Part 62: Luc Village NPC Chatter 4
Welcome back! It's finally time to wrap up Luc Village and, with it, all of the NPC Chatter until we hit the next town!

: Just leave it to me! ♪ I'll do something, anyway.

: Well, I've certainly changed my view of outsiders. I didn't know they could be so nice and kind, like you. Wouldn't it be nice if we started some exchanges with people from the outside world? ♪ Then maybe we could get some pretty colored clothing like Feena has.

: Sure, why not? That's why we came this way!

: Oh, so you'll be leaving? We'll miss you, but that's the breaks. We'll pray that you have a safe trip.

: So, you're all leaving, huh? Please come back again, OK?

: Of course! Once our adventure is over we'll be sure to come back and visit!

: Oh, thank you for protecting the God of Light statue. Thank you very much! Now I can see why we shouldn't judge people by whether or not they have horns and a tail!

: You're right. People look different, but underneath they're the same!

: So I guess we should become friends with outsiders. Like we have with you!

: The God of Light is like a boss among those birds. My grandpa heard about that long ago.
"used to be an adventurer like you", "friendship X magic" and now "like a boss"? I'm starting to be convinced this game was localized by a time traveler.

: A boss among the birds?

: Hmm... that Rem is such a rascal, I always have to keep an eye on him to keep him out of trouble! Since Rem's always getting into mischief, he's always a very fun and exciting person to be with.

: I heard what you did for us, protecting the God of Light and all. Thank you so much, Justin! I must give you something in return. A Milo caterpillar as a tonic? Or a black grasshopper to avoid drowsiness?

: Oh, no thanks. Please, don't bother. Hahaha.

Are you sure? We call 'em "New Parmian Jumping Coffee Beans"! Are you leaving already? Please take your time, Justin. You are a great friend to us Luc villagers.

: You're amazing, especially since you don't even have tails! Really! ♥

: Wow! Even without tails, eh? Heh heh.

: Hmmph! Looks like Justin's falling for another one!

: I found a guiding stone earlier,
in a van down by the river. A beautiful stone that grants wishes.

: Really? What did you wish for?

: Oh, well, I didn't wish for anything! I thought I would try to get what I want by myself, like you guys do. ♪ You guys are like guiding stones. Like mysterious, beautiful stones that can grant any wish. But you guys can make your wishes come true by yourselves. Justin, you taught us that.

: Mind if I make a quick sketch of it? Oh, I'm so happy to have this new tattoo design! I can't wait to use it!

: Uh, a ribbon? Do you mean this pet of mine?

: Puff? Pu?

: What?! It's not a ribbon?! Well, I must say I've never seen such a strange animal before. Hmm. Such an exotic figure. Yes! I like it even more now! You must let me sketch it!

: Oh, sure, it's OK. As long as you make a nice sketch. OK, Puffy, hold still now.

: . ... ... Puff

: A "Puffy tattoo", eh? Oh, how lovely it is!

: Puff Puff!

: It used to feel so closed and secluded but now it feels more open and alive. I wonder if this is how it was back when our people could fly? It's a very lighthearted feeling. I've been thinking that our tails are remnant of the wings we used to have. Back when our people could fly. Now I see that you guys get around freely without any tails. That's what I've been thinking. And I wonder if maybe people could fly without tails, even without wings.... Thank you, Justin. You guys used to have wings, huh? I can't tell by looking, though.

: I'll be an adult, and everyone will ask me to go with them to see the outside world!

: Hee hee hee. And another adventurer is born! ♥

: Hmm. I think I know why the God of Light favors you folks. While we Luc folk stay hidden in the mist, you guys just forge ahead through the mist. I hope we will become more like you. I'll also pray that you do not get lost in the mist as you travel onward. Please come visit our village again. We'll be look forward to that day.
Some of the conversations around here are just repeats of what the dudes up on the mountain were saying. Seriously. There's the guy who thanks Justin for saving half of the statue, the guy who tells Feena that they're not going to ask the God of Light for everything, the guy that Justin thanks for the mist-clearing nut, and the guy who's like "whoa, man, what if, like, we've been HIDING in the mist all along? Like, whoa...".
None of whom are using the same sprite from the NPCs on the mountain who say the same things.

: We're supposed to treat you nice 'cuz you're messengers from the God of Light. ♪

: We're messengers of the God of Light? Ha ha ha. What an exaggeration! ♪

: Know what? I like you guys a whole bunch. ♥

: Puff Puuufff ♥

: When I grow up, I want to go on adventures just like you! Tell me how I can do that, huh?

: Well, it's not an easy path to follow. First you must train, then train more. It takes blood, sweat and tears!

: A ha ha! I just noticed, this boy looks just like you did at that age!

: You're more than welcome, any time. We'd love to hear your travel tales.

: OK, you bet we'll come visit! We'll come back with some frightful tales for you! ♪

: Then we can look forward to another visit! Well, bon voyage!

: In the outside world, they use "love words" to make us freeze so you can bite our lips! Right? But... but, I think it's OK if... YOU use some love words... on me. So... so... I'd like to see how you use those love words. I'll uh... I'll just shut my eyes, and you can bite my lips. Come on!
Sue is relentless, and it is the best thing.

: By the way. The Village Chief was thinking of offering you up as a sacrifice. Such a mean guy!

: Puff Puff!

: Wha...? What are you saying?! It was at night, so you must have been too sleepy to hear correctly.

: Oh, is that right? Well, I'm SURE it was you that said "We have to sacrifice them".

: I had thought that sacrificing you would be the best option for the sake of our village. I didn't think it mattered that you helped our village, only that you're outsiders. Sorry for thinking that.

: Well, I sure hope you think differently now, mister!
Even the asshole has come around and apologized.
Next up, once you throw the nut, the Chief and Rem show up back at their houses.

: I suppose you folks can manage it, but it will not be easy.
Not that they have much in particular to say.
... Hmm. What about the others up on the mountain peak?
R-Rem? Chief? Weren't you back in town?