing like that.

: Hmm... how about if we make him go gather Elmer nuts?

: You mean some kind of nut from a tree? And it's a punishment just to go gather those nuts?

: Ah, well, you probably don't know that the nuts from the Elmer tree are some very smelly nuts.

: Oh no... I really hate those nuts.

: They stink horribly, but they taste good. So we use Elmer nut gathering as a form of punishment here.
Well, before Rem can go gather the
durian fruit, the soldiers show up.

: I've lived here a long time, but it's the first time I've seen that huge black shadow. I guess when Rem broke the law and went outside the Misty Forest, it caused this catastrophe to befall us.

: No, that's not it at all! This is NOT Rem's fault!

: We're adventurers! Please leave this matter to us!

: Chest-thumping time again, Justin? Still, I agree with him. Please let us handle this!

: Forgive us. We must leave our fate in your hands. The elders are probably discussing all this outside. Please get their advice.

: Justin, those are the soldiers who captured me. They're coming for me again, huh?

: No they're not. They wouldn't send so many soldiers for that.

I dunno, Sue, last time we did take out the three sergeants and most of the Mullen Division, and then stole a train.
That's a big group. We'll get to them next time.

: I don't think he is. But what can I do? What's happening to this village?

: away. If that happens, Luc Village will be exposed to the evil light. And we, who have never been strong, we'll simply perish! Oh, why has this happened to us...? Luc has always been so peaceful.

: We cannot allow the God of Light, our protector, to be attacked! The question is, what kind of weapon should we use to hunt our intended game?
... Feena, that was terrible.

: OK, now don't forget! Don't forget! No more talking to outsiders! .......

: What was THAT all about?

: the east are here. The day has come. It's too late now to pray to the God of Light.

: Don't give up yet! Wait till you see what we do!

: Thank you, Justin. But this is all predetermined. It is simply the fate of our people.

: I'm telling you, it's not like that. Anyway, just leave it to us!

: You're going to protect the God of Light?! Excuse me, but you're not members of our village.

: Hey, no problem! It's OK! What really matters is that we're adventurers!

: Be careful, Justin! And good luck with the God of Light!
Whew. Next time: The dudes hangin around outside!