Part 18: A Peaceful Utopia? Maximillian's Path
Part 16: A Peaceful Utopia? Maximillian's Path
(Choosing this puts you on the Maximillian Path. Going on this path blocks you out from the ending you would've gotten from going on a date with someone.)

: Yes. Truthfully, Wein. The mask is a means to an end we all want. A peaceful new era!

: All right. I'll help you.

: Wein, how can you say that?! Can't you see he's mad with power!

: The mask is already exerting power over him. It's affecting his thoughts! Any peace achieved with it will be fleeting...

: But is that worse than a world where people shed blood over the smallest imagined transgressions?

: If you stand now against us, so be it.

: You better not count on me to help you follow this crazy path. I'm here to protect Burnstein, not destroy it!

: Oh, Wein, please reconsider! The world that spawned that mask failed long ago. Using it now will only result in ruin!

: This time will be different. I trust Max.

: Yes, if we don't give up, we can create a perfect world.

: It's no use! He's made up his mind. The only way we're going to stop him is by force.

: So, you all are against me now?

: I'll stand at your side! You haven't led me wrong yet!

: Thank you, Hans.

: My pleasure, Chief.
Dailymotion |
(For Mission Complete you either have to kill everyone, or only let one person escape. Why would you want to let one person escape? You'll see soon. To make this mission easier, take off everyone's armor before the battle. Also, I don't know why the battle lags so horribly until Max gets into the tower. I'm guessing it's the number of people on the screen considered allies.)

: I will not let you interfere with Max' plan! Go, Hans!

: Yes, sir!
(When Max gets to the tower door, you get this next scene, and your former friends stop fighting and start retreating)

: Right. You need to get that mask activated as soon as possible. Leave this to us.

: The new world is nearly upon us. Fight hard, Wein!

: No! he got away!

: What do we do now?

: This is serious. If that device is activated, the whole world will be affected. Send the word out the surrounding areas, and have them help us.

: Understood!

: Good luck to you.

: Ha! You're not going anywhere!
(And now, for everyone's defeat speech!)
(Considering how devoted Wein was to Burnstein and his friends...his betrayal here is rather shocking to me, even after playing this path a ton of times.)

: It's finally over.

: This isn't the end. It's only the beginning...
Narrator: The Power Mask's persuasive voice was broadcast from the Control Tower to the minds of all, erasing the competitive spirit that drove the old world. Thus, conflict was erased, just as Maximillian had hoped. Unfortunately, along with competitive impulses, ambition was erased as well. The world's population became a mindless mass of drones, devoid of hope. Silently doing as they were programmed by the Power Mask, they went about their peaceful tasks in peaceful ways, and no one knew anything was wrong...except Maximillian Schneider.
(Well, isn't that depressing? It'd be nice if we could fix that...and letting one of your old party members escape that last battle does just that. The battle itself isn't different, except that the game continues afterwards.)

: They got away? Ha! It won't do them any good to get reinforcements. Max has started the ceremony already!
Narrator: The persuasive voice of the Power Mask was broadcast to the minds of those within range of the Control Tower, erasing their ambition and competitive spirit. As a result, conflict and hate vanished from the world. However, an unfortunate side effect was that ambition and creativity were also quelled. The inhabitants of this brave new world became like marionettes, dancing at the whim of their master, silently performing without doubt or hesitation.

: It sounded like the perfect world, but in reality...
Official: Patrons M0026 and F0026, step forth. You are officially wed. Cooperated and reproduce twice within three years, abiding by section CZ003. Next, patrons M0027 and F0027, step forth. You are officially wed. Cooperated and reproduce twice within three years, abiding by section CZ003.

: Yes.
(...The screen even shakes when Hans' lovely wife walks.)

: Hey, Hans...

: Greetings, Wein. I received my productivity partner. Good bye.

: Hey...Hans, wait!

: Wein, you are preventing with the start of our compliance with CZ003.

: Doesn't it seem strange that compliance is mandatory, that you have no choice?

