Part 16: *Hyun-ae, day 3 - Cake, cake!
Technically, this isn't true. However, several brave volunteers did, through whom I will cake vicariously, just as *Hyun-ae cakes vicariously through me!
More on them in a moment.
BGM: Cake
Okay, let's take a look at our victorious goons.
A Pinball Wizard posted:
But I can't just show up like this! I have to dress up for a date!
Finally ready. Soon, *Hyun-ae-chan, we will be together, sharing so much more than cake...
A Pinball Wizard is the winner in the Otaku Cake category. Not only did he dress up for his digital date, but the final picture is framed and lit for the maximum possible levels of loneliness.
Viola the Mad posted:
TEA PARTY!!!!!It was tough bringing my good friends Mr. The Wire and Mr. Life on Mars all the way out to Nowheresville, Space, but it was worth it.
Hyun-ae, youre the best imaginary teenage AI love interest that a girl could ask for. I wanted to get dressed up in a hanbok for our family picture here, but, uh, I kinda dont own one. So I wore my finest only cosplay instead.
Viola the Mad is the winner of the Real Cake category. In addition to the exhaustive photographic documentation of her baking process, I couldn't say no to the tea party with The Wire Season 3 and Life on Mars.
For the Original Reciple category!
Noisycat posted:
Let's mix the dry goods all over the place!
I didn't frost it, but here you go!
An honorable mention to Noisycat for the adorable collaboration with an intrepid co-chef. However, the winner is...
Breadmaster posted:
Decorate the top as you'd like, I prefer the look of spokes of a wheel myself. Now comes the boring part: put it in the fridge overnight so it can set. Yes, much like our investigations, we have to wait before we can have our cake.
I think she likes it!
Breadmaster! Between using an authentic Grandma Recipe and producing a truly mouth-watering cake as a result, you are the winner of the contest.
Thanks to everybody who participated. Your consolation prizes are internet immortality for anyone who has Archives, and a deep, overpowering feeling of shame. An email containing the winning photos has been sent; if there is a response, I will quote it here.
What's that, computer waifu?
Block M3 has been unlocked.
So, it's time for another double vote!
First: What should we read next?
Finish up Block M5?
Get the rest of the background on Block M6?
Dive straight into the new logs in Block M3?
Second: What should *Hyun-ae be wearing during the second set?
A schoolgirl uniform?
A maid outfit?
The Pale Bride's hanbok?
A detective outfit?
Back to the scientist outfit?
Stick with her own hanbok?
Voting will continue until Wednesday.