Part 21: In Which Will Appreciates Art

Jeweler is here in disguise, as is his way. I forgot to turn in my jewels to him at this point, but Ill get around to it.

Thats about here, other than this Red Jewel conveniently hidden in a water fountain. With that, weve got nothing else to do but go through the door to find Ishtar.
Angel Village Gameplay

The first new enemy well be facing is the Dive Bat, which is pretty much what the name would suggest. It hangs out on the ceiling and then dives down to attack you. Theyve got 5 HP, so just facing them and timing your swings will fix the problem. This one is in the middle of hitting me.

A bit more problematic are the Steelbones, who act like earlier enemies in that they throw bones at you but will also charge at you and run over your attempts to kill them. At 20 HP theyve got more HP than anything short of a Cyclops or Flasher, but are otherwise unremarkable. Clearing out the first room gets us a STR upgrade.

Slightly more unpredictable are the Draco, which tend to squat over doorways and have a deceptively extendable neck. If You keep your wits about you its not hard to dodge their attack, but you have to hit the head to kill them. Jump attack can be your friend here. Theyre not particularly tough, other than only having one vulnerable area. Our next clear bonus, earned shortly after, is some more HP.

The next segment is a darkened corridor, which youd think might be a bit of a reprieve..

But what it actually means is that you cant see the Dive Bats before they swoop in at you. Theres a brief warning if youre paying attention, but its pretty easy to lose track of them and take a hit before you can react. Clearing the short section gets us another STR upgrade.

Theres a subtle tell in this screen, if you can spot it. The key is in the flames if you notice one of them is off center, indicating that theres a secret passage between the two. Its subtle, but without enemies constantly popping up at random you have time to explore.

In the next segment after the secret door were introduced to our final new enemy, the Ramskull. Theyre obviously stationary, and only fire at slow regular intervals. With only one you can afford to dodge and then attack, but the easier method to defeating them is to use the Psycho Slide. The invincibility frames will let you bypass their attack and a single psycho slide hit will usually kill them.

On the other side of the Ramskull weve got another Draco and a DEF increase once we decapitate it. And as for that familiar looking low opening

It leads to the second Red Jewel in the dungeon.

Next up, the Wind Tunnel. Theres a steady wind blowing from east to west, so you have to run to make any progress. There are enemies scattered throughout the area, but the fact that youre running makes attacking difficult.

The answer is the Psycho Slide, and clearing the area gets us another HP increase.

The next area is similar, but more more crowded without the wind. Pyscho Slide can clear out multiple enemies at once, as demonstrated by the number of jewels visible here.

To progress we have to slide through another low opening and find a secret door. The indicators arent as obvious in this case, but theres even less pressure if thats possible. Youre free to wander around poking at things, and long stretches of straight wall are strange enough in this dungeon that they tend to draw your attention.

The end goal is to reach this room, at which point there are no more enemies. Theres not even a boss for this section, but theres something far more sinister.

But before that, heading left gets us this precious treasure.

Next update: Riddles and Relationships