Part 9: Kikinaks past
Before heading into the Spider Forest we pay another visit to Kikinak to hear his story. For him to completely tell us his backstory we have to defeat him an additional 5 times. However he hasnt grown any stronger so it isnt really a problem to defeat him.To fight Kikinak again you have to summon him with the Ocarina he gave you, at the place where you fought him the last time e.g. beyond the gate in the Dragonfly Forest.
On my way there I stumbled upon a certain sight

Once you outlevel minions enough they tend to run away from you and cower in fear.
Anyway, back at the last place of combat I play the Ocarina and Kikinak appears

So this time I actually fought him with Terchu our Fire/Earth minion from back in the Beetle Forest to see how he would fare against Kikinak. Given that he was also lvl 8 it turned into a slaughter showing clearly that Im possibly overleveled or Kikinaks weakness to even half Fire beasts is really huge. Kikinak died once again to 2 Fire Attacks. Then again Fire Attacks can and will miss against Kikinak every now and then making spells overall a better choice against him.

After he flew away we played the Ocarina once again and defeated him once more.

After kicking his ass again we get another part of the story.

By now you know the drill: Summon him and defeat him.

So one last time we summon and defeat him.

The Special Liqour is a full HP Restoration (e.g. both health and Mana) for your minions. I wouldnt call it special though as I found several while leveling creatures.

And that is Kikinaks story. When going past the place we fought for the first time (and every other bout) we end up in front of the other teleporter of the Dragonfly Forest.

We pick up the Warp Amulet and are done. Next time we are exploring the Spider Forest.
Readers Participation
Given how no one voted on any merges I went ahead and created some myself. Which of the following creatures (old and new) should accompany me into the Spider Forest? You can vote for 3.
Rigfrayd (Earth Physical Creature/Riggu + Terfrayd)
Terbeco (Earth/ Magical Creature/Teralco + Terbeker)
Masalco (Air/ Magical Creature/ Maskhira + Hiralco)
Bumblebee (Air /Physical Creature / Hiralco + Skaeeb)
Agnispam (Fire/ Magical Creature/ Patash + Pataimel)
Arhamae (Water/ Allrounder/ Arpahambu + Ojiae)
Mukma (Water/ Allrounder / Mukhambu + Ohma)
Terchu (Earth-Fire/ Physical Creature/ Terfrayd + Patalchu)
Deep Blue (Water-Air/ Physical Creature/ Skaeeb + Ohma)