Part 437: 1363: Sacred Time

They seem friendly now. I guess we'll not be being constantly attacked by extremely weak Horse-Spawn any more.

It's good to know the Zenthoring are willing to take up the slack.

And that they're incredibly weak.

Magic spend, prophecy received, and we're away!

Enent returns with terrible news. When exploring to the southwest, the exploratory party was ambushed by gigantic bull-men. They captured the party and declared them thralls. They let Enent go, in order to warn the clan that those lands are under the protection of the great Ironhoof, and any who come there will be taken as thralls.
Let the matter go.
Promise not to trespass on their territory if they return their prisoners.
Send a war party to rescue the prisoners.
Send a war party to take bull-men hostage; then swap prisoners.
Warn other clans not to go to beastfolk territory.