Part 19: By the People, For the People (Wolfgang Path)
To make this path go a bit more easily, and to keep me from going insane, I used the uber code to give myself all gems, armor, and a good set of rings. But I won't be horribly abusing it. Only using rings that I pick up from battles, and only using armor that is currently being sold in shops.
Part 17: By the People, For the People (Wolfgang Path)

: Captain?!

: Charlone, I've made up my mind. I've decided to join Wolfgang.

: But...he's
admitted framing you! Why would you trust him?!

: You heard what he said. We were unfortunate victims of circumstance. We were only chosen because of our connection to the Minister of Burnstein.
Rivera: Wein, are you serious?

: I am serious. Dead serious.

: I always knew my destiny was to be an Imperial Knight. I never considered this course of action.

: I understand. What about you, Hans?

: I'm not going anywhere. Count me in.

: Well then, Xenos...Will you join as well?

: Hmmm...allow me to consider it a while longer.

: Hmmm...

: After you've finished with them, report to me.

: [Sigh]

: Charlone, run!

: I knew he couldn't be trusted!
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(Again, Wein betrays his friends in a flash. Mission Complete is to kill them before they escape, which is very easy because they're weakling mages and don't even try to attack you. Of course they run away when you beat them anyway...whatever. Xenos just stands there the whole time looking stupid.)

: Riviera!

: D...don't worry, it's just a flesh wound...

: I can hold go ahead!

: S...sorry, Charlone.

: Riviera...

: I'm sorry, Charlone...

: Riviera seems to have gotten away safely. There's no need to draw the enemy this way any more. betrayed us, and I'll never forgive you!

: We've made our choice. There's no time for regrets...Let's go. Wolfgang's waiting...

:, you've come.

: Wow! This place is

: I never would have guessed something like this was hiding in the forest!

: Yes, it
is...somewhat surprising, isn't it? The ruins were already here. All we did was build on them. But we don't have time for a tour. I have a pressing assignment for you to attend to.

: What is it?

: I want you to head north to Agriss Village to...negotiate.

: Negotiate...or demand their participation in your new kingdom?

: There will be adequate incentives for cities to join us, and
that's...why we'll negotiate. If Agriss joins us now, they will only pay 80% of Rolandia's tax rate. After the war, they will pay 100%.

: So your plan is to win over each village and town by means of better incentives than their kingdom offers...

: My reform does not end there. I plan to enact a ruling structure that is not a monarchy.

: What?

: Wow, Wolfgang, you're a freakin' genius! Minister Schneider seems like a country-fried goober compared to you.

: I always assumed you wanted to be king!

: I have no such ambition. I just want a call home. Until the land stabilizes I may serve as king, but my ultimate plan is for democracy.

: I understand now. Hans and I will go to Agriss to negotiate, as you directed.

: I'm counting on you.
(If you've done all the Arieta events so far, you see a dream involving her if you stay at the inn. It's exactly the same as the scene on the normal path, shown in this update.)
Village Chief: I'm the Village Chief here. What is your business?

: I have come as a representative of Wolfgang to negotiate with your village.
Village Chief: Negotiate?

: That's right.
(Choosing this makes the villagers not get angry with you, and they'll join up right away)

: We've started a war to gain independence. But this effort is not only to give a home to mercenaries, but to provide stability to even neighboring kingdoms. And in the end, we hope to liberate people.
Village Chief: Liberate...people?

: Yes. The governments as they stand now are monarchies that don't always shave their subjects' best interests in mind. But if there were a government where the voice of the people were more influential, wouldn't that be liberating?
Village Chief: I suppose so...

: So how can people have the most influence on government? By being the government!
Village Chief: A government by the people?

: Yes. That is the king of government Wolfgang is seeking to create.
Village Chief: Hmmm...the odds are stacked against him, though. It will not be easy.

: And that is exactly why we need the support of forward-thinking people
now. Without support, our drive for independence will be that much more lengthy and difficult. And so Wolfgang is offering a tax incentive to those that would join us now.
Village Chief: Hmmm...even a 20% reduction in our tax burden would allow us to improve our standard of living.

: That measure of goodwill alone should convince you that Wolfgang is for the people. But I am not here to force you to comply. It is your choice.
Village Chief: To not support the birth of a kingdom based on suck lofty ideals would be a crime!

: Thank you very much.
(We've recruited a town of backwoods hicks! Let's report to the boss.)
(Another one of those "looks wrong but is actually the right choice" things.)

: Who do you think you're talking to?

: I won't underestimate you again.

: So then, where next?
Wolfgang I have some companions to introduce to you first.

: After careful consideration, I have decided to join. Good to see you again by the way.

: We're glad to see you, too!


: You already know each other, of course.

: I'm not Maximillian, but Patrick.

: Yes, he's the imposter I hired to destabilize the region. I hope you can look beyond the past and accept him as an equal in this effort.

: I'll take the help wherever I can get it.

: Already?

: Yes, I want you to cut off their supply chain while we storm in with the main force and immobilize them.

