The Let's Play Archive

It is dark in the cave

by That Italian Guy

Part 16: Pufferfish

11. Pufferfish


Pufferfish! A deadly opponent: 1/2 the height of a human being, with the scales of a carnivorous sea-creature and the long venomous fangs of a viper.

Pufferfish are not friendly.

At first, you thought they are just illusions, but you noticed they move and don't die if you turn your back.

Also, when you place the Amulet on their chests, they open their mouths and fire a toxin.

You will die if you use the Amulet.

You can't let the power of the Gods be wasted!

You attack the pufferfish with your Bow Shotgun: "Airborne Grenade Launcher!"

The pufferfish, stunned by the impact of the bullets, almost falls.

It falls into the Abyss with you!

You destroy the weapon, and immediately, you enter the deepest part of the Abyss.

That is your reward for your adventure!

Welcome to the world of Realm of Arda!

"The Might and Magic series, the world of which Final Fantasy VI was the final installment, are very special, because they inspire fantasy games from all over the world. In Japan, most of the worlds of the Might and Magic series were very popular. The best-selling strategy RPG of all time, and still one of the most popular role-playing games ever made, is Final Fantasy VI for the Super Famicom. This is a fact that only a Japanese fan can appreciate" says Sebastian; he is a demi-God but also a game developer after all.

"But the concept of a magical RPG did not only go over well in Japan. With such great affection for the franchise, we decided to come up with our own Realm of Arda game. It was natural for us to create an RPG that draws its inspirations from the series' most popular elements and serves as an introduction to the entire world."

"But what does this mean for us, brother, and how can I help you back on the team?", you ask.

"That is very simple. We have a business arrangement. I'm a demi-god, I need an Amulet that will give me powers. If you complete this quest, I will teach you my craft."

"But, if I'm not going to be part of your team anymore, what will you do to me?", you ask.

"As I told you before, if you do not want to join our team, you must simply give the Amulet back to me. I have no other plans for it,"

Choose the right path to complete the quests

2. Successfully defend yourself from attacks from the enemies

3. Go to the depths of the Darkness to rescue Yeyo, and save the World!

4. Find an Amulet that can power up your weapon

5. Open the ancient Book of Elron and learn the forgotten craft of Nephthys

6. Check your weight at the bar in the bathhouse to check your strength

7. Do you have any idea where the sword is?

Mantis the Master Barbarian (Lv 2.6) // [Assassin] Sebastian (Lv 1)

Special Skills
Quest Journal
NOTE: we have lost our Bow Shotgun, but found our brother!

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