Part 95: Post-Volcano 2
Shit, they wouldn't even have to ask. Just mention that there's a dragon up on a volcano and he'd be off before they have a chance to say more.
Welcome back!

: Justin, you were making eyes at me just now.

: What are you saying? Do you want to go or stay?

: Aha ha. I'm just kidding! I'm sorry, Justin.

: Well, let's go, Justin.
Feena sure likes to tease Justin.

: Now everyone is a couple in this village. I feel embarrassed just looking around. Look, they're everywhere.
Thankfully, instead of a long, sweeping shot of all the various Gumbonian couples, we just pan over to these two doofuses.

: We owe it to you. Thank you very much.

: I didn't think that I would ever be walking together with Danda.

: Wonderful! You're a happy couple. ♥

: You are also a marvelous couple.

: Right, Naina?

: Yes. A well-matched couple. You're right, Danda.

: Now tell me, Danda. Is there anywhere nearby that is cool?

: Let's see. Try going to the pier or the isolated islet. It'll be cool, and you can relax.
Let's avoid Makeout Point until Feena's had a chance to sober up a bit.
... Oh dear. Nevermind, then.

: We shouldn't bother them, Justin. Let's go to the islet.
Yeah, there's gonna be a pretty important cutscene on the island, there. So important that it gets a video, even though it lacks voices.
And thank fucking Christ the audio was synced on the first recording, because re-syncing it would have been a bitch with so little to go on.
As is the usual with this sort of thing, control-F your way down to "cutscene ends" if you wanna watch the video and not read my completely necessary and never obtrusive commentary. (
Polsy link)

(If you're not going to watch the video, at least listen to this. The game knows what the fuck it's doing with its soundtrack.)

: The smell of the sea breeze at night is wonderful, isn't it, Justin?

: What? Maybe so. It feels like noon to me.

: Already, Justin?
Was that supposed to be read like "it feels like we've been out all night already" sort of thing?

: Let's try going over there. The sound of night waves is so wonderful.

: Look, Justin. It's just as if the starry sky descended.

: It's just like two people floating up in the sky.
Justin has learned the "look confused and mumble something about 'I agree with whatever it was you just said'" method of navigating the conversation. Truly.

: But as the adventurer Justin, sometime I would like to go up and face that star.

: Let's go together sometime to that most distant star!

: What? The two of us together to that star?

: Justin, you just said something nice. Do you know what it is?
Justin puffs out his chest here. I suppose it makes sense, making sure that the important cutscene is as animated as you can get it.

: Oh, Justin, don't you ever stop thinking about adventure?

: Hey, if we do this, we'll look like a real couple.

: Isn't that a laugh?

Plunder and marriage? Sounds like how my parents met.

: But-but that was becaue of that sniveling Pakon...!

: Ha ha. It's just a joke, just a joke!

: But Justin, I think it's been great going out on adventures with you, honest. Ever since I met you, adventure and trouble have been continuous. Even in this village we are still wrapped up in confusion.

: Feena....

: That doesn't sound much like a compliment.

: You can resolve these things just by taking it all on. You have that kind of wonderful strength.

: ......!

: Feena... perhaps it's looking ahead, but Feena, about myself....

: Shhhh. Quiet. It feels good just like this. It seems you and I are the only ones in the whole world.

: What's that?

: Justin! Look!

: How pretty!
And, with this shot, the cutscene ends.
You know what this tender, romantic scene needs?
... Well, yes, a villager throwing a coconut at them, but unfortunately that's not what we get. No, what we get is....
WHAM! Slam cut to dinner, bitches! As usual, we'll begin with our "you're not allowed to leave yet" text.

: Are you going out, Justin? Wait just a bit more.

: Ha ha, Gadwin. You ate so much yesterday, and you're eating so much from morning on.
And now, working right to left.

: Normally, you seldom encounter the Spirits. That the two of you saw so many is extraordinary.

: I think that the Spirits favor Justin. Don't you feel that in your heart?

: Yes. I've been able to see the Spirits ever since we crossed the wall and came here.

: The Spirits appeared to Justin last night and at Typhoon Tower. Now then, these are more appearances than I've ever heard of before. I think that they must have something in mind for Justin.

: The Spirits are those softly flickering lights, aren't they? How could they intend anything?

: The Spirits are more than that. I don't know, but if you go the place called Alent, you'll find out.
I do like how nobody thinks that maybe the Spirt Stone has something to do with all those Spirits.
... Oh, right, they're showing up around Justin, not the Stashing Place.

: When I felt full yesterday, I suddenly got sleepy. So I went right to bed. Oh that was delicious. But I really wanted to see pretty Spirits floating in the night sky.

: That's too bad, Sue. Next time it happens, I will wake you up.

: But the Spirits are so strange. You never saw them in Parm. Did you, Justin?

: The Spirits were dancing in the gorgeous starry night.

: There was something about it. Even now it feels like a dream. Don't you think so, Justin?

: Well yes, now that you mention it.

: But Feena and I certainly saw them. That was no dream.

: Last night was truly beautiful. I will never forget it.
All right, now we can leave.

: Now then, last night after we parted, Danda and his friend came to the Guest House. As thanks for saving Gumbo, he said he was making preparations so we can leave by boat at any time.

: Great luck. Now we can finally go to the Twin Towers.

: I thought that we would meet up with Liete when we crossed the barrier. Somehow we went the long way around.
... I'm just going to say that this is Sue's penchant for using big words to sound smart, and not an awkward translation or anything. Nope.

: I understand! Well, that's OK. It means we've had that many more adventures.
And with that, we're given control back. Let's go chat with Danda about hitching a ride.
Well, with a brief stop to fuck with Naina.

We're not going yet.

: Whaat? How boring! You're not going to the Twin Towers? Humph.
All right, fine.

Of course we're going.

: Well then, where Danda goes, I go. I just couldn't bear to be separated from Danda for a moment.
Oh. That's what... oh.
All right, let's talk to Danda and get this over with.

Wait. We'll be ready in a bit.

: OK. Let me know when you're ready. I'll be ready to set my boat out for the Twin Towers anytime.

: Thank you, Danda.

Great. Let's go!

: Good. Let's do it. I'll get you there no problem. I can handle anything in a boat.

: Aaaaa. ♥ You really are handsome, Danda.
This is gonna be an awkward, trip, isn't it.
Thankfully, it gets glossed over.
Next time: