Part 73: Dight NPC Chatter 3
Welcome back!
The Dightians, naturally, have new stuff to say about the rain.
Starting with this bastard, not letting us rest.

: that old legend about the Typhoon Tower and the rain.... About the rain... that old legend about the Typhoon Tower might be true after all. Unless something is done, the Village of Dight will soon lose all of its trees and flowers, too.

: Aren't you exaggerating a little? I mean, like, just use an umbrella!

: Umbreller? What's that? ... Oh, I see. I guess that'd be mighty useful. Ha! But it doesn't really stop the rain, does it? Ahhh! Why do I listen to a little kid like you?! The only solution is to stop the rain! If this rain turns red, we're all going to die!

: It started raining again, right?! Everyone, run for your lives! Even Gadwin is alarmed about it!
Jeez, they're like puppies during their first thunderstorm.

: This rain is evil! Watch out, or it'll kill us all! But where can we escape to?!
Oh, good.

: Go ahead. Pick stuff up, check it out. Anything for the trade-in counter?
"Yep, we're all gonna die. Wanna sell me something anyway?"

: If this keeps up, it'll be the end of Dight! Oh, what'll we do?! Oh dear! Looks like the elders are meeting at the beach. I bet they're talking about the rain. But what can they say or do? They can talk all they want, but who's gonna save Dight?

: Unless we do somethin', our village is gonna look like that wilderness around the Typhoon Tower.

: This village has never seen rain before. I've reached this ripe old age and it's the first rain I've ever seen. I guess there will be big trouble if this rain keeps falling. Something must be done about it. Hey, does the rain falling on this village mean that Dight has lost its divine protection?

: There's that poor sick boy who was taken to Dr. Alma's. Someday, it may be everyone.
Talking to people around here during this part is tricky, as the radius to trigger the cutscene where Gadwin rejoins is huge. Said cutscene also changes nearly everyone's dialog.

: Rain...? Is there some special secret about this rain?

: EEEK! YYYAA! I'm scared! Mama! I'm so scared!

: It's a shame that the rain is so frightening. I guess the rain can be pretty scary.
... See, it's shit like this that makes all this NPC chatter worth it.

: So, what's the big deal about some rainfall? Why is rain such a bad thing?

: Man, this is boring, Dad! Why can't I go outside? Huh, why not? Huh, Dad?

: Gadwin may be lacking
the ability to put text in the boxes nicely in some areas, but when he makes a decision, he sticks to it. He's really something to see at such times.

: But they say the rain's poisonous and so it's really dangerous! Papa hates the rain. I wish it'd stop.

: Don't worry, it's gonna stop soon! I'm the Hero Justin. All I have to do is blow that rain away!

: Really? And you can make it stop now? Well, I've been a good boy, so can you go blow the rain away right now?

: Dang it! More rain is falling. If it doesn't quit soon, I don't know what I'll do. Fishing is the pride and joy of us Dragon Folk.
What, a "being dead" contest?

: Man, I wish someone would stop the rain. I don't want to end this with me losing to Gadwin. Creeps! I just cannot let Gadwin win! That would be horrible! I'm going to win sometime, somehow. But it won't work unless all this rain stops. It's been raining harder and harder.
Let's just hope that pissing in the ocean doesn't get involved.

: So what's up all of a sudden? What about the rain?

: Oh, nothing. It's just that I forgot what I was thinking about, and then I suddenly remembered-- it was the rain. The clouds were moving faster, so I had been wondering if it was going to rain or not. Silly me. Ha ha. How could I forget such a simple thing. Ha ha ha.

: Heh heh heh. You really remind me of somebody.

: I was just thinking how it might rain, so people had better watch out. That's weird how I suddenly forgot.
I dunno, I'd imagine that living downwind from Typhoon Tower would probably cause more rain, y'know?

: What's the matter, Gramps? It's just ordinary rain, ya know.

: Ordinary rain? Hah! Listen, you should hurry up and get indoors! What, rain in this village?! I wonder what the elder is planning to do about this.

: And it's not just me griping about not having any boat repair business. Dang it, this rain had better stop and I'm not kidding! Lousy rain!

: It would be no problem at all for us to give up our lives to the Spirits. But it is my belief that such a thing is not likely to happen since we've never angered the Spirits. I don't believe this talk about the Spirits being angry with us. The Spirits've always been our allies.

: I can cast cloud-clearing spells, but I don't know any rain-stoppers. Never had a rainfall problem before. If this keep sup, we're all done for. Sure wish I had a spell that could quickly clear those clouds away.

: I thought I could help them, but my medicine didn't work on them.

: Hmph! It's so frustrating that I can only do so much for these folks. I don't know how much I can do if that red rain starts falling. I'll really discover my limitations then.

: Waaah! Waaaah! Oh, this is awful... Mama... Mama... I'm gonna die, aren't I!

: No, you're gonna be fine. You just have to take this medicine. The doctor said it would cure you fast.

: That kid's so pale. What's wrong?

: He ate fish poisoned by the red rain. Rain around the Typhoon Tower washes into the river and poisons the fish. My son is still so small. Oh, I wish it had been me who ate the fish instead...! Oh... Divine Spirits... please help this poor child. He's often naughty and mischievous, but he's really such a nice boy deep down inside. Please do not take this child from me.

: Waaah! Waaaah! I feel so bad....

: Poor kid... I sure hope the medicine works.
The informative part of this conversation can go slightly differently if we talk to the kid first.

: No, wait... I'm gonna be all right. I just have to take this medicine. The doctor said it would cure me fast.

: That kid's got a very pale face. What's wrong with him?

: He ate a fish poisoned by red rain. The rain near the Typhoon Tower washed into the river and poisoned the fish. He was going to give some fish to a girl who's visiting from far away. He tasted it first to make sure it was fresh.

: Really...?
Hmm? We've already talked to everyone, earlier. The only people here from out of town are...
.... Oh.
Tune in next time for everyone who has something new to say when Gadwin rejoins!