The Let's Play Archive

It is dark in the cave

by That Italian Guy

Part 32: Take the stone sleds and drift onto the tracks.

3. Take the stone sleds and drift onto the tracks.


The train seems to be blocked! You will need to act fast, or you might miss your opportunity to get onto the train station!

There's only one way to get through it: take the stone sleds and drift onto the tracks!
You start drifting on the tracks ... ...and the next thing you know, the train is moving again. Now the only problem is, the doors are closing and you're still drifting in the sled.

You will need to do some evasive maneuvers, so that you can find a way out of this dangerous situation. You'll have to get some air to use your new headshot. This is tricky!

The last thing you see is the mirror of the station, and then ... well... you don't have to worry about that anymore, do you?

The animals in the city have been seriously disturbed by the events at the railway station. It is up to you to save them, and discover the reason behind this strange phenomenon.

You start the minigame! You know you have to speak with all the animals and you know they'll get progressively more agitated, but this is key to discover more about Murderville.

There's something strange about the animals in Murderville... It's all to do with Frances the Girl with the Acorns. You must go into every animal's shelter and learn what Frances did to their shelter to make them so upset.

The headshot is really effective in this game! Make sure to use it as much as possible!


You are crawling through the animal shelters... There are a lot of moles and squirrels and hedgehogs. Then suddenly you come across a strange creature. It looks like a bunny, but it has no nose. You need to make sure to hit it with the headshot so it won't jump out of the shelter. It can easily be avoided, but the headshot will distract it long enough to get out.


Is it a rabbit with no ears or a mole with no tail? Find out as you move deeper into the animal shelter!


You need to be fast! This mouse is obviously very strong and will do anything to save its shelter. Make sure to bring your headshot in case it tries to kill you. It's the only way to survive!


You'll find yourself in a room with a glass box. You need to move the mouse into the hole, but it's very tricky. You can move it by shooting at it, but you have to wait for it to fall into the hole so you can take it!


You'll find yourself in a large room with a very large rat. There's a lid on the top of the room. Move the mouse to the edge of the glass box and open it! You will then need to climb into the box and move the mouse to the edge of the glass box!

You consult with your allies and you decide to:
Kill the mouse.

2. Destroy the glass box.

3. Ask it to leave.

4. Eat a slab of beef.

5. Kill the mouse again.

6. Check with the rabbit if the mouse left or if it stayed.

7. Ask one of your allies if they know about the glass box.

8. Headstot!

9. Headshot!

This puzzle is very difficult! You have to use the headshot as much as possible!
I'm not sure this puzzle is PETA approved.

Thom "Mantis" Stormfist, the Master Barbarian (Lv 3.6) // [Assassin] Sebastian (Lv 2)

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