Part 94: Post-Volcano 1
Glazius posted:
I'm kind of surprised you didn't throw more ice magic at the dragon. Ah well, as long as Justin's macing it in the face damage output doesn't really matter.
I think I was out of MP? I'm just gonna say I was out of MP and make myself feel better about not showing off the rest of Sue's casting lines in that fight.

Welcome back!
Last time, we dealt with the angry, firey dragon living in the caldera of the volcano, making Gumbo cold. Somehow.

Suddenly, a sparkle appears off to the left.

Dammit, Feena's stuck in kitten mode.

Hmm. Y'know, I'm surprised the volcano is still standing. Most of the rest of the bosses have been load-bear-


Yyyyyep, the game makes you walk back. Any enemies you haven't yet killed are still alive, ready to get in your way and slow you down through this... non-timed, casual jaunt.
Look, the game is still being more subtle about wasting your time than most JRPGS, and I respect that.

Anyway, it only lasts until you leave the crater area.

All in all, the party seems fairly unconcerned about the shower of lava.

At this point, we're automatically brought back to Gumbo. However, there's still one thing left to do at the volcano.

Which yes, you can re-enter. In fact, none of the areas on the world map get sealed off.
Typhoon Tower is still gone, though, so sucks to be you if you missed that Mana Egg.

Remember that rock I told you to remember? Of course you don't; it was just a random fucking rock.
Now it's a bridge that lets us back into the main area of the dungeon. It's not, however, our goal. That lies on the same patch of land as the entrance to the area.

Yes, there's a treasure hidden in an area that you can only access if you come back after beating the boss.
What is it that deserves to be so well-hidden?

Fuck you, Grandia, I'm sick of your shit. At least the "resistance" is 7 levels thereof, i.e. complete immunity.
Anyway, with that little adventure done, let's head back to Gumbo.

I hope you guys don't mine me bypassing the vote on this one, but there was only one choice left for it.
Spell-wise, aside from Burn(flame/flare), Justin can pick up BOOM! and Zap!, along with BOOM-POW! and a few fire/lightning/explosion spells we haven't seen yet. The real meat is in his moves.

At eight levels of Fire, Justin'll learn his first elemental cut. He's also got a lightning one that's quite a bit further away.
And what's that, second from the bottom? Why, a plot-locked explosion sword.

Yes, Rainstaffs are that ridiculously common as drops. There are two more sitting in Sue's inventory, plus the two that she and Justin have equipped. Part of the funds goes towards equipment upgrades and maintenance, and the rest goes to the rainy day fund.
And with our shopping completed, it's time for cutscenes.

And, in the usual Gumbo fashion, the couple up front very quickly jaunts off.

Man, you can't punch a ghost. Everyone knows that.

Thankfully, Justin saves me the trouble of having to make up a snarky line.

Dammit, Chief, who let you read the thesaurus again?

I sure hope the chief isn't implying what it seems he's implying here...

And with that, the three of them walk off into the night.

I love this bit. Up to now, they've been changing all the alcohol to coffee. But here, where it's plot-related that Feena is drunk, rather than hyper, they completely fail to mention exactly what it is she's drinking.

I also love that Feena's been fucking with Justin like this practically since she met him.

Go outside? In the romantic moonlight with a girl? That's how you get cooties, Justin.

*sigh* Fiiiiiine. We'll do it your way, game.
Next time: The game's next extremely iconic, memorable cutscene!
That's right, Sue gets tired of everyone's shit and goes on an unstoppable rampage!