Part 7: In Which Will Goes it Alone

Larai Cliff Theme

And with that, we step into our first for real true dungeon. Right off the bat weve got the mudpit, a slow golem type enemy that occasionally makes a dash and punches at you. Theyre slow enough that Ive never seen it. The other enemy is the Four Way, which stays in place and spins before attacking. The darts are separated by 90 degrees, but alternate between the cardinal directions and firing at a 45 degree angle from whats shown here. Its easy enough to dodge. Clearing out the room nets us a defense upgrade.

Ramps like this are one way slides that we can use to slide down levels but not up. This second room gets us an HP increase, which has another effect that I dont believe I mentioned before. Getting an HP increase restores your HP to just below full.

Just out the door we find a key, and nearby a diamond-shaped lock. Matching the two drops blocks over the spike floor and lets us leave through the southern door.

From here we can climb up and access another door. The stone faces are a creepy but interesting touch.

Father, please come back alive. When you find the Gold Ship, buy a Kruk.

Just above the depressing skeleton we have this maze, with statues that we could theoretically move. If you look at this its pretty clear that we cant use telekinesis to clear it. Instead, Psycho Dash has to be used to destroy the statues. Clearing them out gets us to the chest in the upper left corner, which has an herb.

Thats actually a sideshow, however, as the real route to progress is through jumping down a gap just like this one. This one leads back to the door we just opened with the diamond-shaped block. Another nearby gap leads to..

A new enemy where the enemies we had to clear to get the first Incan Statue are lurking. Theyre actually called Sluggers, and are pretty much the weakest enemies in the area. Clearing them all out nets us a strength increase.

Through the door we get two new enemies. The blob type enemies are called Splops and can do the standard trick of disappearing into the floor and reappearing later. The statue head is called a Whirligig and circles around you, but you pretty much have to run into them for them to damage you.

Enemies arent confined to the indoor areas. These are Scuttlebugs, which are essentially identical to the Sluggers.

This is a hint for the next puzzle. Since this guy presumably didnt have telekinesis, the plan didnt work out for him.

The statues here have to be placed on the gold plates. We can maneuver them with telekinesis, but theres a catch.

If you get too close to the statues theyll come to life and attack you. You cant stop them without killing them, but if you leave the room the statues will reset. You only have to get three in position, since you can serve as the fourth weight to open the door.

In the next room, weve got a series of squares that drop plates from the ceiling. Its pretty much cosmetic, but theres also a skeleton who fell victim to the aforementioned traps.

The next stage in this area is to trigger some of those falling plates to cover a series of spiked trenches leading forward. Enemies like the Four Way dont exactly respect differences in height, so you have to dodge their attacks while proceeding forward.

At the end waits a Dark Space, where we can heal and switch to a more combat appropriate form.

After changing into Freedan, weve got to run a gauntlet. Theres a number of Four Ways, but you can time it so that you hit them when theyre aiming away from you. Clearing the whole mess leads to another defense increase. Out the door we reach a dead end..

And learn the Melody of the Wind. Melody of the Wind.
Naturally, this will come in handy later.

In reality we have to backtrack to this enemy, who we couldnt reach with Wills flute. Clearing this last enemy changes the layout of the room to let us move forward

Mainly by jumping across wide expanses using short ramps.

Next update: Our first boss, and the Gold Ship.