Part 43: 1333: Rainbows
Hermetian posted:
Could we have gotten a better outcome by doing the quest the way it was supposed to be done, or was that the best outcome we could have hoped for?
No clue! We definitely got our treasure, though, and it's one of the best treasures available from the quest. It's no Splendorbread (+1 magic annually) but it's pretty nice.

Anyway, I decided to continue our treasure-acquisition spree, and have sent Korstardos off to retrieve us something nice from our friendliest neighbors, the Rangdani.

Carls of your clan are excited to see a rainbow touch down in one of your fields. As Orlanthi, you are Storm People, and there are few omens as positive as a rainbow, the beautiful gift left by the gods in the wake of a storm. It means we are due a time of good luck.
Do nothing.
Embark on a Raid.
Pursue trade opportunities.
Make friends with another clan.
Thank the gods with a sacrifice.