Part 30: Mini-Update: Arieta's Ending
That crazy Fay gave me some power outages today, so I only got around to writing up Arieta's ending. If you want to watch the Riviera scenes, I've uploaded those videos as well, but the screenshot version won't be up until tomorrow.
Mini-Update: Arieta's Ending
(Unlike Charlone, Arieta (and Riviera, for that matter) doesn't have any special requirements for her ending. As long as she's in your party and has 10 on her relationship meter, she'll accept.)
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: With me? But don't you have close friends you'd rather spend the day with?

: Not really. And besides, I'd like to spend it with you. that a problem?

: Well, I...

: Good, it's settled then! Let's go.

: Sense of what?

: How old I've become. And, the difference between this era and the last...But to look at me, no one would believe that I'm over 200 years old.

: It must have been a very lonely life.

: It was...until a short time ago.

: Arieta...

: Until I met you ten years ago, I truly was alone...

: Our meeting was the most memorable?

: Yes. I was grateful that I met you.

: Grateful?

: Until then, I dreaded waking up. Each day blurred into the next, and I felt that I had lost who I was in the beginning. But in those three short days we had together, all that changed. In that short time, I saw a glimmer of the person I used to be again. You brought that back to me, and I will always cherish that.

: Well...

: Thanks to you, I learned how to cherish friendship, no matter how brief. It gave me purpose again.

: I knew what happened to Venzern, and I feared that fate awaited me as well.

: Venzern...

: Yes. He knew he had to seal Gevas away in a Growsian body, and so he offered himself to do that. He told us all that because he would lay down his life for us, he would be our king. So I went along with it. As time progressed, however, he changed. Little by little, he turned to the side of evil, oppressing the people and taking power for himself. I feared that I might become like that as well. It was then that I entered the suspension chamber.

: And you endured that all alone...all this time?

: Yes, but you saved me with the power of your light. Even in the darkest times, I saw you and I imagined a time like this...a better time.

: Arieta...

: What's the matter, Wein?
Burnstein Soldier: His Majesty, King Eliotte has requested you return to the castle at once.

: Wha...what's wrong?

: I guess we'll find out soon enough.
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: Well if we're not on the right path, one of the other groups is.

: Hmm...

: What is it, Arieta?

: Nothing, really. It's just that you demonstrated what I love about you most. Undying optimism.

: What?

: I said that's what I love about you most...your undying optimism. It's a rare gift.

: Arieta, I...

: Oh!

: ...

: I'm sorry, Wein. I should have considered your feelings before blurting something like that out.

:, it's fine. Just, uh...a little surprising, that's all.

: So you're not mad?

: Once we've stopped Max's insanity, we can plan our lives together. So, let's get this over with.

: Hopefully it's not too late...
(For a bit of fun, check out Mission 21 beaten with only Wein and Arieta. Dailymotion | Viddler)
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Narrator: Arieta chose to live with the villagers in Schwarzfals Village.

: Yes, a break would be nice.
Village Chief: Good. I'll summon the others.

: Arieta, I'm so happy to see you again!

: I've missed you so much. Where have you been? Wait, are you on leave?

: No time for that. I still have much to do in order to secure this peace.

: Oh, I see...So I guess this is goodbye again?

: Arieta...

: It's all right. I understand. How could I be upset? I owe you my life. You not only saved me, but you made arrangements for me to settle in this beautiful place. I...I just wish you could stay here as well...but I know that's selfish.

: No, it's not,'s perfect!