The Let's Play Archive

Growlanser II

by KariOhki

Part 40: Bonus 3: Japanese Version

Bonus 3: Japanese Version

A little bit more bonus, because this just arrived in the mail. Working Designs made a number of changes to the game during localization (as usual). List time!

-X is confirm, O is cancel, and Square is the menu in the English version. Changed from O for confirm, X for cancel, and Triangle for menu in the Japanese version.
-Support for both memory card slots was added in the English version.
-The sort button is in a different position on the items screen. Instead of just hitting Square, there's an actual option you have to select.
-No cursor lock on the map in the Japanese version. It feels a bit awkward.

-Speaking of the map, some of the text was fixed up.

-In battle menu options are in a different order. The left side is Attack, Magic, Tech. The right side is Move, Defend, Equipment.

-Menus are completely different looking in the Japanese version. In order, those screenshots above show the loading screen, the magic screen, the equipment inventory, getting a ring after battle, choosing where to spend master points on level up, and the skill menu.

-Finally, here's a video I put together showcasing the voices of most of the main characters in the game.
Dailymotion | Viddler

The video is a bit low quality image wise, but I made it more for the sound. Feel free to request other scenes or screenshots!