The Let's Play Archive

King of Dragon Pass

by Haifisch

Part 176: Making Of The Storm Tribe 2

Alright, we're improving our political abilities on top of the free quest reward of being able to make a tribe, and we're catching that wheel in a net. Solid plan, team.

So Elmalandti wanders again, until he finds Yinkin, who is head of the Cat Clan. Yinkin says, "My clan is badly pressed by the Plant Tribe, which fights us for our hunting ground. If you fight them and beat them, I will join your tribe." Elmalandti faces the Plant Tribe champions, Rustling Veins and Sharp Green.

-Fight both of them.
-Fight Rustling Veins, let Yinkin fight the other.
-Fight Sharp Green, let Yinkin fight the other.
-Go find Lhankor Mhy.
-Leave the realm of the gods.
-"My new tribe will crush you if you do not retreat, plants!"

The legends may be useful here.