Part 20: Saving the World Again
Part 18: Saving the World Again
Mercenary: What are you
talking about? You could've spoken up if you
knew this was the wrong direction!
Dozz: Shut up! We don't have time for finger-pointing if we're gonna stay alive. Keep flappin' your lip and I'll run you through myself!
Mercenary 5: That kind of leadership is exactly why we're here!
Dozz: Why you quivering sack of...
Dozz: Funny that a decrepit old has-been like you would talk about falling apart! You should be the authority!
Burnstein Soldier: Commander, enemies to the rear!

: Is that...Wein?!

: Commander Logan??

: I had heard rumors that you turned against us, but I refused to believe them...until now.

: I have chosen the path I believe is best for all. There is no shame in that.

: True enough. It is every man's right to search out a path that matches his ideals.

: But that unfortunate truth of that we must be adversaries.

: Weren't you prepared for that when you turned traitor to Burnstein? Now is the time to prove you made the right choice.
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: Wein, what do we do about the mercenaries backed into that canyon?

: It would be difficult to get them here without casualties. They should fight defensively where they are.

: That's the plan, then.
Dozz: All right!
(A pretty simple battle compared to the last two. Hans with unlimited range snipes the enemies before they can do too much damage to the mercenaries. The problem enemies are Logan, who can heal, and the Lv25 Burnstein Chief, who does a lot of damage. When you attack Logan, this short scene occurs.)

: Commander Logan, the truth is, I...

: This is a battlefield, Wein. Hesitate, and it may cost you your life.
(And then when he dies...)

: Logan!

: We each chose our paths, assuming responsibility for the outcome. Wa...walk the road you believe in, and never the end.

: But...

: If you understand that, Wein...there is nothing more I can teach you.

: Thank you, Logan...

: Hey, what are you talking about? Shouldn't you be thanking us for saving you, Stinkletoes? Hsss.
Dozz: No one asked you to butt in, pipsqueak! We could have done it ourselves!

: I can't believe you're talkin' like this when we just saved your whiny-hienie!
Mercenary 2: Yeah, Dozz. You're the one that almost got us killed by charging the enemy like that!
Dozz: It would've worked, if you sorry excuses for women hadn't run off to the canyon! Just forget it! That's it! I'm done! I'm done with all of you!

: That kind of blowhard might bark away civilians, but he's not fooling us.
Mercenary 2: Yeah, I thought you'd stand your ground. And, just in case you don't know...thanks. We owe you a big one for getting us out of that jam.

: There was no question we would help. You were in danger.
Mercenary 2: You guys must be tired after traveling, then getting in an unexpected fight. Why don't you rest? Now that we know Burnstein is using a high-water formation, we'll be better prepared next time.

: (I feel a headache coming on...)

: What are
you doing here?

: I'm leading the troops that are invading Burnstein. We're persuading Rottenbaum and Schwarzfals to join the cause. Once that's complete, the attack will continue. You should return and report this to Wolfgang.
(Might as well!)

: Just doing my part for the cause.

: Modesty is a rare trait amongst mercenaries. I like how you work.

: How is the campaign going?

: The battle lines at Rolandia are stagnant because of the mixed-troop strength with Rolandia and Burnstein. However, in Burnstein Kingdom we have gained a major foothold due to your efforts. The current front line in Burnstein is now drawn between Rottenbaum and Schwarzfals. I intend to send messengers to both villages to gain their support.

: Oh, like Agriss?

: Right.

: Do you want us to go?

: Hmmm. That's not necessary. I just want your opinion about who to send because you know the villages.

: Well, who are you considering?

: I am considering Simon, Martin, and Dozz. Who is sent will be critical to the success of this negotiation.

: What is the personality type of each? That's probably the most important consideration.

: Right...

: All right. I'll send the two you recommended. You've worked hard. Use this time to rest up.
(Why rest when a new area has opened? Let's check out South Grandshill.)

: What's wrong? Speak up!
Mercenary: The Control Tower is under attack by a woman controlling a spirit!

: What?!

: I have a baaad feeling about this...

: It's too quiet...I don't like it.

: Yes, where are the guards?

: Uhmmm...maybe we should get some reinforcements?

: There's no time. We need to go in...
now! I hope nothing's happened to Arieta...but if she's alive in there, we have to capture her!
Narrator: When they reached the midpoint of the tower, they felt what seemed like a great earthquake.
Narrator: As their anxiety grew, the tower levitated above the center of the time and space fusion control device.

: That seems to be the maximum setting...

: I've spent more time in this body than planned...It's been more than 200 years now. I now awaken refreshed for conquest!

: How did you find me again?!

: That...that looks like Gevel!

: You have a keen sense of the obvious. Gevel weakened my physical being to a state where it can be controlled by a human.

: Humans can control it?

: What are you doing, Gevas?!

: Isn't it obvious? I'm returning to where I belong.

: And once again, you will unleash terror and destruction on innocent people.

: You babble without knowledge! This world...this was
all mine originally. Your kind stole it from me when you came here.

: But...if you couldn't live with humans peacefully, you had to be stopped!

: Initially, I didn't blame you for stealing this world. To the strong go the spoils...and it's been that way since the beginning of time.

: But then why...?

: Because...The time has come for me to take back what was once taken from me!

