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Growlanser II

by KariOhki

Part 22: A New Nation is Born

Part 20: A New Nation is Born

(Time to finish this!)

: Ah, Wein! I have a task for you. On the hill just ahead, there is a Keep I want you to seize control of.
: I know the one you're talking about. Taking it would be a decisive victory.
: I know it as's heavily fortified.
: I know it will be difficult to take. That's why I asked the best in my army to do it. However, you must go at once. We've received word that reinforcements are heading this way.

: Consider it done!

: We're in luck, they don't seem to have much troop support.
: If we could take this, I bet we can win the war!
: You may be right. Let's take the Keep while Wolfgang creates his diversion.
: To victory!

Dailymotion | Viddler

: How can they expect to take this place with so few soldiers?
: Don't underestimate their strength. That mistake led to our previous loss.
: If we can hold out until Julia's reinforcements arrive, their defeat is all but assured.
: We have no choice but to fight well, then.

: But...Ernest, you''re wounded!
: Wounded or not, I will not see Burnstein fall while I still live!

: There will be no negotiation. When our reinforcements arrive, we will have you drawn and quartered...slowly.
: You've made your choice then. You are to will your reinforcements!

(No, it's not about those other hands of fate. Anyway, as usual, Complete is to kill all enemies. Like before, Lyell is the strongest character on the map, with lots more HP than anyone else. Riviera and Charlone go first because of their magic (Charlone can cast Rust, which drops your attack), then the generic soldiers and annoying Lyell, leaving Reaves to be pounded on at the end.)

: We did it!

: Wolfgang!
: Now that we have all the key positions under our control, I'll negotiate a truce.
: Truce? But with a little more effort we can crush them!
: We have them surrounded...there is no need for more fighting unless they demand it. All I want is independence, not more bloodshed. I have no interested in occupying Burnstein.
: I see.
: We should seek a meeting at once. Wein, I would like you to accompany me.
: Of course.

: Wolfgang has requested a meeting.
: So, he's sent a messenger to mock us?
(Random fact: This scene is the only time in the game that Eliotte has a voiced part)
: No, Highness. He came in person.
: What kind of food comes to the enemy camp in person? He hasn't won this war yet!
: Fine. Show him in and we'll see what he has to say.
: At once, Highness.

: What business do you have here? Are you to mock us?
: I'll cut right to the chase. As leader of the mercenary kingdom, I petition a cease-fire.
: A...ceasefire?
: All we ever wanted as a home for our people. We have no need of expanding our borders further.
: ...
: Further warring would be meaningless for both sides. If you will acknowledge our kingdom, bordered by the Lost Forest and Schwarzfals, I will agree to a cease-fire.
: Your Majesty...

: I agree to a ceasefire, then. Draft official documents at once!

: With this, you have proven yourself to be a wise and fair leader.
: And in your first official treaty, you have proven yourself the same.
: This new beginning bodes well for both our kingdoms...

: Thanks to your help, we've witness the birth of a new nation.
: It was a difficult fight, but the success in the end was worth it. Now the difficult task of building a stable kingdom lies ahead.
: Yes. Without the proper foundation, all that we have fought for will quickly fade.
: I'll work hard to make sure that doesn't happen.
: Thank you Wein. You've proven yourself an honorable man.

: Byron?!
: You didn't think I would let you slink away unpunished after how you humiliated me, did you?
: Oh, he serious?

(These battles are only available if you let Byron escape back at the beginning of this path. This option only appears if you chose to treat Wolfgang like a cold-blooded killer when you visited the injured man in the inn. Let's take the top option first.)

Dailymotion | Viddler
(Very easy. You and Wolfgang team up on Byron, and it'll be over in a few hits.)

: Really? I always wanted to thank you, actually.
: R...really?
: Yes, it's fat-headed pigs like you that enabled me to change allegiance with no regrets whatsoever.
: Why you little...

: But a nation is not made great at its inception. Building a strong foundation and leading the people will be the true test of greatness. We won't let anything stand in our way now. Gaining independence was difficult, but we will prove it was worth the pain.
(The end! Now, for the other option.)

Dailymotion | Viddler
(Wolfgang won't attack Wein until Wein attacks him. This gives a chance for Wein to stick some buffs on. Even then, this battle is still rather easy.)

: You know what I'm doing. Now that this new kingdom has been established, the time for you is
: You...knew?
: Yes, and my revenge will be served as cold as possible!

: They say revenge is a dish best served cold. I agree.
: Brother...I...I understand...
: You killed our father, and I sword to kill the man responsible for that. I had no choice.
: Wein...Promise me one thing...promise to build the kingdom that we fought for.
: I won't promise it will be the same as you imagined, but I will protect those that looked to you. The mercenaries and their families will be cared for.
: I suppose that's all I can hope for. Farewell, brother...
: bastard.

(Will not. He has the same speech as the other battle. After we kill both of them...)

Mercenary 2: Wein! What in the world...happened?
: ...
Mercenary: Oh, no! That's...Wolfgang...Wolfgang, noooo!
: We were ambushed by an assassin. I barely escaped with my life. Wolfgang was not so lucky.
Mercenary: do we do now, Wein?
: We have to carry on his dream...protect the independence that Wolfgang fought for...and build the nation we all hoped for. It was Wolfgang's dream...and I will carry it on.
Mercenary: I'll stand at your side, Wein!
Mercenary 2: Me, too!
: As long as we stand strong, Wolfgang's dream will never die. Our new kingdom starts now!

(In this path, Carmaine, Max, and the Power Mask plot all disappear. It would've been nice to see Carmaine fighting with Reaves and Lyell, or have to stop Max's plot before taking over Burnstein or something.

And that's it for everything in the main game of Growlanser II!)

Next update: Did somebody say extras?