Part 3: Rub Eyes to Reduce Sneeze Meter.

So, whenever we manage to find an ingredient the Ham-Hams will automatically return to the lawn, where Bo and Panda will usually be waiting for them.

Bo gives Boss no respect whatsoever.

Thats some interesting magic youve got there, Bo. Imagine being able to paint your house just by buying some fruit.


Back in the clubhouse after some unspecified amount of time has passed, it seems were getting a delivery.

Hey there, Postie! Is it weird that we have a doll of you in the clubhouse?

Thats all well and good, but things got a little bit Castle of Aaargh in that letter, dont you think?

At least Postie hasnt changed much. Hes still got his slogan going.

Sounds like a good idea! We can poke Snoozer before we go, but hes somehow aware of the ranchs first obstacle before we even go there, so lets not.

Youre not feeling well, are you? Gain some energy by eating fruit.
The second luckiest one for today is...Aries. Youll have a clear head all day long. Use it on your homework.♪
The luckiest one for today is...Aquarius. Youll make progress on your homework. Get ahead of everyone today!
Today will not be very good for...Cancer. Something might get lost. The aquarium is your lucky place.
You heard him, Aries and Aquarius! Get cracking on your homework! We already know the Pisces and Aries among the Ham-Hams; Howdy is an Aquarius and Bijous sign is Cancer.

This jerk is blocking us from making a side-trip to explore Sunny Peak some more, so lets go ahead and check out Flower Ranch.

...It lacks something when youre this low to the ground. (The Clubhouse hams range from the 6.2cm tall Penelope to Bosss 12cm. Most of them are in the 7-9 range.

Flower Ranch is actually a pretty large area, especially once were able to visit all of it. A little bit of guidance to our goal is appreciated.

Hmm, these two seem familiar. Their conversation is normally relevant and perfectly timed, because theres just 90 points worth of tasks and minigames on our orange-gathering trip.

One thing that may not be immediately apparent is that these blue fence posts are climbable if the base of them is clear. A log blocks off the one further to the right, since it needs more than three Ham-Hams to carry.

There are two ways to go, so lets head south to start with.

Wow, thats a pretty big turnip. You could definitely bop some bad guys with that thing.

???: Over here!

...Well, he was out from under the bowl for a second there.

This is what Sleepers current hint is about, by the way. He says:

So now all it spoils is which of the other two clubhouse hamsters will appear first.

Moving onward, it seems that this path comes to an abrupt end here. It may look like we can go north from here, but

Yeah, its too steep to go that way. Also, nuts to that. We play to win!

Two lovers divided, huh? Well, there was that log earlier

In order to make progress, we have to take the other path from the starting screen. Also pictured: That log.

Hmm, some items up out of reach. The seeds would be nice, but this thing looks much more interesting. Pity we cant do anything about them right now.


Big-bottomed bunnies we cant begin to budge.

The hamster at the bottom is just freaking out about this other one admiring the scenery, so lets keep moving.

Rub Eyes to Reduce Sneeze Meter. Thats not a command you see every day.

Butterfly Bridge 1 is the first minigame to introduce extra sunflower points for a better performance, but its only a miserly one point per second left on the clock.

The game itself is fairly generous in terms of difficulty, letting Hamtaro tank three hits without sneezing. The dust drifts fairly randomly, so standing near some to wait for it to drift past is somewhat risky, as shown.

And in a mildly amusing turn, our first sticker for reaching 100 sunflower points is the same one being shown off earlier.

Wow, thats rude. But if you talk to her again, this hamster explains that you can get more sunflower points in minigames by doing whatever the Tips screen suggests. The bonus condition is always by the pink head icon at the bottom.

Climbing back down to ground level presents us with whatever this pink lumpy thing is. Still, it looks pickupable!

Candy collection serves as one of the most common bonus conditions for minigames, typically appearing in 5-point pink pieces or 2-point yellow pieces. I assume theyre little pop rocks or something.
Edit: An interesting tidbit from Picayune!
Picayune posted:
I suspect the candy is meant to be kompeito! They're just little blobs of flavored rock candy, but they're so good.

Naturally, the south exit from this area is the first minigame to use candy for extra points, Slippy Slidy Slope 1.

...Some of them are there to tempt you into crashing. If youre not an idiot, I would suggest:

Actually using the brake button.

This first slide brings us out back past Cappys prison, so lets loop back around and head north instead.

The next screen has three carrots for us to collect. Yes, we are actually collecting them.

