Part 148: Orlanth and Aroka
JosephWongKS posted:
This absolutely cracks me up.
Translation: Have fun with the rest of this event chain, guys!
I sacrifice in hopes of getting Blast Earth, because this is an even bigger fuck-you than raiding your enemies if you do it during Sea or Earth.
It's Storm Season, which means it's time to perform Harvar and Aroka. Sorry Kulbrast, but even with your Excellent combat, Harvar is Heroic, and this event involves some huge Combat checks and...well, yeah. (Harvar is also better at magic, and magic skill helps with pretty much evey heroquest)
20 Wolves came to help, and of course, we're going for treasure.
The Ernalda priestess says the words that Ernalda once said to Orlanth. "Only one person is doing this, but I have refrained from telling you, dear husband, because I know that you honor kinship so much." Harvar speaks the words of Orlanth, and bids her to continue. "At your command, oh husband, I will instigate kinstrife. It is your nephew who is the cause of our woe. Your sister's son is drying my yields and starving the world. His name is Daga, and he is the son of Molanni, your niece."
-"I have fought with my brothers already, and most of my nephews as well. For you, sweet wife, I will go and speak to him, and then I will threaten him, and then I will curse him, and then I will drive him off or kill him."
-"I have fought with my brothers already, and most of my nephews as well. For you, sweet wife, I will go and speak to him, and then I will threaten him, and then I will curse him, and then I will drive him off or imprison him."
-"Once, there was no Chaos in the world, and no death in the world. Kinstrife was bad, but not as bad as it is now. Maybe the fight with Daga is what allowed Chaos and death to come in the first place. I must find another way."
The legends may be of use here.