Part 17: War and Peace
Apologies for the wait, and the crazy switching between GameVee and Viddler here. Viddler hates my longer videos for some reason.
Part 15: War and Peace

: Your hard work is greatly appreciated by the kingdom. When you defeated Wolfgang, his movement was falling apart. It would have ended soon anyway. Unfortunately, there are those that draw inspiration from Wolfgang's actions. We are working to deal with that now. But enough of must be tired. The keys of the city are yours...enjoy yourselves!

: Thank you, Majesty.

: (Hopefully I can spend the day relaxing with one of my traveling companions. It's good to deepen relationships with brothers in arms, but a day off is rare, so I want to spend it with a female.)
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(As you can see, you can only pick one of the three girls your first time through the game. After you get all of their endings, you can spend the day with one of the guys. Also, if you choose a character and get rejected, you automatically spend the day with Hans, but it doesn't count for his ending.)

: What is it, Captain?

: It's our day off, so please just call me Wein...

: What can I do for you...uh, Wein.

: Nothing in particular. I was just wondering if you wanted to spend our day off together...

: Well, um...

: No, you're right...heh...I shouldn't have asked.

: Oh, no! No! I...I didn't mean that! I'd be happy to spend the day with you!

: I didn't do anything, really. It was your strength that made it possible, Charlone. He looks up to you, and you willed it to happen.

: Hehe...that seems silly.

: No, I'm serious. You're a very special woman, Charlone. You've saved me more times than I can count.

: But, that's my sworn duty, Wein! I'm just doing my job...

: And I appreciate it...

: Oh that? It's rosehip tea.

: May I have some?

: Eh...ah!


: Well you're not supposed to guzzle it! It's meant to be sipped.

: Still, I think coffee is more my cup of tea.

: I tried coffee once when I was a child, but couldn't stand the bitterness.

: Why not try it again? You've grown up. Maybe you'll like it, now. Here...try some!

: Ughhh!

: It's still too bitter for you?

: Uh...well...
Gulp...Bwah...ohhh! It's far too bitter! Don't you put any sugar in it?!

: But the bitterness is the best part!

: Maybe for you, but I still prefer tea. Ahh...

: What's wrong?

:''s nothing!
Burnstein Soldier: King Eliotte has requested your presence in the audience chamber at once.

: What's gone wrong?

: I guess we'll soon find out. Let's go!

: Yes, Captain!

: Fled? Surely there is a misunderstanding...

: I'm afraid not. He took some troops with him, and they actually injured the troops loyal to the king that tried to stop them. It's unclear what his intentions are, but the situation definitely ahs an ominous feel to it.

: I know that you have maintained a friendship with Minister Schneider since the Academy. I'm asking you to find him and learn what he's doing. If things are as they appear and he does intend to extend Wolfgang's rebelling, you are to capture him.

: Understood. I shall do my best.
(Everyone who called this back at the beginning gets a round of applause. Eliotte said he went towards the Lost Forest, but checking around that area gets nothing. Max is in the Time and Space Control Tower. The following scene changes depending if you get to the location within 13 days or not.)
(Aw man, he took Logan with him? Bastard.)

: Excellent. Isn't it ironic? The Control Tower that guided us to this land so long ago is poised to save humanity once more. And this time, I shall lead the way to a new world of peace!

: Wein! How unexpected.

: Max, I must know what you intend to do in the Control Tower.

: I intend to achieve my ultimate goal of removing conflict from this fragile lead us all to a new era of peace!

: You betrayed us to follow your own ambition! How can peace spring from treachery?

: There was no other way.

: You intend to use the mask, don't you?

: Ah, so you do know. Any further explanation is unnecessary, then. I've learned the secret of harnessing the mask's power...With it, I will forbid all conflict...erase all hatred. It shall be the dawn of a new era. The world I have worked so hard to achieve since we attended the Academy will finally be a reality. And you will be at my side in this noble endeavor, right?
(Just like with the choice about joining Wolfgang, you can join Max here if you wish. Note that the choice to join him is rather annoyingly the default choice. I've blasted through this scene many times, forgotten where this choice appears, and accidentally joined Max.)

: Max, I can't be a party to this madness. Perhaps you can control the minds of all the people in the world, but what kind of world would be left? A world like that would not be worth living in.

