Part 12: Day 23: Silent Companion
New Music: Xemnus
Music: Sacred Moon
In the comic the "WINNER" stick isn't rare and the prize is shown right away (it's more ice cream). In the game they made such a big deal out of what the prize is and I don't think it's ever revealed. It's probably icy friendship. Or creamed friendship.
Link panels are where the puzzle part of panel management come from.
The Double has a 4 next to it, just like the Block has a 2 next to it. You can't change the shape of it. For Block we don't have anything to use to link to it, but for Doublecast we can link any magic to it. All magic linked to Doublecast gives 2 casts. So the 3 Fires linked gives 2 cast each while the rest give 1 cast, so we can cast Fire 8 times in this configuration.
With 6 casts, we don't need ethers. Linking is very useful, but it can be hard to make all of them fit.
The Loaded Gear's description is Transforms your weapon and boosts your Magic to give it more power. It gives +9 strength, +12 magic, +2 critical %, and +1 critical bonus. The Skill gear gives +5 strenth and +3 critical %. Obviously we're equipping it.
The Keyblade itself is just a recolor of the previous one. The ground combo is back to 3 hits but the air combo remains 2.
(Obtained: Blazing Shard)
I swear, we're there's worlds beside Twilight Town and TWNTW in this game!
Music: Lazy Afternoons
Music: Sinister Sundown
We can go to the Side Street and Station Heights, but neither spots have the target Heartless.
There are just these Heartless. Best to use physical attacks on them since we're not going to get chain bonus for exploded bombs.
We can access the Underground Passage from the street. All the (used to be) colored gates are open. I don't think the (used to be and now still) uncolored gates are going to open all game. Oh, and both of these has potions.
The Poison Plant is in the Tunnel.
Its only attack is a bullet seed that can't be blocked but easily dodged. The attack deals half of Roxas' HP because Proud Mode. The report says that it also has an attack for close-range but I didn't see it.
It has more HP than Guardian but it's easier to deal since Fire is effective. You can burn it, but it can blind you (both happened in that picture).
Trying to block the bullet seed gets me into Limit Break area which allow me to conserve Fire. Which is good because on the way back plenty of Dire Plants spawned.
Xion hasn't been revealed to use the Keyblade yet. She only uses magic in this mission. It's still strange that enemies killed by her releases gray hearts, though.
Good thing we have Fire here, right? It doesn't matter that much since remember when I said we can't examine anything except chests when there's enemies? It turns out we can RTC while there's enemies there, too. So that's nice.
Xion went into the portal. Roxas went away from the portal.
Music: At Dusk, I Will Think of You...
KH 358/2=179 Days of Falling Salty Diabetes
Twilight Station Tower: 7
Sea-Salt Ice Cream: 13
Music: Crossing the Finish Line
The Sign of Resolve is an accessory. We can only equip one of them at a time and the stat boost is listed right there.
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