Part 32: In Which Will Softens a Heart of Stone

Short update today just because of the way it all breaks up. Last time we left Ankor Wat with a Gorgon Flower in hand. Weve got no idea what it does, but it shouldnt be too hard to figure out.

Its not really clear from any kind of explanation, but the Gorgon Flowers name suggests that it has something to do with petrification. Using it on the statues indoors turns them into a normal person. Hopefully this doesnt lead to them being eaten.

Talking to the center girl again gets us another Red Jewel to add to the collection.

Some people mentioned that theres a stat summary screen. It looks kind of like this, and gives a pretty good summary of your stats and moves. Thisll be significant in a bit.

In the meantime, well head back to Euro since theres something we missed there.

A number of people mentioned that theres an upgrade to be found here in Euro. Its located south and east of the shrine, in the building east of that alleyway. Walking between the two buildings its basically a matter of pushing up into the northern building to find the doorway.

In return for finding his front door and bugging him until he shells out, we get an extra point of STR. I suppose every bit is welcome.

With that done, we can go ahead and head to the

Daos kind of a weird place, with a mix of a couple of different aesthetics. Its kind of an Indian-African mix between the houses, the turbans, and what looks like a snake charmer.

It says theres a key to solving the riddle of human history in the Pyramid.

I went to the Pyramid and found the same inscription. So

Coincidentally, theres also a Dark Space right behind the Snake Charmer. Thats a good place to take a break.
Next update: Snake Panic and Dao Exploration