: I've grown sick of watching people maim and kill one another. If a world of brainwashed masses will solve that, so be it!

: He's made up his mind. The only way to stop him will be by force. I will do it if it's too difficult for you.

: No. I am sworn to protect Burnstein, and this is my duty. I will not back down just because I will face a friend who's lost his mind.

: It takes a strong man to follow through on such words. I admire you, Wein.

: Minister...go now! While I yet breathe, I will hold them back.

: Very well.
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(Wein is the master of horrible setups. Everyone is spread out, and for Complete we can't let anyone die. Thankfully, we have a buffed Hans to take out the enemies by the mages quickly. It's just the same strategy as usual. When Wein gets close to Logan, you get a conversation.)

: Stop calling me that! I'm no more than the man named Logan who spilled blood for Burnstein!

: But why are you doing this?

: I am repaying a debt to his father. His father saved my life at the expensive of his. I am sworn to act as a father to protect Maximillian at any cost.

: But shouldn't a father correct his son before he makes a grievous mistake?

: A father is sown to protect his progeny at all costs...
that is my only duty.

: Then you will die with him!
(It's possible to defeat Max before he gets into the tower, but he just runs in there anyway.)

: Come on! If we hurry, there still might be time! Max, even if it costs me my life, I
will stop you!

: O great Power Mask, bestow upon me your precious gift. Bless me with the voice that can persuade the masses to live peacefully. Empower my words to change the minds of those that hear.
(Let's go to someone less crazy now.)
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: We've been climbing in this tower for so long now. Shouldn't we have overtaken him?

: It certainly seems that way. In any case, we can't slow down. We
must get to him before he becomes master of the Power Mask.

: I wonder if any of the backup troops are falling in behind us.

: That would be nice, but we'd better not count on it.

: [Sigh] I don't like this...To defeat him quickly, we're going to need more troops. That's the practical reality, Captain. I don't see how we can do it alone.

: Charlone...We've overcome difficult odds before, and we may have to do that again right now. If we don't believe in ourselves, we're done before we start. I believe we
can do it, but you'll be no help to me unless you believe it's possible, too!

: Captain, I...I'm trying to find the courage...the optimism to believe, I just...I can't.

: Charlone, listen closely. I chose you because I have seen your skill, and I believe in you. But I chose you for another reason, too.

: You have no idea how glad I am you said that! Now all we have standing in our way is one misguided maniac. Max will be no match for us. Come on, Charlone, we can't waste any time.

: Let's go!
(Yes, we shall stop Max with the power of love! And maybe with some heart, too!)

: You're too late! The ceremony is complete. When the circle is illuminated,
I shall command the Power Mask.

: Then I'll destroy the mask before that happens.

: If it were only that simple.
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(This is it. This is the final battle. Complete is to kill every enemy and not have any party members die. You start the battle with Wein and whoever you went on the date with. Charlone is one of the best people to start with here, because she can cast all the buff spells, heal, and is pretty strong if you choose to attack with her a few times. The other best person is Hans for sniping out all the enemies.)
(Shortly after the first part of the circle is lit, the rest of the party shows up. The job is to now keep healing up while everyone picks at the enemies before sending everyone at Max. The mages go down first since magic hurts, then the archers, and then the close range attackers. Max can use some high level magic, though he only gets a Blast off in this battle. Your characters will speak to Max when they physically attack him, I was able to get Wein, Hans, and Charlone to attack him before he died.)

: Why? Because Wein told you so? Think for yourself, Hans! People are thirsting for a leader, and that leader is me!

: Says who, you? It sounds to me like you'll just be ordering them around like animals! That's not leadership.

: No, no! You're wrong! It won't be like that at all! This mask will merely let me command people!

: That doesn't sound like a world I want to live in.

: I don't want to hurt you to end this, but I will if you force me to.

: When I spoke to you of universal peace, I thought surely you'd understand. But you've shown me that you're just like the rest. You make me sick!

: Max, I'm not like the rest! I do want peace as well!

: Then join me! It's not too late! With this Power Mask, we can finally achieve the universal dream of peace!

: But at what cost, Max? You'll not enact're proposing slavery! How can you be satisfied with that?

