Part 9: In Which Will is King for Less than a Day
Somewhat short update. I blame Skyrim, shoveling my driveway, and the fact that we've got a bit of plot between here and the next dungeon. This a very story-heavy game.
Will's Dream

King, huh? I could get used to this.

And hes much shorter!

Or, maybe not. Hey, dont disrespect your King!

Of course, I AM the King.

Wait, I have a Queen? Im
not sure Im ready for that.

yes. Not that I havent ever been here before, obviously, as Im the King.

But I expect that youre tired. Look around, then rest in this bed.

Its the ring he gave her when they were separated by the invaders. Since then, she has thought of nothing but him.

Im a bit foggy about that. Its
uh.. been a while.

Thats the statue you were awarded by the spirits. Its in the jewel box in the storehouse below. Look for yourself.

Ill do that
Down in the hold below we get the Mystic Statue, which you can guess from the inventory screen is one of six. Its probably the least complicated of the six.

That sounds like an AMAZING idea.

Yeah, how long were you guys in that cave, anyway?

Couple hundred years, give or take. How could invaders come to destroy a world as beautiful as this?

People are assholes sometimes. I cant explain it any more.

Truly, the King is wise.
With that done, weve run all out of things to do on this ship. Now its time to catch some Zs, and wake up

My house? Well, its nice of them to drop me off

Look in the sky. The comet is so beautiful. After years and years the comet approaches Earth, then recedes. Some say its an unlucky star. Some say its a lucky star

Pretty sure its an unlucky star. Trust me, you dont want to know.

All right
then hope that the bad luck doesnt come. Will, I am always watching over you.

Will! Wake up!

Then we reached a strange town

Wait! Dont call it strange, I was born there.

Lilly, its an invisible town. Thats pretty damn strange.

Wait, what happened to this place?

He said that you were floating alone on the sea. I was so surprised.

Not nearly as surprised as I was. Let me take a look around.

Seth, I like you buddy. You know your role.
This is another Gem that can be easily missed. You can trigger the next event without even going up on deck, so if you dont explore you might not ever see this one.

Hope that youre still enjoying the sunlight, buddy.

Oh, its you, Will. Dont scare me!

Ill try not to, but this place is pretty damn creepy.

Was it all just a dream? They all seemed so

I cant stand anything that disrupts peoples peaceful lives

And I feel really terrible about that.

That ring must be one of the artifacts put on this ship. This is the most valuable of all the artifacts.

Many people have lost their lives trying to get rich by finding this ring. I want the ring. Its so pretty. I really must have it.

Have you no shame!?!? You could be cursed!!!


Who the hell is Riverson?

In this part of the ocean, there are fish that are as dangerous as, well, sharks!!

Why do I have a bad feeling about tha

Oh, Gaia dammit.

Eeeeeeeeh!! Its Seth!! A huge, enormous, giant fish ran into the ship! Seth fell in the water! He was swallowed!

Eh, could have been worse.

Oh for
tell me where he is and Ill find him.
Just proceeding from this point its hard to depict, but we get a final shake of the ship and when we wake up..

Ill just crawl right back in the ocean, thanks.
Next update: Were on a Boat!