See? No other task gives you an item like this, and gathering them up will be handy later on. So in addition to sunflower seeds, make sure to get some veggies!

The next room gives us the option of going up the fence post for Butterfly Bridge 3. Why 3, you ask? Well, well see. Its currently a dead end though, because another log blocks the fence post on the other side. So well go and do that later.

The normal conversations for these two hamsters are uninteresting (I got all the candy/This minigames too hard for me), but this item is somewhat important. Walnuts are what you need to skip a minigame; getting any aside from this one requires a different method which Ill show off later. Its worth noting that skipping minigames means missing out on stickers and sunflower points.

In order to progress, its time for Slippy Slidy Slope 2! This one has the lesser yellow candies, but both it and its predecessor are alright sources of sunflower points at the moment. Getting 40-50 per round trip is pretty easy.

Ending up on the opposite side of the lovers divide, weve hit a temporary point of no return. Until we can bridge the gap with a log, we cant get back to the Clubhouse.

Ive heard that you are what you eat, but geeze. There is indeed a vegetable garden fairly nearby, but its blocked off for the moment.

Well, the sign says the sunflower garden is thattaway, so you know where we have to go first. Every other direction in search of treasure!

Part of the next screen is blocked off because that sleeping hamster is weighing the farmers cart down, so we need to get around behind them another way and push the cart in order to make a shortcut.

See? He even says so. The sad purple hamster in the back is just sad that he cant beat the minigame next to him. But before we do that, theres a southern exit to the room.

Nothing for us here at the moment, though. Something like a boat, hmm

Well, lets play a minigame in the meantime. This guy better watch that he doesnt hurt somebody with that stick.

Finally, we have a minigame for someone other than Hamtaro.

You can change the timing to hop one, two or three steps at a time. The opponent actually seems to rubberband a bit, so you have more time to try and gather candy than it would appear if you try to speed through it. The base reward is only ten points, but you do need to play it whenever you want to go to

Another screen with three carrots! And another sleepy hamster blocking potential exploration.

Theres nothing for it; we have to continue on toward the sunflower garden.

Another turnip is keeping us out of the enclosure with a crying kid inside, and weve come out on the other side of the blocked Butterfly Bridge 3 path. We still only have three Ham-Hams though, so we cant unblock it.

Oh, and Elder Ham is here too. Snoozing as usual, I see.


Enjoy your fifty-seventh nap today then, gramps.

The next screen has three of Boss little task rocks and this much larger one, though its an obstacle we can actually do something about for once.

A very good question indeed. Dont worry though, theres a signpost. Its presence is kind of like a cutscene, giving us powers behind anything wed display otherwise.

Boulder Bash is a very simple minigame, but Ill admit my button-mashing skills kind of suck. Its also troublesome if you have to move a finger from one button to the next whenever it changes, say, because youre using a keyboard instead of a controller. Yknow, hypothetically.

This is a non-repeatable minigame, which is a real shame when it gives 10 points plus 3 per second remaining.

Also, we get a permanent display of Boss narcissism to admire. Although, the way the stubble-eque fur is carved kind of looks strange to me.

Coming to another intersection, this area has an odd little quirk.

See, there are some minigames that are slightly different based on which direction you approach them from. (We skipped Butterfly Bridge 2, since thats played by approaching 1 from the other way. Theyre both counted as being the same minigame though, because the layout is identical aside from being flipped.) In some cases, you have to complete the second version of a minigame to play the first one again, because youll have moved something from one end of the course to the other.
However, you do not typically have to go somewhere else entirely unrelated in order to reset a minigame. Butterfly Bridge 1/2 and 3/4 are the only exceptions to this that I can recall.

Now, we could go left from here But lets talk to the other guy first.

How do you know its a store then? And for that matter, why would someone set up a store where nobody can reach it?

Clearly this calls for more investigation.

...Feel free to make your own jokes about this one, folks.

Theres also a carrot over here, but who cares about that?


Heading over to the other screen, it seems we cant quite Haaam our way up to that supposed store. Looks like were about halfway there, so well probably need everyone that came to Flower Ranch for this.

Better hop on down and see whats to the left now then.

...That is one sad-looking horse.

If you say so, old ham. Still, never mind the horse. Looks like weve finally caught up with Maxwell!

I would make a .gif of everyone making a fuss about saving Cappy, but getting their animations to sync up just wont happen. Especially since the horse also flicks its ear in the background.

Excellent, now were able to go back and rescue Cappy! We can also open up a few shortcuts to help us get around the farm; well get to retracing our steps next time.