Part 90: Gumbo Village 2
Welcome back!
Hmm. That girl there is standing right on the other side of the wall from Danda.
Somehow I don't think we'll be getting much conversation out of this one.

: I can only think of him. I have a feeling I can somehow hear his voice. I can only meet Danda in my dreams and yet why can't I get to sleep? To meet Danda, I first took off five days to sleep day and night. Since then I haven't been sleepy at all. Do I have no qualifications for love? Ah Danda Danda Danda Danda Danda! I want to marry you.
Yyyyep, that was a waste of time.
Let's go knock over one of those frog statues.
All right, enough screwing around, let's go talk to the other guy in here. The last of three people in this town with a unique sprite.

: Now the festival can get going. Yipee!

: What? What is this!?

: I will come directly to the point! Will you be traveling with that young lady there?

: By young lady, do you mean me?

: No no. The other young lady. You with the matching armband. ♥ You two are a couple, right? Love through good and bad ♥ through suffering. ♥
What sort of JRPG would this be if we didn't deny it?

We're not like that.

: Now yet, then here and now end it with one kiss. Don't worry, just kiss.

: No no! No!

: This is a reaction that leaves hope. A complete stranger could never have that freshness and modesty. So you are a couple, right?
And we get brought back to the choices. Fine, let's get this over with.

Is it that obvious?

: I guessed RIGHT! A BELL-RINGER! So you ARE a couple! Well then! We shall recognize you two as the "Brave Couple"!

: Just a minute! First of all, Justin and I are not particularly a couple.

: Com' on, Feena. It seems to make him happy, and besides there's no harm, right?

: Still, what are you saying?

: Now, now! The "couple" has appeared! Prepare the feast!
Well, can't complain about a feast, I guess.

: I believe that was five years ago. ♪ The volcano, the guardian deity of Gumbo, stopped. ♪

: The fire in the volcano died. ♪ Gumbo became cold. ♪ Waiting for the couple. ♪
Everyone starts dancing to the Chief's song here. Because Gumbo.

: When the couple comes, it will warm. ♪ The legends say they'll be a beautiful couple. ♪

: If there is a couple, ♪ We'll have a festival, ♪ a festival of fun. ♪
They even give the Chief a round of applause when he finishes his song.
And with that, the party regroups.
And the festival proper starts. We're given the ability to wander the town and talk to all the new happy couples, but that's a separate update. For now, we talk to the chief.

: How about it? Do you think everyone had a good time? How about I sing one more song?

: No, that's all right.

: Well you do look tired. Why not take a walk outside, and breathe the fresh air? When you want to retire, tell me, and I'll escort you to the Guest House.

Naw, we want to play some more.

: Ho ho. Is that it? You'll enjoy the banquet some more.

Yeah, time to go to bed.

: Are you tired, is that it? Then I'll escort you to the Guest House.

: Yes, yes! Come here tomorrow. We'll have the finale to the festival.
Say what you will, at least he's being hospitable.

: Heh heh. The finale, is it? That sounds like fun !

: Oh, if you say so, I have preparations to make.
C'mon, Justin, you're a teenaged boy. Surely you get the concept of burning passion hot enough to re-ignite a volcano.

: When he said something like "I'll sing you my 99 best hits until morning", I wondered what we could do. Everyone was having such a good time. I wonder if the festival has ended?
Given the sound, gonna go with a "no" on that one.

: They talked about starting the finale!

: Say, Justin? Don't you think the reception we're getting is kind of strange?

: Something's wrong. I have a bad feeling about this.

: Ha ha ha. You're being oversensitive, Feena.

: Didn't they say they'd have the finale in the tent? Let's go there!

OK! We're ready!

: Oh, that's great! Like yesterday, the two of you can sit there.

: Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this.

: Let's do it, Feena. You don't want to offend the villagers.

: Attention! The finale of the festival shall begin! Now, certainly you were told that the village is worried about the fire of the volcano going out.

: Well, the Chief did sing to us in a loud voice.

: Great, OK. The volcano got that way owing to the fire dragon which appeared at the summit.

: to the fire dragon!
Ah. There's the catch.

: Were you two told this?

: What! Sacrifice!?

: Hold it a minute! We haven't heard any such story!

: What? Truly? Didn't I actually say that to you?

: This won't do. I tried my best not to forget! I've gotten forgetful lately. Well, now everything has been said. You two embellish the finale as the Brave Couple.
... uh-oh.

: Excuse me, Brave Couple, we were afraid of being a sacrifice. We did not attain the love of lovers. To attain the love of two people, you have to be that Brave Couple who do not fear death! Hooray!

: You have shown bravery that will go down in the world history of couples. I will surely be happy with Danda!

: Hey. Wait just a minute!
Even when at sea level, Justin finds a way to fall from a great hight.
See you next time!