Part 13: Pun Level - Red
Hmm Curious.
And with that, most of the guys file out, leaving Oxnard and the girls to their fortune-telling.
Alright, its time for this games manor! I guess people must have liked exploring Boo Manor in Ham-Ham Heartbreak.
Also, even with Howdy and the girls absent, we have exactly enough Ham-Hams left over for a full party. How convenient!
Enough Ham-Hams that actually move, that is. Well, since were going to see his house, might as well get one more fortune from Hamstarr himself.
Difficult homework is in your future. Dont wait. It might be really tough. Check it over before you start.
The second luckiest one for today is...Sagittarius. Get your friends to trade cards with you. You might get a sticker for it.♪
The luckiest one for today is...Aquarius. Youll make progress on your homework. Get ahead of everyone today!
Today will not be very good for...Gemini. You could end up wasting your money. A bag with a pocket is your lucky item.
Well, lets go find the girls!
...Hamstarr is clearly eccentric. Guess being a fortune teller on TV earns him a lot of seeds!
Pretty swanky lobby hes got here. And whos this mustachioed gentleham?
The shifting stars are a nice touch, too.
...That was interesting. Lets see if the mysterious fortune-tellers prediction comes true!
Gasp! What kind of vile fiend would do such a thing?
Man, this Red Punster sure is hamming it up.
And apparently he escaped into the void of space
Ah, its the owner of the manor! The mighty and mystical one himself
Hamstarrs questions form a simple memory game, going up from one gem to four. Theyre all distinct enough that you shouldnt have much trouble remembering the sequence.
Thats a very familiar looking lamp
Well, that was suitably vague. Lets just keep going and catch up with that dastardly villain!
Now, Im about to .gif the begeezus out of this scene, but here it is in video form as well.
You know, this somehow feels a little bit familiar.
So, yeah That That was a thing that happened.
And it was amazing.
Okay, what fresh new madness is this?
Is this going to be one of those pop quizzes where we have to pick the right dresser again?
Nope, turns out its multiple choice trivia! Theres eight questions chosen from a random pool. Todays questions were:
What instrument does Jingle play?
What is the color of Cappys cap?
What was the name of the detective in the school?
Who appears when you use a walnut?
What is the color of Pashminas scarf?
What were Hamtaro and his friends looking for at Flower Ranch?
What kind of animal was eating a carrot at Flower Ranch?
What does Penelope like to say?
You should know the answer to all but question #4, and that one isnt hard to guess! Its Jingle. If you answer a question correctly
...but if you get one wrong
Well, a little mud never hurt anyone.
Time to take another rocket sled in pursuit!
The game is a glorified quicktime event with inputs of left, right and A; however, the nice background makes it pretty enjoyable.
Hmm, wed better find those medals and get our friends out of this fiendish trap.
...Those are kind of creepy.
The TV in the next room provides a small hint, as will some of the others we see throughout the mansion. Theyre not too helpful, but at least it means more Hamstarr.
...Well, that was easy.
The TV up on this ledge is just advertising. Its kind of surprising that Hamstarr has a whole TV network of his own, though. Guess it explains why his shows always on.
It would seem that these medals werent very well hidden.
Ah, of course theres a gift shop.
The picture on sale, appropriately enough, is called Crystal Ball.
Oh yeah, we should probably actually use the medals now that we have them. I guess.
Getting Boss and Stan out of the crane machine is actually very easy, simply because they do you the courtesy of standing still when the crane starts coming down. And not squirming about like in that Mario Party 2 minigame
Lets just keep this well away from Boss, shall we?
Heading through the door takes us back to the main room of Hamstarr Manor, where the Puntaros made their introductions. There are eight different exits from this room, and weve only used three of them. (South leads to the entrance, north is the Space Slider.)
The room is vertically symmetrical, with one exit on the raised platforms on either side and two more in the lower corners (in the south and east/west walls).
The north-west exit is a no-go at the moment, it seems. Crossing over stars Do we need sacred feet for that?
The lower westerly door has Carrobos hiding spot for this locale. Come to think of it, there hasnt been a single real carrot since Ticky-Ticky Park.
Oooh, sparkly!
Just so long as you dont do anything weird with them, bud.
Speaking of weird, heres Boss as a genie. With a transparent version if anyone wants it.
Back in the main room, the lower exit on the east wall just leads to a bunch of sunflower seeds, and a TV that tells you to look at the TVs for hints.
The door right beside it brings us to another sticker, and the only open path we have that leads somewhere new. Since we know where the Puntaros must be Lets take a break. Tune in next time for the thrilling conclusion! Same ham time, same ham channel!