Part 32: Mini-Update: Hans' Ending
Mini-Update: Hans' Ending
(To get the guy endings, you need to have a save file with the girl endings marked as completed, and the guy you want needs his relationship bar at 10)
Dailymotion |

: What? You...want to spend your day off...with me?

: Yes! Why do you think that's strange?

: Well, I don't know. I was just thinkin' that you had people you'd rather spend your only day off with.

: Nah, I'm sure we'll have a great time!

:, okay! Let's go!

: Honor? Now you're just being silly!

: Nuh-uh! To have you pick me to spend your day off with, is a big deal!

: Well, if you say so...

: Heh, heh...don't be so modest! You've done some amazing things...I've seen 'em with my own eyes in battle! Don't sell yourself short, Chief!

: Well without you and the others supporting my efforts, I never would have achieved what I did.

: Yeah, but you led us to victory! I don't think we could have done it ourselves. Even my uptight compadre Charlo would admit that!

: Hans, wait a minute...

: Wh...what's he doing here?
Burnstein Soldier: King Eliotte requires your presence immediately.

: Well, so much for a day off. Let's go, Hans!
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: All I know is that the transmission device is at the top, and we have to get there. It can't be too much further. But you signed up for this when you volunteered to come with me, remember?

: I know.

: Since there are only two of us in this group, it's more dangerous in battle.

: That's
why I volunteered to go with you! Besides, I wanted the challenge, and I knew you'd back me up!

: You've come a long way since I first met you, Hans.

: What? You're just noticing now? Hello, welcome to last month, Chief! Besides, you're the one that inspired me to
do this. I'll follow you anywhere!

: Thanks, Hans. That means a lot to me.

: I've got your back until we take down that
nut Maximillian.

: Thanks. But he's not getting any close with us standing here.

: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Dailymotion |
Narrator: Wein, who had achieved the rank of Imperial Knight, was summoned by his colleague Julia.

: It may become a long-term assignment, but I'm confident you'll do well.

: Understood, Commander.

: Addressing me as "Commander" is unnecessary. We're equals now. I prefer you call me Julia.

: Oh, uh...right. I actually thought you were going to ask me on a date because you requested that I come in civilian clothes.

: You must depart and save Ranzack at once! And now...for your support.

: Ah, excellent. Wein is assigned to Ranzack. I would like you to accompany him as well. Once the arrangements are finalized, you are to depart at once.

: Of course!

: I've been summoned by the king. If you'll excuse me now.

: So how'd
you end up in the Recon Platoon?

: Well, I was hoping I'd get assigned to work with you, so I volunteered for it.

: Really? Well, it's good to see you again, Hans. This'll be just like old times.

: Heh, heh, hah, hah! That's the plan!