: Strange? No. We have to reproduce and supply offspring to the National Control Center. It's how we survive, silly!

: And...that's fine with you?

: It is my duty.

: Doesn't it feel like you've lost something?

: You're in a very strange mood, Wein. We all do what's best for this know that!

: But you were paired with that...woman because someone else decided for you.

: The planning is necessary to achieve optimum output. Wein, you need to get some rest, and we have to go! Good bye.

: Ah, Wein, you've returned just in time! We've discovered the coordinates of the resistance squadron blocking the transmission waves. Unfortunately, we have limited troop strength there. Will you assist in the operation?

: Of course.

: We can't do this! They're too strong!

: Fight hard Riviera! We can't fall here...

: I's just that...

: Stand ready! There's no time to waste on words!

: I can't stay with Max and abandon my friends like this! I fight for Burnstein once more!
Dailymotion | Viddler coming later
(And as quickly as Wein betrayed them, he decides to rejoin them. Indecisive guy. Mission Complete is to not let anyone die and to have everyone rejoin Wein during the battle. To do this after the first time they speak to him, you have to get close to them to talk to them again. If you stripped everyone of their armor for the last mission to kill them off easier, this mission will be very, very hard, if not impossible.)

: That sounds like...

: Captain Wein?

: Yes, I've come back to save you!

: What? You've come back with your head hanging to save the friends you abandoned?

: Explain yourself!

: Yes. We suffered greatly when you abandoned us for evil.

: I know I let you all down. I was naive to think that Maximillian Schneider's plan would benefit us all.

: But how can we trust you now?

: Time is running out, and we're wasting it quarreling here.

: Carmaine...

: We will decide if you are to have our trust after this is all over. For now, we need to move!

: I know I don't deserve your trust. Thank you, Carmaine.

: Perhaps the others will follow my lead.

: I'll try talking to them once more.

: I still don't understand how you could have been duped into turning on your friends...your kingdom!

: Max's goals are admirable, but his methods are misguided. I know that now. I was blinded by the promise of a dream realized, but this is not the path to true peace.

: A dream?

: Yes. Since Max and I were in the Academy, we have shared a dream to bring about lasting peace. However, from the beginning, our view as to how to achieve that has differed. I made the mistake of finally believing in Max's way, and now I regret it sincerely.

: I can see in your eyes that you're telling the truth. All right, I will join you.

: Thank you, Riviera.

: I hope I'm not making a mistake again...

: I have nothing to say to a traitor.

: You have every right to reject me, Charlone. I know now that I've made a mistake. The path I chose was wrong, and I want to correct that mistake.

: How can I believe that you're really telling the truth now?

: I have nothing to offer you but my word. Believe me, or don't. Regardless, I will help you stop Max before this gets out of hand.

: I may be making a mistake again, but...I believe you.

: Charlone...I won't let you down.

: I'm ready, then. Let's go, Captain!

: Wein, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't make me regret it.

: Thank you, Xenos!

: They will be time for talk later. Now is the time for action!

: Wein, we prevailed because you helped us.

: Yes, but I feel so bad. I owe of you an apology for not supporting you earlier. I was so...naive.

: We understand, but what happened to Hans?

: Oh, right, Hans. He was brainwashed by the Power Mask. I fear that he is lost to us now.

: I knew that weak-minded fool would let us down at some point.

: Does Minister Schneider know you've changed sides?

: I don't think so. He has no way of knowing yet.

: Perfect. Then we have a good chance if he thinks that Wein has captured us.

: We'll have to work quickly, though. Let's go!
(You can choose to head right to the Control Tower and take on the final battle now, but that makes an already hard battle even worse. Let's go find the other two people from our former party. Lyell is hiding out in his old cabin in the South Lost Forest.)

: Is...this the place that...

: Yeah...

: Ummm...

: ...

: ...I...

: So...should I take this to mean that you've concluded the battle with Max?

: Yes. I...I was wrong.

: Your actions have spoken louder than any words you could speak now. Let's go.

