The Let's Play Archive

King of Dragon Pass

by Haifisch

Part 57: Ernalda Feeds The Tribe 2

Dorasa knows that many things which seem to be dead are really just hiding in the earth. Daga has dried up many things, and so the usual holes in the earth are gone. Dorasa needs to find a new way of making a hole. So Dorasa goes to Ernalda's grandchildren, the Aldryami, and asks them for one of their seeds. "You abandoned us, Ernalda, and joined our enemies, the meat-men. These meat-men, this new tribe of yours, they are forest-killers. And those who kill forests kill us."

-Convince them you are no traitor
-Leave the realm of the gods
-Offer them a gift of magic
-Remind them that they are your grandchildren
-Tell them that Daga's drought will affect them, too

The legends may or may not be helpful.