Part 78: Taking the Spear of Heroes 1
Welcome back!
Last time we dealt with the multiheaded serpent menace that was the Klepp King. Now it's time to claim our reward.
... It's cutscene. Lots and lots of cutscene. So much cutscene, in fact, that it's going to be spread across two updates.

: This is splendid, Justin. All that's left now is the final trial!

: That's right! All that's left is the final trial.

It got its own boss music and gave us a game over and everything!

: For seasoned warriors like us, something you can topple with strength alone can't be a true trial.

Besides, you did see the part where I soundly kicked its ass, all by myself? From here, is a place where men like you and me are tested. Let's go, Justin!
Truly, the Room of Rain here is home to the most fiendish trial one could imagine. Woe is anyone who attempts this without a guide!
Who ever would think to press the button, cleverly hidden behind the Klepp King's throne? This way lies madness!
That was pretty cool, at least. Let's go wander into the light!
There's just something about mysterious staircases floating in an endless void that just screams "important and probably metaphorical".

: Justin! Everything ends here in the Room of the Mirrors of Destiny!

: This room itself is this tower's final trial of the Hero.

: The final trial...?

: The trial is written on that stone tablet. You better read it, Justin.

Can we even read Dightian? Or is it written in Klepp? Shit, the Communique Nut didn't let us understand the Klepp King, did it? How can we understand Gadwin and Alma and such?

Stop thinking so hard, Justin!

It's just a game. You really should just relax!
Bah, screw this trial, anyway. It's dumb and I'm just gonna sequence-break my way pas-
I hate you, Gadwin.
He's hidden behind the text box while he does this, but Gadwin walks across the room, then turns to face the group here. I'd gif it, but it'd just be a mess of dim pixels with some white smearing across it during the only interesting bit.
He then turns his back to everyone when he starts speaking. Rude.

: He who wishes to change destiny! Choose either the Mirror of the Moon or the Mirror of the Stars. One leads to the future. The other... to the Land of Death.

: Does that mean, if you select the wrong mirror, you're going to die? Did you know from the start, Gadwin!?
The music cuts out with Feena's line here.

: Gadwin is one man. He said that he couldn't save Dight. Maybe this is what he meant.
And Gadwin's theme starts playing here. You should probably click on that friendly-looking Tindeck link just above the screenshot.

: I'll go into the mirror first.

: Wait a minute, Gadwin! But what if... you choose the wrong road?

: In that case Justin... you go into the other mirror! It is certain to lead to the future.

: You fool, Gadwin. I don't want to hear that! That would mean that you had died!

: You're kidding Gadwin. Did you intend to do this from the very beginning!?

: You were just passing through as a traveler, and decided to help save our village. Your gallantry moves me.

: Don't make such a face. If I die, it will be up to you, Justin, to save Dight.

: Gadwin, surely you will return. We are praying for the protection of the Spirits.

: Farewell, Justin!

: Gadwin!
And here the music cuts out again.
... Wait, what?

: What? What happened, Gadwin!?
Yep. Gadwin's fat ass has just now become a plot point.
This fuckin' game.
Seriously, everybody
visibly recoils from the fact that he's too big to fit. All that dramatic tension this scene was building up, just suddenly destroyed.

: Come on, Gadwin. And I was so moved by your sincerity!

: This is no laughing matter, Justin! Now, you have to go! That's what the Stone Tablet of the Trial says. YOU must take this road!

: Uhhh... I understand, Gadwin!
I'm not even going to pretend this is an actual choice. Back when the game was new, and none of the walkthroughs realized there were enough Mana Eggs for everyone on Disc 1, common "wisdom" said that picking the wrong choice here was a Game Over.
Which, to be fair, is the kind of shit video games used to pull back in the day. But no, this game is nicer about it. The only difference is three letters in the next text box.
... Granted, it would have been easy to cut the text earlier and only need one string, but that's not how this game rolls.

: Open! Mirror of the (Moo/Sta)....

Mirror of the Moo? Is that how you get to the secret cow level?

: Stop, Justin!

: Why did you do that, Feena?

: Justin, that's not heroic, it's foolish! Both of you!

: Justin, why must you put your life on the line to rescue the people of Dight? If you die, your adventures will end! Is that what you want?

: What are you saying, Feena?
The boy can be a doofus, but when push comes to shove, he's got his head on right.

: I will go! I will enter the mirror. So, you can all wait here, Justin.

: You're talking crazy! We wouldn't have you do such a dangerous thing, Feena!

: No. This is where an adventurer's experience and intuition come in!

: So Justin, please! Let me go!

: ... I've got it, Feena. If that's so... Choose for me, Feena! I believe in you! The mirror you choose has got to be the right mirror.

: Justin...

: And I ask the same, Feena. Show us the way.
Y'know, Gadwin didn't actually enter the mirror he opened. I don't think the Spirits'd care if you said you were Feena, Feena.

: It's no good. I cannot choose. If I am wrong... I... I....

: Feena....
We can choose to either give Feena the pep talk from Gurren Lagann, or remind her that we have the mystical MacGuffin.
Gonna show both, obviously. Starting with the Spirit Stone one, because... let's chalk it up to the Coriolis Effect.

: I will take the path Feena chooses. That way, we will be together. It will be all right. The Spirit Stone will protect us. Just as it has so far.

: It's all right. I believe in Feena's experience and intuition as an adventurer... No! More than anything, I believe in Feena!
Yep, that's all that changes. Both choices converge here.

: So, stand up, Feena!

: Stone Tablet of the Trial, I will now follow the lead of the Spirits.

: Justin....

: Justin! You just HAVE to come back!

: Ahh. Of course! Well then, Gadwin! Take care of Feena and Sue, OK!

: Rest assured!

: Everything in Dight depends on you, Justin!
Because Grandia is the way it is, we are given control here. So let's screw around.

: But I will enter the one Feena chose for me, the Mirror of the Stars!

: Justin....

: I want to travel with you forever. I hate being away from you here. So please, please come back.

: The path that Feena chooses must be right. I believe in Feena! Wait for me, Feena. Absolutely, I shall return!

: Justin....
Yeah, get used to "clingy jealous girlfriend" Feena. She's gonna be in this mode for a while. Let's check in with Sue.

: Be calm, Justin!

: You are sure calm even fighting with the Garlyle, or falling off the End of the World.

: Haa! It will go well this time! I'll come back with the Spear of Heroes!

: You are a brave young man. If you die, I will dedicate three Flying Dragons to your grave. But if you come back alive, seven Flying Dragons will bear your name.

: I promise!

: No need to worry! Of course I'll come back alive. I AM a first-rate adventurer!

: Hmm. Your face is not one of a person headed to death. We're depending on you, Justin!
Next time: The Land of Death.