: Right!
(Arieta can be found at the South Ruins.)

: I'm sorry Arieta. You warned me but...I...I just thought I could make it turn out differently this time. I was a fool. There's no other way to say it.

: Wein...

: Don't worry. I can plainly see that a world like this is wrong. It's not living, but just existing.

: I'm glad to hear that. I was worried that you might not understand. The Power Mask removes all resistance to suggestion in the mind. To do the things you don't want come to like what you formerly detested...The result is that humans are stripped of the very emotions that make them unique.

: You're right, Arieta.

: I'm so glad to hear you say that, Wein.

: My goal now is to free the people enslaved to Max's ambition.

: I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.
(NOW we can go kick Max out of that tower!)

: There have been so many changes in such a short time. It's very nearly a different world altogether.

: But this time we have to fight...Max.

: Companions? Then this is even better than I had hoped! We have strong new recruits for the cause!

: Wrong again. We've come to stop this madness while we still can! That mask must be destroyed so this world can be returned to normal!

: Why would you want to do something depressing like that?

: The only thing depressing is that this world you've created is devoid of everything that makes life worth living!

: Why? Is it because conflict, anger, and hatred have disappeared? Is that what we're fighting to restore?

: No. We're fighting for the right to make choices, good and bad. In your world nothing happens without an order. That's wrong!

: Two hundred years ago, the Growsians reached the same conclusion, and sealed the mask away.

: Max, you have to realize this is wrong and stop
now! We can still undo the damage...but soon the changes will be permanent!

: And what is so wrong with a world of permanent peace and absolute security? I have no intention of stopping fact, when this ceremony is finished, my power will intensify!
Dailymotion | Viddler coming later
(Forget anything I've said before about other missions being my least favorite or the hardest, because this one takes that place now. If you've played through the game normally, it's not that bad. If you've buffed up Hans some, it's bad. If you've maxed out his stats, it's near impossible. Hans doesn't keep his gems, so at least he's down to normal range, but he keeps his stats, skills, and techs. I tried at least six times to get Complete on this mission and couldn't because of Uber Mercenary Hans (that's really his enemy class in this battle) killing everyone. You can't kill him, because that gives you a game over, so you're stuck dealing with him sniping everyone and either somehow pulling through with lots of healing, or just bum rushing Max for a Clear instead.
Speaking of Max, he knows top level area spells like Tornado and Meteor, and isn't afraid to use them. He's also resistant to magic, has pretty high defense, and can physically attack twice when you get close enough. The rest of the enemies are also pretty bad, with Logan knowing Cure and having high HP, and the mages also using area spells. Oh, and don't forget about the mask charging. If the eight circles light up, that's also a game over. When Wein gets close to Max, you get this conversation.)

: Damn you, Max! Damn you and that mask! If not for it, you would not have taken leave of your senses!

: Mad? You would call me mad when I am working to bring lasting peace to all?

: Max, I want a peaceful world, too! But turning people into zombies or puppets is not the way to go about it! True peace can only be built with free will in an environment of trust and understanding!

: In an ideal reality, that
would be the case, but since I am not a god, the Power Mask is a necessary evil.

: Max...

: If I die in this pursuit, the mask will remain to empower another to carry on my work. You can't stop this, Wein, I won't allow it.

: Max...what happened to you?

: The spell appears to be broken...

: Pfft. Unfortunately...

: Hang on, Max!

: I'll not recover from this wound, Wein. Before I...die, promise me one thing...

: What?

: Promise me that you'll lead the people of this world to peace...of their own free will.

: I understand, Max. I will try my best to achieve that goal.

: I know...

: The means to magically erase conflict, ambition, greed, and all other evils of humanity that threaten peace was thus lost. The difficult, unsure road to peace was once again the only option. In the end, Maximillian lost his life so that the people could smile once more of their own free will. It has now fallen to me to protect those smiling faces...and to protect the memory of one who tried to give humanity peace, whatever the cost...and failed.
Next Update: A fun start to the Wolfgang Path!