Part 25: Mini-Update: Stories Four Through Six
I played through the next section a few hours ago...the next section should be up late tomorrow or on Tuesday. So until then, have some more stories!
Mini-Update: Stories Four Through Six

Wallace - Beliefs posted:
One blow, two blows, three blows...
A feeling of impatience arose within me as I counter the number of times the swords met.
"These men command impressive strength..."
As that thought crossed my mind, I felt the sensation of sweat traveling from my brow to my cheek.
"Was what the Village Chief said true?"
I traveled the known world for fifteen years, searching in vain for the commander of the mercenary band I used to call my own.
The commander had pursued a monster after it nearly destroyed everyone in our group. He didn't return.
In all those fifteen years, no one had seen the grotesque, white beast that attacked us, nor had anyone seen our commander.
That changed when I came upon Clain Village. Many there had reported a monstrous voice coming from the mountains north of the village. With a small glimmer of hope, I set out toward the mountains.
Despite my hope, it was quite unexpected when I found them. Two men in brilliant white armor.
"You! Stop right there," came the voice from beneath the armor.
"I have no business with you. Step to the side of the road," I demanded, setting aside the uneasiness that crept over me as I examined their gleaming white armor with its sharp spikes and helmet with the design of four fiery eyes.
"We cannot do that. You must die here."
Each of the warriors had considerable skill. As if that wasn't bad enough, two more joined the fray.
As I desperately crossed swords with them, I noticed that their long swords resembled that of my lost commander!
The shock of that realization brought hesitation that led to my defeat.
How can they use my commander's sword?
Who are they?
What will happen to me?
Karene - After the Incident posted:
"It's really too dangerous..."
Xenos was scolding me as big brothers are prone to do, telling me that I should not have been traveling through Rosaria alone at night in the first place.
If the boy with black hair had not come when he did, I would have been hurt or killed by the bandits that suddenly had appeared on the road before me.
Even as that boy drove them back with a steady sword, I found myself wishing that it were my brother.
When that wish turned to reality, I was overcome with relief. Xenos had heard my cries!
One brother. One sister. We are a family of only two. We lived together alone, and my strong brother was always there to save me. In fact, just the sight of him made me feel safe.
Xenos appearing made the attack seem like a lie...a fabrication of my fearful mind. All I could see was the strong profile of my brother's dear face.
" something wrong? Is there something on my face?'re staring Karene..."
"Oh! It's nothing...nothing at all."
I grabbed my brother's arm to hide my embarrassment.
"Hey, hey there. What's this? It's not like you to bring out the princess act!"
"But, I was afraid...," the words fell from my lips like tine beads of lead.
He always protects me. Thinks of me first. How can I repay such a kind brother?
I do wish Xenos had a little more time to spend on himself. He's so taken with the problems and expectations of others that he sets his needs aside. I need to try to be more careful...more self-sufficient. He deserves that from his sister.
But of course, that will have to begin tomorrow.
Today my big brother saved me from the bandits...
Julian - Wandering posted:
"Why am I here?"
As I ponder this weight question, the villages frolic around the fire, light from the flames dancing in their eyes. For the simple feat of chasing away bandits they have decided to hold a celebration feast...this noisy revelry. But my heart isn't in it.
My father, who until today had taught me the way of the sword, no longer looked at me. He had thrown away his sword. However, a light boy with hair like coal picked up the sword and returned it.
"Why is this stranger holding the sword?" is all I could think as he stood before me.
I fought alongside him as an awkward thanks for returning the sword. It turned out he was Sandra's son...pursuing a magic guidance document that had been stolen.
He still needed more experience, but he exuded a brand of confidence that was striking in its power...heartfelt, effortless. His arm guided the sword almost without a if by some mechanical precision. He was so...different from me.
Perhaps sensing my gaze, he turned to face me. It was as if my heard were pierced by his gold and silver eyes. I looked away, immediately feeling shame at the action. He must have could he not?
I wonder what he thought?
Those strong-willed eyes wrought havoc within me.
It seems ridiculous, but I distinctly remember thinking, quite unconsciously at first...
"Could he have the ability to change the fate of this world?"