: Understood.
(Patrick talks about how he was rescued by armored mercenaries, and Wein tells him to keep a low profile so he doesn't get captured again. We were the ones that found him before we started this path.)
(Patrick is...another physical character, really. That gives us four. He really should've been more like Max and started with some attack spells, but he started with Cure, Attack Up, Shield, and Resistance. This is a bit of a problem because in random battles in this part of the game, there's an enemy that resists all physicals, and I had no one that knew any attack magic. Also didn't have the all-important Cycle Up until I was able to teach it to Hans, who really should be used for attacking.)

All their supplies?

: Everything this side of the capital. Munitions, food, medicine, all their supplies for field operations.

: Fortunately, their army is shorthanded, so there are few guards here.

: Right. Now would be the best time for a surprise attack.
Burnstein Soldier 5: Commander! The enemy...they're attacking!
(Okay, time out here for a second.
Of COURSE they know we're attacking now! Look at how everyone is positioned. Wein is on the adjacent side of the building to Hans, and on the opposite side of Xenos and Patrick. They were just having a conversation. Therefore, we can assume that they were yelling across the map to each other to hold that conversation, effectively blowing their cover. It's like they just marched into the fort and announced to everyone that they were attacking.
And now, back to your scheduled LP.)

: Jumpin' Jehoshaphat! You weren't kidding! And they're led by that traitor Wein!

: That's...Byron!

: You! Quick! Get the kingdom gold from the chests and bring it to me! They can't be allowed to steal it!
Burnstein Soldier 3: Yes, sir!

: You...token guard that's gonna die anyway...try and slow them down!
Burnstein Soldier 6: Uh...okay...

: Send up the signal flare to alert the others that we're under attack!
Burnstein Soldier: But...there aren't enough troops to call back from the front lines...

: How about you go out first to surrender and be slaughtered, then?
Burnstein Soldier: Good point. I'll light the signal flare.
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(For Complete, every soldier needs to be killed, except Byron. I just like to kill him because he deserves it, though he's another one of those "escapes even though you defeated him" enemies. You NEED Cycle Up for this battle, or else at least one soldier will make their way over to Byron and hand him some goods. Even if you get Patrick to learn it, he might not have enough MP to cast it on the others, and cast Attack Up. Byron will also start to run away once you kill the four soldiers that open the treasure chests, or when someone approaches him, so it's up to Hans to do the dirty work.
Oh, and the map is the same one used in the Firefly mission from the normal path. I hate this place.)

: What?!

: Your "backup" is under attack right now! If they leave and come here, our forces at the front win. If they don't come to help, our force here wins.

: Dammit!
(And then when you off the fat bastard...)

: Bah, hah, hah, hah! You've got nothing! Nothing, you hear me?! Haaaa ha, ha, ha, ha!

: He prepared an escape route known only to himself...

: We seem to have defeated them all.

: Yes! We did it! Smell the glove, boys!

: Okay, we've won here, but we need to pursue Byron before he gets too far away.
(You get dumped out on the world map after this, and you can go back to heal if you want, but then you'll miss catching Byron.)

: Nincompoop! That's out of the question now! The front lines are in shambles and enemies have already overtaken the storehouse! It was a terrible fight...we fought hard, but they're so strong! I was the only survivor!
Burnstein Chief: What?!

: Ahhh! They're after me again!
Burnstein Chief: Our own countrymen have turned against us? You'll pay for your traitorous ways in blood!

: Uh...yeah...
yeah! Get them! I...I need to report to the capital, so I'll stay back here. Pr...protect me!
Burnstein Chief: Yes, sir!
Dailymotion | [url="http:// "]Viddler[/url]
(Another battle where you need to kill 'em all for Complete. This includes Byron this time, but thankfully he runs slower than Charlone, so you can off him after you've taken care of some other enemies. Hans is still the best person to attack since he's got long range and all. As long as you conserved a Dash, some System Shocks/Synapse Blows/other techs, and a bit of magic for emergency curing from the last battle, it'll be fine. When you defeat Byron, you get this scene.)

: Will you surrender...or die, Byron?

: Oof...uh...hph...ahhh...uh...hph...

: P...p...please! Just let me go, and I won't cause you any more trouble...
(Choosing this option opens up an extra battle at the end of the game.)

: Killing you would be a waste of effort. Get out of here, coward!

: Hah, ha. You'll regret the day you ever let this revenge machine go! Heh, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah...

: I never did like that guy...

: That seems to be all of least at this post.

: But, should we have let that one escape?

: That windbag is no threat to us.

: You're late.
Martin: I apologize for that. I hurried as fast as possible.
Simon: Thanks to your efforts, the Burnstein army is falling back.
Martin: Your campaign to cut off their supplies was more effective than we guessed it would be!

: Heh, heh, hah! Mmmm. Hmmm.
Simon: We've sent out squads to mop up the stragglers and keep pushing the main force back to Burnstein.
Martin: Why don't you leave this to us and rest a bit. We can take it from here.

: It's all yours then. Carry on!
(The map's expanded a bit. Fort Rargin has a nice shop that sells the Lv6 New Horizons gem, the one that gives unlimited range to long-distance attacks, only blocked by terrain. Unfortunately on this path, we can't complete the cat girl quest that gives us the superior Lv9 Transport Wings gem.)
Next Update: More fighting, with a familiar boss...