Part 80: Humakt the Champion 1

Heroquesting time! Surely Harvar can go the distance, especially since we actually prepared for a heroquest this time.

The people have gathered their magic to help propel Harvar into the place of the gods, with the assistance of 20 Wolves.
Blah blah summary of the heroquest blah blah possible rewards blah blah TREASURE. Also, how nice of the Wolves to come help this time.

Harvar finds himself in the realm of the gods, where he witnesses a terrible scene: the disreputable stickpicker Eurmal slinks out of a cave and stabs a defenseless old man in the back with a special sword. Harvar knows that this man is called Grandfather Mortal. He knows that there is a war between gods in progress, and that until now people who get stabbed have been hurt, but have not died. However, this weapon that Eurmal wields is the new weapon called Death, and it will forever change the world.
-Flatter Eurmal, then take the sword when his guard is down.
-Leave the realm of the gods.
-Politely ask Eurmal to give the sword to you.
-Continue without Death.
-Taunt Eurmal so he attacks you, then wrestle the sword from him.
-Wait for Eurmal to show the sword to you.
The legends may be of use here.