Part 14: In Which Will Trips the Light Fantastic
The Memory Melody

Somehow I feel a little homesick

I feel like Im back in the womb

I can touch everything

I was raised in the town of South Cape. When my father didnt come back from an expedition
the most important thing in my life was gone. I didnt know what to do.

Its awful when someone loses their life. What had taken years to put together was destroyed in one moment.

I wonder if Seth is all right

Hes with Riverson now.

Not sure where youre going with that one.

Whats happened to everyone?

Lance! Your memory is back!

I was worried!

I wondered what would happen.

Whats the last thing you remember? Well start from there.

guess? Where the hell did that idea come from? Who is this guy?

I think his name is Neil

Wait, did you say Neil!? Thats the same name as my lost cousin!

Cant be the same guy.

Well, theres only one way to find out.
Quite a crowd with us. So, the question is where are we? This looks like the northern coast of Africa, but

Neil. Its me. Will from South Cape.

Oh! Will! Youve gotten strong! Are all of these people your friends?

You dont have to act like youre surprised that I have a grand total of four friends.

What are you saying! You shouldnt talk like that!! Theres a wonderful smell in this room, isnt there?

It smells like foot.

Hey, hey, both of you talk pretty harshly. When youre wrapped up in inventing something, you dont care about your appearance. I dont think the smell is THAT bad. Not enough to hate me for it.

Ive only had mine on for three weeks. I guess I lose!

I cant believe it! I dont want to breathe the same air as him.

I think at this point we all lose.

Make yourselves at home. Youre Wills friends. Welcome.

Seth will be pleased when he sees this invention.

Let me show you my inventions.

With this you can breathe underwater, but theres only one minutes worth of air inside.

Sounds like it could use some work.

Compressing the air would let you stay underwater longer, but I dont know how to do it.


The problem is that it takes almost 30 minutes. Scenery doesnt move, but to photograph a person means they cant move for 30 minutes.

Starting to see a pattern here.

When I used it, the eyes turned bright red like a rabbits.

Whats the problem with that one?

Nothing. Works like a charm. And those

Its part of a machine that will fulfill mans dream of flying in the air like a bird. The bodys too big, and you need a runway to take off, so its hidden in the desert.

Thats more like it.

Tell me why you came to see me.

Heh heh. Interesting. I, too, have some interest in ruins. The ruins Will talked about are scattered over the world, but they have something in common. Drawing a line among the ruins makes a shape that looks like the constellation of Cygnus.

Thats the Tower of Babel, where Wills father got lost. Its in the middle of the ground painting of the big white bird.

Big white bird? Doesnt Cygnus mean swan?

Theres a new red star below the constellation of Cygnus.

Thats right! You know a lot! The red star in Cygnus, Wills interest in ruins. Different elements are bound together organically. I dont know if its by confidence or design, but something is going to happen.

We have very different definitions of fortunately.

Were going, too! We dont want Will to be the only one having a good time.
For reference, Nazca is located on the southern coast of Peru. Geography has REALLY taken a holiday for this game.

It wa s along way, but you did a good job. This is the most famous of the ground paintings - the Condor. Have you ever heard of it? No one knows why ancient people drew pictures like this. Whenever I come here Im overwhelmed by the grand scale. You should go see it for yourself.

Sometimes I wonder if my being here isnt all a dream

Are talking dream, or nightmare?

It was before they invented this thing called fun.

Its a draw
yeah, you just stay with Neil.

Maybe the ancient Nazca people ran the 100 yard dash here.

I kind of doubt that.

Well get to that.

thats not where eggs are.

Its awoke. Dont be so serious.

Im not even talking to you. Youre a hallucination.

Ku ku ku

I thought Id seen the paintings before, but doesnt this Condor look like Cygnus?

Of course! I hadnt noticed!!

Is that because most swans are residents of the Northern hemisphere?

Aaaah! Ive got it!!! Look! Look where the rocks are on the ground! Theyre positioned like the stars in the constellation of Cygnus!

Welcome to the party, Lily. Glad you could join us.

Where is the red star that appeared recently?
Unfortunately, this is not one of those cases where whatever you choose is right. However, you do get unlimited tries until

Lets check the left foot!

A riddle in a constellation. Kind of romantic.

Were working on a puzzle that explorers and archaeologists have never solved

What an exciting experience

Whats going to happen
its so exciting!

How did nobody notice this before? Its like
an inch under the sand.

Hey! Something huge is coming down!!
probably not a good sign.

not again.
Next update: The Sky Palace.