Part 471: 1369: The Great Peace Summit

Garstal's idea seems popular! The kings have agreed to form a three-tribe town with us.

To pass the time while they get their stuff together, I invaded the black rock clan.

Should have cast the spell, and then challenged me, numbnuts.

Did we just steal their entire tula? Sweet!

The kings of the Colymar and Dundealos tribes agree to join with you in building a town. What do you do before building the town?
Conduct a divination.
Do nothing.
Sacrifice to Issaries, god of markets.
See too it that members of your tribe profit from the building efforts.

I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say that we'll get to name this town--and Garstalingrad seems a popular choice!

Twelve letters maximum? Aww.
Also, don't forget I've started another avatar contest! Make up a fake random event, including picture, options, and ring advice to enter! I'll give you... I dunno. Until the 14th, a Sunday. Get crackin!