The Let's Play Archive

Hate Plus

by ProfessorProf

Part 21: *Hyun-ae, day 3 - The Pale Bride

And that's the rest of Block M5 extracted. Nearly everything's out by now.

Let's start with a familiar name.

BGM: Vision

The Pale Bride - Kim So-yi, Korean, January 3, 4045

Well... I guess that story sorta came true after all, huh...

"earthborn brilliance"? Finally, someone who acknowledges that my real parents were smarter than the people later on were!

...huh... that's a good idea...

See, she figured it out...! Why couldn't my adoptive father be as smart as her...

...very unfounded...

I... I did...?!

I don't remember this at all...!

Ah... well, it was for a good cause, so I don't mind...

She says that, but... in the end, the future refused to improve...

And a very special bio update:

Kim Hyun-ae

There it is! The only image we have of the old Hyun-ae.

Moving in - Kim So-yi, Korean, January 7, 4045


...why would people be afraid to talk to her? I don't understand...

So she was right...!

Everything will be alright - Kim So-yi, Korean, March 6, 4045

...I guess her optimism was wrong, though... still...


Why are they fighting? I thought he was good for her...

...that's so harsh...

Oh... so he was just... I see...

...I'm so glad!

It's so nice that they agreed on these things together...! He's so nice...

Oh, So-yi...

Wait, but that date is right before...! ...oh, I get it...

And that's all we have of Kim So-yi's story.

One block left.