Part 84: Lama Mountains 1
Welcome back!
Still in the Lama Mountains.
Along the way, Justin hits level 18.
... Should also probably mention that picked Gadwin as the lucky recipient of the MP boosters.
Not to be outdone, Sue picks up +2 strength and +2 wit by hitting level 16.
Continuing the theme of one-upsmanship, Feena sacrifices any gains in agility (a.k.a. "the useless one") for +2s in strength, wit, and HP.
A Yellow Pill. Restores some SP.
I should probably use these things more often.
Over here we've got another Silence Orb.
One thing I like about this place is that it's easy to find the way forward as long as you keep in mind that you're headed to the south.
There's two bridges across the canyon here. One natural, one artificial. They both lead to the same place, though.
All in all, enemies aside, there's not too much to mention about this section. Next!
Ahahaha, you thought we'd make it though a filler dungeon without stopping for a cutscene?

: I agree with Gadwin. I'm so tired.
Gadwin knows how teenage hormones work.

: Sure. That's great! We'll set up the tent. Let's do it, Puffy!

: Puffy puff puff.
As usual, let's start off with the "you can't quit dinner now" dialog.

: Say, Justin. I think we should ask Gadwin more about what's ahead of us.
That... is entirely reasonable.

: That's right! Justin, you always rush through things.

: I know, I know.
Well, Gadwin's our eventual conversation target, so let's start with Feena and work our way across to him.

: Naturally, after going beyond the End of the World, from here on we'll be traveling to lands not on the map.

: I didn't notice it until Justin said it, but this truly is an adventure.

: That's right! I'm glad you feel the same, Feena.

: I wonder what awaits us in this Village of Gumbo. It should be fun from here.
Next, let's see how Sue's holding up.

: Whenever I'm full, I feel tired all at once.

: Feena, no matter what you cook, it's always so delicious.

: Puffy puff!

: Aha ha. You've eaten everything up! Thank you Sue and Puffy.

: I helped you too, you know. Don't forget that.

: Say, Justin. What kind of place is the Village of Gumbo? Let's have Gadwin tell us all about it.
Let's do this.

What is the Village of Gumbo like?

: Gumbo is a warm village facing the sea. Thanks to the nearby volcano, it feels like late spring all year. Though a coastal village like Dight, Gumbo is completely different. It's lively, with year-round festivals.

: Gumbo is an intensely vibrant place. Whenever I go there, I feel irrepressibly cheerful!

: In Gumbo, there are frogs jumping all over the village. There are frog statues everywhere.

What is the Gumbo festival like?

: Owing to the nearby volcano, Gumbo is always warm. Thanks to the volcano, the villagers celebrate often. They always have a positive outlook. They like to celebrate after the third meal, and they live for the festivals.

: Heh heh. A festival sounds like fun!

: For me, "festival" and "adventure" are two words for the same thing!

: A festival lasting several days, Justin, builds physical stamina. It's an opportunity to test your manhood.
Oh, Sue.
Anyway, once you hear the first two options from Gadwin, the others have something new to say. Once again, we'll start with Feena.

: Gumbo, I wonder....

: Gadwin says that it's warm, by the sea, and always feel like summer.

So... it's basically New Parm all over again?

: Clean ocean and a blue sky! Gumbo must be such a romantic place.
Yeah, Sue 100% ships Justin and Feena.

: Where did that come from? What are you saying, Sue?

: Yeah, what do you mean, Sue?
Talking to Sue here changes Feena's dialog again.

: Oh, Sue. You say such strange things all of a sudden.

: Tee hee. What's wrong, Justin? Why are you turning red?
And Sue can't pass up a chance to bust Justin's chops. Anyway, let's finish up the chat with Gadwin.

: I myself have not gone to the Twin Towers, but from stories I've heard, it is situated west of Gumbo.

: However, the problem is that between Gumbo and the Twin Towers lies mountains that spew deadly poison gas. Consequently, the only way to reach the Twin Towers is from the southern sea. In Gumbo, we'll have to seek out a boatman.
And with that, we're ready to sleep.

: Aaah... the Village of Gumbo....

: It sounds like such a happy place!

: It sure does! It's just the place for Justin.

: Well, let's get off to bed. Once we leave here, our next stop is Gumbo.

: Well, good night everyone.

Oh hey, it's these guys!

: I am sorry, Colonel. The forces stationed in New Parm do not report having discovered Justin.

: No reports... you say?

: Drat! Where did he disappear to?
Motherfucker has a grand piano and a globe in his office at the field base.
Pfft. Shows what you know, scrub.

: Send the reports directly to me without going through General Baal.

: ... ... ...

: We have yet to obtain the Spirit Stone.

: Without results, do you think Father'd be happy to hear just a status report?

: Do you understand?

: Yes....

: Start the next operation now! There are still mysteries for us to solve.

: The mysteries of the Icarians.....
Dammit, Leen. You're almost as bad as Squall.

: Yes... to the ruins. Move up the final inspection of our ship, the Lyonlot!

: Leen, we'll be on forced march starting again tomorrow. Rest up a little tonight.

: Y-yes sir. Thank you.
And that's that. Just gonna check up on everyone's status real quick....
.... Motherfucker!
See you next time!