: If that is the price of saving lives, I am prepared to make that sacrifice. If I can endure but a few moments more, I can spread peace across the world!

: Oh Max...if that is truly your intent, then I have no choice but to destroy you.
(And that is what we shall do.)

: could you...

: Grrr...Just in the nick of time!

: Max...

: Um...Excuse me, Captain. The preparations for the ceremony at the capital are nearly complete. It would be a shame if the guest of honor was late.

: Oh, uh...right.

: It's been two weeks since the battle, and no sign of Maximillian. We have to admit that his body is lost in the depths of the lake.

: You're right. I probably should have given up sooner...Apologize to the others for me, all right?
(Before going to the capital for the celebration, let's go to the last time...)

:'re alive?!

: Children who created a village in the woods saved me when I fell from the tower into the lake. They were all orphans of the war between Burnstein and Ranzack. Remarkably, they learned to live together in peace, though they were the offspring of warring nations. Adults caused the pain these children were left to bear, yet they created a new society from it. They taught me that the world at large was not alone in its wrong ideals. I was wrong as well. Humanity can live in must simple start with the new generation. Under the right circumstances, humanity can achieve peace of its own free will.
(And it only took somehow stealing a magic mask and almost dying to learn all of this!)

: So, what now?

: I intend to further broaden my perspective by traveling the world. This experience has tougher me that those that live within narrow views are bound with narrow ideas. I must step outside that. That is, if I'm not to be arrested for treason...

: We searched the lake thoroughly and found no body. Max died that day.

: I see...

: So it's goodbye, then?

: Yes. I'm afraid the sight of a dead man in Burnstein might be too much for people to bear. Wein, I'm glad I made the effort to see you one last time.

: Take care.

: And you as well.

:, his body was lost in the depths of the lake?

: Yes, Majesty.

: Do not be too disappointed. In the absence of malice, your efforts have paid a fine dividend. From here to Rolandia, and even Ranzack, dividends of peace are being paid. You have much of which to be proud. Perhaps you, too, will be called a Light Savior one day!

: Your words of praise are an honor, however I did not accomplish this myself. I had the help of fine companions, including these two.

: Of course their efforts are not to go without commendation as well. Wein Cruz, I now charge you with the task of protecting the tenuous peace we have earned.

: Yes, Majesty!

: Now then, time for celebration! Let us put rank aside and revel in the grand future that lies before us!
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Narrator: Wein, who had achieved the rank of Imperial Knight, was summoned by his colleague Julia.

: It may become a long-term assignment, but I'm confident you'll do well.

: Understood, Commander.

: Addressing me as "Commander" is unnecessary. We're equals now. I prefer you call me Julia.

: Oh, uh...right. I actually thought you were going to ask me on a date because you requested that I come in civilian clothes.

: But...why would you think that? I've made no improper advances.

: Unicorn Knight, Charlone Claudius reporting!

: Wein has been assigned to Ranzack, and I've assigned you to assist him. You are to depart at once.

: Of course!

:'s this?

: A gift. You know how to accept a gift, don't you? I've been summoned by the king. If you'll excuse me now.

: Who in the world would have...Wait! I bet it was Hans!

: It was me...

: Huh?

: I was happy, so I...

: Well, there's really nothing to hide. I'm just surprised, that's all. Truthfully, it was even hard for me to keep the secret.

: Wein...

: I was born to a common family. That's no match for a noble's daughter. But, I supposed I've distinguished myself a little by achieving the rank of Imperial Knight.

: Of course, there is no greater honor than achieving the rank of Imperial Knight!

: So, do you think your father will accept me now?

: Well, um...I...I don't know.

: I guess we'll find out. We can stop in Starkberg on the way to Ranzack.

: All right.
(And...roll credits!)
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(The first screen writes all of your files on the card with the endings you've gotten so far. Because I had a few fully complete files on there, all of them got written with all of the endings completed. This is used to get the "memento" items that can be used at the date scene to watch the date with that character again. The second screen creates a Clear Save file that carries over all of your rings and gems. Having a Clear Save file filled with 9-9-9 rings and good gems, plus using the all gems and armor cheat code, is how you create horribly broken characters.)
Next update: More endings!
Speaking of more endings, after doing Arieta and then Riviera, which
male date/ending do you want to see first?