Part 10: The Spider Forest (Part 1)
Welcome back after an extended period of downtime for which Im truly sorry. I should be back to at least a weekly update schedule perhaps a bit more now that I no longer have to wait for votes.Lets recap. We learned from Kikinak that the Calabas is in the hands of Yamu in the Spider Forest who really is Mammon the Divine Spirit of Greed. Today well see if his words were the truth by entering the Spider Forest.
Here are the minions that accompany us on our way

First off is Rigfrayd. He is the combination of Riggu and Terfrayd. As such he has high physical attack power and defense. His grows are skewered towards physical attack. He brings with him to the table Fang: Earth Attack and the Foot: All enemies.

Next up is Masalco. He is a mix between Maskhira and Hiralco. Therefore he has a strong magic grow and decent speed. He also has all air spells currently available namely Malti, Maltis and Ad Slahm.

Lastly there is Arhamae. He is currently a middle of the line merge with access to both all water spells (Vahli, Vahlis, Medina) and a Water Attack.
Well then lets get going to the forest.

Here you see the first minion spawn of the forest. You can find both Rugdogle (a middle of the line Earth minion) and Radgore the water version of Rugdogle here. They are basically the non unique versions of Arpatron. They have Vahlis/Ulvis and a Water/Earth Attack attached to Horn/Tail.
We head down the right path first.

We advance down the path to the left.

Meet Yami one of the Forest people inhabiting the Spider Forest.

We hand over the Kickleberry we found in the beginning of the Dragonfly Forest.

Lets ask about the Calabas herb first

That wasnt particulary helpful. Lets see what she knows about Yamu.

Yep clearly a relative of the divine Spirit of Greed. Anyway we have nothing left to ask her so we say goodbye.

After picking up another game hint we head back to the last split in the road and advance north this time around.

We find ourselves in another deadend with a locked chest and a spawnpoint for the Rugdogle/Radgore pair.
Well go back to the first fork in the forest at the first Radgore/Rugdogle spawn point and go to the left to advance further into the forest.

We arrive at yet another fork in the road as well as at a spawnpoint for some other minions in the forest. Here you tend to find the Radmole/Radoimel pair, minions that are focused on physical attacks and posess the annoying Flesh to Stone move on different body parts. If they hit with Flesh to Stone you have three rounds left before your minions turn to stone (obviously). If you are unlucky and they use it in the beginning while you dont have an effective minion against them it can be a real hassle. Luckily the condition heals after a fight and doesnt progress if you switch out the afflicted minion. Naturally every boss is immune against it.
Anyways we head to the left.

Who would have guessed? There is another fork in the road. This time there is no real choice though as the top path is closed off by a barrier one screen ahead so we move down to the left.

Well find a familiar face two screen ahead. Lets see if we can kick his ass again.

And were back at fighting a poacher again. This fight is optional as opposed to the fight in the Dragonfly Forest.Its still not that hard though. I think its even a different poacher than the one we fought in the Dragonfly Forest as he doesnt remember us.

He still uses the same family of minions (e.g. the goat minions) and they are still pretty strong. It is also favored by me not bringing a counter minion to the forest yet again. Other than that the fight doesnt have any spectactular things happening so we can skip right to the inevitable end.

The poacher groveling in the dirt before our minions.

Thus we acquire the key for the chest we found before. The Walnut is an added bonus.

Anyway before advancing well head back to the treasure chest and open it.

The seals are attack items for Levant (air elemental) and the Choker boots his Magic Attack and Magic Defense.
Back at the place where we fought the poacher we continue our track through the forest by advancing to the east.

Ikari powder heals petrification.

Another fork another time we head further east.

We picke up the Divine Tablet, another key item, in this deadend. Here is also a spawn for the Doglchu/Patakuga (Water/Fire respectively) minons who have a slight bias towards physical attacking while otherwise being balanced. Unfortunately for the unlucky they both bring the Critical skill with them. This skill may ruin your accuracy but for this tradeoff it reduces the HP to 1 in case it hits. I think I dont have to mention how annoying it can be if it hits you.
Its an amazing skill for catching minions though if you are lucky enough for it to hit constantly. For normal battles however you tend to kill most things with two effective attacks anyway and I doubt it works on bosses or better said I doubt you want to rely on luck against them.
With the divine tablet in the bag we head all the way back to the second fork on the left path to finish that areal before finishing the forest by completing the areal were in now.

As you can see the White Horn isnt really worth it compared to the store bought Little Bird since speed tends to overshadow the other stats when it comes to Levant. Anyway we move further to the north-west.

In the transition is another spawn point for the Radmole/Radoimel pair. We also pick up the Skeleton Key lying in our path.

Meet the second member of the Forest People: Kakayamu.

Here is the reason I went down the ultimately last path first to get the Divine tablet. So I could finish her request as well. Granted the only thing you get out of it is some world building and dialogue options as is the case with all but one of the Forest People who will advance the plot.

We can ask her about the Calabas herb as well as about Yamu. Hopefully she has more information to give than the little brat. Lets start asking about the Calabas.

Sigh no luck here. Maybe she can shed some light about Yamu.

Well once again we get no important informations. Lets say goodbye.

So after this we head back to the other part of the forest where we found the divine tablet but instead of taking the straight path (which lead to the divine tablet) well head south this time.

Another crossroad. Here is also the spawn of the last 2 minions you can catch in this forest at least for this part. Tergrip and Doghambu are physical+defense minions. Both come with an elemental attack and Dohhambu comes with Sel Selahm which prevents status effects 3 times.
Well head down south first of all.

With this well be able to head over to the very beginning of the forest. Not particulary helpful at this moment but its an option.
We go back up a screen and head to the east.

Here is another spawnpoint for the Tergrip/Doghambu pair.

The Minion Fang is another item we need for one of the forest people. Lets go and deliver it so we can get some more backstory.
Therefore we head back a screen and go to the west.

We can scold him for his greed which just results in him running away because you smack him on the head.
So we give in to his greed and hand over the Minion Fang.

Lets ask about the Calabas first in hope of getting some answers.

Seems well have to ask Totoyamu to get our hands on the Calabas to save the village. Anyhow lets ask him about his friend Kikinak.

With that we leave him and head down east of the crossroads to a western path leading to Totoyamu.

Totoyamu voiceacting

We dont have a choice if we want to advance the plot so we hand over the ring we got from Mahbu.

Lets start out with asking about the Calabas once again.


Cant I just punch him till he tells me where he got the Calabas?

I dont like the sound of that.

say what? You want to imprison the aspect of a god no doubt seriously pissing him off? That doesnt sound wise at all...

Wise Man.

Look what it has brought onto them. Complete ruin and destruction. Why wont you learn?

It follows that the idea is rapidly approaching the top spot on dumbest plans ever.

God > creation. Just sayin

So Grotta hands us another treasure for Totoyamu: His Parel Wrestling Championship belt

We also get the Talisman of Imprisonment.
Next Time
We proceed with the stupidest plan in history but not before checking on our favourite villagers again.