Part 96: 1337: Woodland Ambush

I guess I lot a little greedy? It wasn't very far up the gauge!
I'm sure they'll come around after we raid them a few more times.

One of your carls, Grivton, was injured while helping clear a forested patch of the tula. Neither he nor his companion saw the assailant; although they were sober and alert. The arrow is simpler than the ones used by your people. It's crafted from a single piece of wood, and is unusually sharp. Apart from tending Grivton's wounds, what do you do?
Perform a curse-lifting ritual on Grivton.
Perform a ritual of divination to determine the assailant.
Sacrifice to the gods for protection from the unseen foes.
Send out a war party to search for the assailant.
Step up patrols.