The Let's Play Archive

It is dark in the cave

by That Italian Guy

Part 24: Use Rune Stealer to make him forget you've yet to pay.

This was a close one but we are going to

Use Rune Stealer to make him forget you've yet to pay.


With a brief hand gesture and a whisper, you cast Rune Stealer to make him forget you've yet to pay. "But Original Man - you say, coyly -don't you remember? I've already paid you with my soul!"

"Nonsense!" he chortles, "It only takes a little magic to let the price show." It looks like the OG Man is too powerful for such tricks!

"I can't risk my soul like that!" you gasp, "I've already had it stolen once!"

"My dear Tarnatus, do you believe in coincidence?"

You see a witch with a wicked look in her eye. She throws her staff at you.

"And what are you going to do now, Blue Sheep?" she asks.

"I'm...not sure." you say.

"Ooooooh..." The Original Man says. "Is this not funny? So sad..."

You look up to see a dragon just behind the witch:

"I can help you escape the witch's curse! I can take you back to my cave and...let you use my power!" he continues.

You have a quick look around the cave, but can't find a place to hide.

"But Original Man, your power is so powerful, and so cool..."

The witch, the dragon and the Original Man all laugh at you:

"Do you think you can beat the power of the dragon, or I?" the Original Man snickers, "Besides, if you work with the witch, she may be able to set you free. I have my doubts about her power, but I can give you time to ponder her offer."

The witch throws her staff at you again.

"And what are you going to do now, Blue Sheep?"

"I...don't know..." you mumble, "I've never used magic before."

"You can use my power and my magic!" the dragon says.

The Original Man chuckles:

"You can, but you may die!"

Suddenly, you see the Original Man's hands glow green.

"Oooooh..." the Original Man says, "I knew it! You'll make me famous, for I am THE MAN!"

His green hands begin to levitate the cave roof above you.

", I'm not going to do that..." you shout, "I'm just going to:

1. Look for a way out of here.

2. Negotiate with the witch.

3. Pay the original man's price and go to his cave."

4. Find a witch or dragon with a better price and a better offer."

5. Do something else: invent new things, kill small animals, maybe find a way to escape the witch's curse.

6. Not think about what you're going to do next.

7. Think about what you're going to do next.

Thom "Mantis" Stormfist, the Master Barbarian (Lv 2.6) // [Assassin] Sebastian (Lv 1)

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