: All of this is about

: We know what will happen if you return to your true form, and we won't allow it.

: Ha! And, how do you plan to shop me? Will you destroy this innocent girl's body?

: ...

: Stop! Stay right there, if you value the life of this girl. Once I have re-entered my body, I'll return her to you.

: Really? You'll let her...

: Don't worry. I have no lingering affection for a body like this. I will return it to you.

: It's time...

: Heh, heh, heh...At long last!

: Arieta, hang on!

: ...

: Arieta, please open your eyes!

: ...

: Why won't she wake up? He already left her body!

: Heh, heh, heh...that's because her soul isn't here...
it's here!

: What?!

: Heh, heh, heh...After being cut off from the power of Grow for 200 years, my body alone may be too weak to withstand attack. And so, I brought her soul with me

: You've taken her hostage?! In this weakened state, she won't last long without her lifeforce.

: If she's to have any chance at all, we'll have to defeat him quickly.

: This seems hopeless!

: Wait, I have an idea! If we use the Neural device Ariost How would we summon her soul with that?

: Summon? Why not use the transmission device at the top of this tower to amplify the signal? I don't know if it would work on her soul, but it's worth a try.

: We'll distract him. You go, Wein!

: For it to work, there will have to be a transmission device on Gevas, too.

: I will volunteer for that task.

: Sereb?

: It is for Arieta, and therefore my duty. I will attach the device, if you can provide enough cover to get near.

: We'll do our best.
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(Bet you didn't expect this mission in this path. It's the same thing as the main path, but with a few less enemies, and the time for Wein to get to Arieta and come back goes a bit faster. However, without an unlimited range Hans, it could get ugly fast because of the lack of healing the group has. Patrick runs out of MP very quickly, and he's the only guy who can Cure until Wein returns. So it's best to send them all nearly out of Gevas' attack range, have Hans snipe the Yungs at the top while Xenos takes care of the couple that come up from the bottom, and Patrick buffs Sereb and Hans, Cures for a bit, and then becomes useless.
Of course when Wein gets to the top of the tower, he rescues Arieta. There was a bit of laziness in this scene or something, because the WRITTEN text is changed, but the VOICES are the same as in the normal path. Skip to 6:30 in the video to watch this mess. Here's the scene, but it really should be watched to hear how silly it is.)

: First, I need to set the effective range. I'll just set it to broadcast within the tower. Arieta...I hope you're out there. Here goes nothing...Arieta. Arieta, can you hear me? Arieta!

: It's me...Wein!

: Wein! Please...forget about me. You must defeat Gevas before it's too late.

: I won't kill him until you're separated from him.

: Wein, it's no use. Our consciousness the same now.

: Don't give up yet, Arieta! Hold on! You can't give up without trying. We're so close to getting you back! Don't throw away the memories we shared. You can't give up! I won't let you!

: Memories...we...shared...

: Remember this?

:''s so...familiar...That time...on the grasslands...I...I want to see it again...

: Grahhhhhh!

: Am I...dreaming?

: Yes, you did it, Wein! She's back!

: Thank you all so much for not giving up on me. It will be my honor to finish this with you.
But she doesn't have Cure.
Anyway, Wein comes back eventually, is happy to see Arieta, and gets to healing. Hans and Arieta snipe out Gevas with physicals and magic respectively.)

: How could this body fail my...destiny?!

: You saved me and defeated Gevas.

: The weakened state this Growsian prison put him in made it possible. If he hadn't been physically weakened, I have no doubt he would have destroyed all of humanity.

: Sereb!

: Arieta, I'm relieved you survived unscathed.

: It was with your help we were able to save her, Sereb.

: She is your companion now. I leave her in your care.

: What will you do now, Sereb?

: I have been weakened from my time inside the magic circle. I shall rest here for a while.

: Oh, Sereb. I'm so sorry you suffered so much for my sake.

: It was my...duty. Wein, there is still much left to accomplish. You still have much left to accomplish, right Wein?
(Seriously, Sereb says this. However, his spoken line is his line from the main path of the game. It's the same laziness that happened in the rescue scene between Wein and Arieta)

: Right. Farewell, and take care, Sereb.

: Farewell...

: While levitating, the tower had been moved by prevailing wings or some other force. It had landed in a different place from where it left, and it was now in Burnstein Kingdom. Coincidentally next to the grassland area where Arieta and I first met.

: It was here that we first met, remember?

: Ten years have already passed, but it seems like yesterday. Unfortunately, I have nothing but regrets about that day. I...I still regret failing to meet you as we had agreed. I've replayed that day in my mind, over and over.

: did come. I know because you have the ocarina I left.

: Arieta...

: I should be grateful for what you did for me. When I was under Gevas' control, it was a very dark time. I had given up all hope. You brought a ray of light that helped me hang on.

: I wanted to help you! Once I knew you were in danger, I had to help. There was no choice.

: Wein...

: I'm just glad you're still here...What do you plan to do now?

: The era I came from is completely different than the one now. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, can I come You saved my life, so I should use it to help you.

: Arieta...

: Besides, since I'm a Growsian, I'm sure my skills will be very useful.

: All right. Let's go.

: Thank you!
(This scene does the whole different text and voices thing too!)
Next update: Taking on Burnstein!