The Let's Play Archive
Part 4: Enter the Oncologist.
Chapter 4: Enter the Oncologist.
Seriously, more games should have recaps when you load a save.
There, Cuddy and "Big Mandingo" Foreman wait for our intrepid protagonist.
"I think something is not going properly..."
"The secondary effects that we were afraid of have appeared.
The patient has started to complain because he can't move his arm.
Looks like a stroke has caused the paralysis."
"That's my fault! We knew it could happen."
"Easy... You aren't doing it that bad, but the next time subscribe cyanide. That will work faster."
"We need to act rapidly, or we will loose him."
Yes, it is loose in the original screenshot.
"Are you kidding? The patient has a bit more than headache."
"I know, but at least it will not kill him."
"Its not funny, we need to react quickly, otherwise we will loose him."
"You are the one who will loose him, because you are the one who brought him here."
"Its not necessary to be sarcastic, I know I made a mistake.
From now on I will let you to take all the decisions."
And with that, House takes the initiative.
"You better keep quiet and stop playing doctors."
"... go and fetch the surgeon. I'll see you later in the office."
"I will ask the surgery room to get ready."
And with that, they leave House alone. Except for that nurse, but no longer in the company of any important npc
"Looks like she wanted to kill him rather than cure him.
To top it all, my leg is hurting again, and thanks to Cuddy I have run out of pills again. I have to think of something...
I'm not sure if I'll be able to convince the Chemist to give me some more.
On the other hand, I could look for Wilson. Maybe he can get me some."
Well, let's see.
"if you are not bringing me an authorized recipe I will not give you any more pills."
Well, that was worth trying. Time to visit Wilson.
Boo, lacks Wilson's toys and stuff.
"You are smart! Always testing female patients."
"... She is eighty years old."
"Shit! I know you like older ones, but not that old."
What did you want House?"
Doesn't hurt to be polite and stuff towards someone that can give you things you want, right?
"Don't be silly House, you've came because you want something..."
"Don't think that bad."
Well, time to use House's least favorite weapon, honesty!
"Well, go to the pharmacy."
"I cant, Cuddy has cut me the access to the pharmacy.
I need a prescription."
"I see... Well, the truth is you are taking too many, before you were taking less."
"Come on, you too?
Cuddy is already too much on me."
"OK, I'll write you a prescription.
But if Cuddy get to know about this, I won't be able to give you more."
"Stop hassling and give me the paper, I need my pills."
"Here you are, piece of Junk!"
"you are doing a good thing, this way I don't spend my time stealing cars."
"You have already stolen mine, more than once..."
And now that House has achieved his goal, he can pester Wilson in another subject.
"Lets see... mmmm... everything is correct.
But you know I can give you just a few."
"Stop joking and give them to me."
"here you are."
"Thank goodness, Cuddy wants to kill me."
"She's doing that for your well being."
"Has anyone asked you anything?"
Gregory House does not care. He wants his pills. And that's it.
Wilson waits for House, he clearly has something to say.
"I'm stoned through and through."
"By the way, your patient has came out of the surgery. Your team is waiting for you in the diagnostics room."
Oh dear, everyone there, except Wilson.
"The operation has worked, but now his hand is darker and he has lung infiltrations."
"Oh dear, it looks like we got new symptoms. This guy is a surprises' box.
All hints towards some kind of bacterial pneumonia.
Give him Levaquin and do an echocardiogram."
"There has to be some evidence."
"That's true. I will send Foreman."
"No, you will go"
"Just a moment... stop that cart."
"Look, your assistants are busy with the tests now.
Moreover... If the reason of the problem is in his house, that will not escape you.
Though, if you decide not to go, you can spend the rest of the day consulting."
Someone REALLY hates clinic duty.
*gasp*. Maybe House will be able to quench his curiosity on that matter once and for all!