Part 12: Spider Forest (Part 2) and the Time of Gathering
This time well head back into the Spider Forest to follow through on Jibaras orders and imprison the Divine Tree. Accompanying us on this rather short trip back are

Sheragni. The fusion between Sherrick and Agnispam. While this weakens the grows of Sherrick by a bit it also gives him Agni and Agnis which is important since we still dont have the MP to use Agnia in every fight.

Arlazu. A middle of the line Water merge who is pretty good in every area and is based on Zeikiers proposed minion Lazuli. It is created from Arpahae and Mukma.

Lastly Rigfrayd continues to come along as well as our Earth powerhouse.
First part of the forest is entirely the same as in our last visit so well skip right to meeting Totoyamu again.

I think once I show up and try to imprison him hell know pretty fast that someone of your family let me through... Thanks anyway.

Now that Totoyamu opened the path it makes sense for us to go north on this section.

Here is the barrier that leads deeper into the Spider Forest which was closed off before.

It has a different feel to it with the change in Color scheme. Anyway here is the first new minion spawn in the second part of the forest. You can find the Rashab/Skwmoaj pair in this location.

Both Snake minions are based on a mix of physical attack and defense. Instead of having poison attacks like their relatives from way back in the Beetle Forest these two come with their respective elemental attack with +Power attached which raises the power of the attack (obviously) at the cost of increasing the cost of the elemental attack from 10 to 15 MP.

After catching thr Rashab we engaged here we go further along the path.

Excellent Liquor is the next tier of minion healing items. We return to the split and head down south this time.

Another spawn for the Snake minions. We head up to the north.

We still had a Skeleton Key from the first part of the Forest to open this chest. The Yellow Bead makes you resistent agaisnt Earth Attacks. It also raises your Magic Attributes and Speed and thus is equipped immeadiately. The oils are stat up items for our minions for Defense and Mag. Defense respectively.
We return to the fork in the road and advance to the east.

We arrive at a roundabout way in which, surprise surprise, there is another spawn for the snake minions. In fact there are only 2 different minion pairs in the second part of the Spider Forest and the other pair is further in.

We pick up another Skeleton Key here. This one will come in handy. We advance to the path on the left (the rest of the circleway only contains another snake spawn).

Here we find the other minion of this part of the forest. Embla and Maryden. Both minions only advance upon you when you turn your back to them like Boos do in Mario games.

These tree like minions are pretty strong spellcaster. They have their elemental spell and the first instance of the Deva spells. Deva Spells turn the fighting field into the element of the spell e.g. Deva Ulvi turns it into earth elemental field, Deva Vahli into water elemental one etc. This strengthens the element it turned into and weakens its opposed element e.g. in a water-aligned battlefield Fire minions are weaker and water minions stronger.

Advancing down the path behind the Maryen leads us to the Divine Tree.

I think we broke something.

And with that Totoyamu fades out of existence. I think we have done something we shouldnt have. Lets head back into the village.

I promised nothing. I was in favor of calling this plan stupid.

Will do. But first Lets talk to her again.

The only places open to us are the Blacksmith, the Town Shop, Garais home and the Chiefs Estate. Lets stock up before heading to the Hall of Judgement.

Obviously Im here on behalf of the neighbourhood to tell you to stop smithing in the middle of the nights as no one can sleep. Anyway Yajako has no new goods for us. When trying to leave Kelmar comes rushing in.

You knew about it? I thought you were cool...

One last stop before the Hall of Judgement though: To the Town Shop.

I stock up on a few Mugworts and Liquors just to be sure and off we go.

Lets do this.

Unfortunaly we cant kick his ass. So lets see whats happening inside.

Ritual of sacrifice

So much for saving Garai. Were still stuck talking to the guardian.

Seems bright light didnt become him. Since we still cant get in we head back. Coincidently the whole town is open for exploration again. Lets see what the others thought about the light show.

Well everyone has turned to stone. Elrihm didn't seem to enjoy us ruining his house. Hell, I kinda like a few of the villagers even if a good deal were assholes

Lets check on Mahbu and hope she didnt suffer the same fate.

Poor Kelmar. Didnt make it in time to protect Mahbu.

Seems Mahbu is missing. Or at least she hasnt been turned to stone. First off we investigate the thing lying on the ground to our right.


Doesnt that look like...

Yep. Mahbu has been turned into a fairy or something. Poor Girl cant catch a break. At leasts its better than being turned to stone I guess.

Didnt she have to suffer enough? Poor girl...

Pretty much.

And with that the ghost of Garai vanishes.

The Coat of Riketz is a universal upgrade and even shows up on the character model.
Next Time
Levant, the last survivor of Syrus Village, heads into the Moth Forest.